I take the earth to wander

Chapter 14 White Star Assets Committee

Gunshots continued to come like popping beans.

The fire began to spread in the lower area.

The rebel army composed of countless poor brothers, with rifles in hand, rushed towards the passage leading to the upper area.

Surrounding the passage, the decayed guards guarded the passage with their machine guns frightened.

Obviously these guards are the one with the superiority in firepower, but facing the tide of workers and the bullets flying from time to time, they are frightened, as if they will drop their machine guns and run away at any time.

For them, it is natural to have a hand in taking food and cards, and bullying the residents of the lower districts.

But if they really risked their lives to fight, they would turn into shrinking turtles one by one.

Facing the poor brothers with high morale, knowing how to use machine guns to suppress firepower is already the limit of courage.

Not surprisingly, it won't take long for them to completely disintegrate and give up the passage to the rebels.

Until, the huge humanoid giant soldier descended.

According to legend, the Giant God Soldier is the ultimate weapon bestowed by the gods.

It is also by relying on the Giant God Soldiers that the nobles can maintain their rule from generation to generation, no matter how corrupt and backward they are, they still firmly hold power.

With a bang, the Giant God Soldier who descended from the upper level to the lower level trampled the dozen or so poor brothers of the rebels who charged at the front into a pulp.

Completely ignoring the bullets coming from all directions.

These bullets hit the Giant God Soldier's body, and it was even worse than being bitten by a mosquito, completely unable to break through the defense.

At the same time, the giant god soldier raised his huge arm, and shot a fiery ray from the back of his hand.

The rays on the backs of both hands violently slashed across the ground, directly burning the ground into fiery magma, and at the same time directly carbonizing all life that it encountered.

As a result, countless rebels, unable to even utter a scream, turned into black charcoal.

The guards who were hiding in the back immediately cheered up their morale.

And the poor brothers of the resistance army, under the massacre of the giant god soldiers, could only be transferred in pieces.

As a result, a vigorous uprising failed under the suppression of the Giant God Soldiers in an instant.

More giant soldiers entered the lower area.

The high-spirited guards, under the pressure of the giant god soldiers, began to search the entire lower area.

The doors of every house and every household were smashed open. It is more appropriate to say that it is a search, but it is more appropriate to say that it is a robbery.

People who had nothing to do with the rebels were dragged out as suspicious elements and killed in the street.

As the saying goes, it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go.

There were even officers from the upper levels who came down to direct the raids, shouting the slogan that stones must be overfire and people must be changed.

Anyway, the population in the paradise has long been overpopulated, and it would be good to kill a batch of them to make room.

Lin Xu landed about 100 kilometers away from the ecological dome.

On a planetary scale, that's pretty close to the Ecodome.

But on a specific geographical scale, Lin Xu couldn't see the ecological dome from here anyway.

Even less concerned about what happened over there.

For Lin Xu, there are only some descendants of bionics living there.

But after tens of thousands of years of evolution, it is difficult for those descendants to say what relationship they have with bionics, let alone humans.

Or call them White Stars, which is more accurate.

That being the case, it is better for each to live in peace.

Although the drone detected some information, such as chaotic crowds, violent gunshots and flames.

But the priority of this information is too low. Unless Lin Xu asks actively, Taiyin will not take the initiative to report to Lin Xu.

After all, none of this matters.

Unless it is information related to Lin Xu's safety, or information related to the curvature engine factory or anti-gravity equipment factory, it will be actively reported to Lin Xu.

Not just any information is eligible to be presented to Lin Xu immediately.

And even if Lin Xu knew about the chaos in the ecological dome, he would not interfere in other people's internal affairs without knowing the reason.

After all, as a higher level of civilization, it is bad to interfere with the development of lower civilizations at will.

Lin Xu didn't feel that he could be superior and dictate the internal affairs of other civilizations.

Even in the ecological dome, the descendants of the human beings, the descendants of the bionics, live thousands of years ago.

But after tens of thousands of years of independent development, they are now actually an independent civilization.

Wearing power armor, Lin Xu stepped out of the shuttle.

There is sufficient oxygen on the white star, which is why humans chose to build curvature engine factories and anti-gravity equipment factories here.

Therefore, Lin Xu does not need to use the compressed oxygen that comes with the power armor. He only needs to filter the oxygen from the outside to breathe directly.

Lin Xu took Miss Qiu and walked forward according to the map displayed on the helmet.

And around Lin Xu, there are countless self-discipline machines in various forms, surrounding Lin Xu, they are guards, and they are also on standby.

Soon, Lin Xu came to the top of the main control room where the curvature engine factory was located, which was recorded in the materials obtained a hundred years ago.

The underground here is where the main control room of the curvature engine factory is located.

After confirming the location, following Lin Xu's order, the autonomous machines following Lin Xu immediately began to combine with each other and assemble into different earth-drilling mechanical equipment.

Drill toward the ground.

Accompanied by the rumbling and shaking of the earthquake, the drilling machine quickly went deep into the ground.

Lin Xu stood on the edge of the big pit, carefully guarding.

No one knows what kind of defenses humans left behind thousands of years ago.

Although the intruders are self-disciplined machines of the same language, there is no guarantee that the factory's security system will open fire immediately.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

Soon, a request for communication came from deep underground.

The ground drilling machine headed straight for the main control room, obviously alarming the factory's security system.

But the other party did not fight back immediately, but instead requested communication.

Lin Xu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately accepted the request.

"This is where the humans on Earth belong, the White Star Assets Committee. I am an advanced artificial intelligence quantum computer, code-named White Star, who manages the curvature engine factory and the anti-gravity equipment factory. Please explain your purpose."

In fact, Lin Xu had already discussed with Taiyin, Yinghuo and Qiming before that the curvature engine factory and anti-gravity factory on the White Star are of such great significance to human beings.

When humans left, it is likely that quantum computers with advanced artificial intelligence were also left here as administrators.

But this is just a guess.

Now, this guess has been confirmed.

PS: New books are not easy, please follow up and recommend, thank you

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