I Play Cards In Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 708: Duelist League

Before the sky could light up, the street outside the window was empty, and even half a person could not be seen on the empty and dark street.

Even before the alarm went off, Xuelang jumped up from the bed...or to be more precise, he didn't sleep a night.

Because today is the day when the five-day maintenance of Link World ends and the new version is launched.

Five days! I haven't seen You Yusang for five days!

Do you know that I have been here for five days?

This week, Xuelang simply didn't want to eat tea, and couldn't sleep well if he didn't eat well. There is no motivation to watch dramas after watching, and other games are becoming more and more boring. Even the girls with 5 Ts in the hard disk seem to be boring.

A game without You Yusang is not interesting at all.

And today, finally ushered in the end of this tormented time. Because the much-anticipated Link World 2.0, the version corresponding to the animation "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX", is finally going online!

Xuelang forced himself to lie down on the bed until the early morning, and jumped up before he could open the service. He finished washing at the speed of light, stuffed a few slices of dry bread into his mouth for breakfast, and then sat in the game cabin impatiently, counting seconds for the new version to arrive.

He clicked on the "Login" button almost as soon as it lit up. The system was activated, and the interface in front of him changed instantly, as if he was involved in a bottomless tunnel. Countless light spots merged into a river flowing by him, and he felt like a leaf drifting with the current, following the current to a new world.

"Welcome back, duelist." The system's voice rang softly in his ear. Although he hadn't seen him for five days, he only felt that the voice was very kind.

The footsteps landed on the ground again, and he quickly felt that the control of his body was returned to his hands.

Although it was strange to say that, he actually smelled a familiar smell from this virtual world.

As always, the ultra-realistic experience, even the five senses are perfectly restored to the sky-defying game effect. Many people have suggested that if "Link World" is not a card game, but an action game with special effects and HTC scenes, the response may be greater.

Xuelang completely disapproved of this, and even felt incomprehensible.

What does an action game mean? Everyone is wielding knives and guns, shooting and slashing like savages. Is there any interest in playing cards?

The best card game in the world!

According to the preview before the "Link World 2.0" update, players know that this new version is about six years after they went offline - that is, five years after the end of the dark side theatrical version of the dimension.

Although the original work of "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX" clearly stated that it happened after the end of the DM animation, the issue of the year has always been controversial.

Although the background setting says that nearly ten years have passed since the end of the DM, there are many places in the animation plot that conflict with this setting. Therefore, the story of GX has been debated for many years after Wang Sang left.

However, although the background of Link World is based on animation, it is not 100% consistent with animation, so there is no controversy. The 2.0 version clearly stated that it was six years after the 1.0 version, and it has entered the GX period.

Of course, this is not Xuelang's concern for the time being.

He went online to check where he was, and immediately rushed to the Dream Card Shop, looking for his and You Yusana's transcendence of time and space.

But he didn't expect what he would see there.

Six years later, the store is still there - it even looks better and more gorgeous than six years ago, but at the same time it makes Xuelang feel unfamiliar.

Although the big characters "Dream Card Shop" are still hanging on the door, this is actually no longer a card shop. It must be said that this place may now be closer to...  


A museum with the theme of "How the Dueling King Was Made".

There are no cards at all inside, and the entire store has been completely overturned and rebuilt. Now there are sculptures of various masked heroes in the store, as well as models of black magician girls who are standing at the door like a welcome reception.

In the window on both sides against the wall, there are various magazines related to the duel king, and there are also spiritual tools that are said to be made by himself (although the shapes look like figures that cheat the dead house for money).

The most eye-catching place is a luxurious projection screen, which shows the highlights of the duel Wang Youyu.

Xuelang can't help but think of 221B Baker Street in London.

From the biographies here and the content shown on the big screen, Xuelang quickly knew what they had missed in the past six years.

After DM's story ended, the world did not become calm. On the contrary, although there are no more world-destroying bosses like Olihagang and the Great Evil God Sok, the dueling monster spirits have become more and more active as a whole.

Some experts speculate that it may be that the previous supernatural phenomena have loosened the link between the dueling monster spirit world and the human world, and the connection between the two dimensions is becoming closer every day.

It's now easier than ever to visualize dueling monster spirits, and research shows that more duelists have the power to "see monster spirits" - but most seem to be based on Young people mainly.

More and more duelists have awakened their extraordinary abilities, and the overall strength of the dark duelists in the underground world is also increasing day by day. Dueling monsters seem to be gradually becoming ubiquitous, and people are accepting their existence in a relatively benign way.

At this point, it is still the president of Kaima Seto who is known as a deep poker addict who has never met in 3000 years.

Strange to say. It is said that President Haima initially sneered at the supernatural phenomenon of "monster spirit", and also publicly expressed his opinion that the spirit and so on were imagined by those metaphysical duelists and did not exist at all.

However, for some reason, one day, the president of Haima suddenly changed his personality. He not only announced that the scientific research revealed that elves really exist, but even spent a lot of cost and energy to promote and help the public accept the concept of monster elves. Existence, using the power of the hippocampus group to build a world framework for the friendly coexistence of humans and elves...

Xuelang is surprised by the transformation of the deep scientific superstitious Seahorse Seto.

Could it be that Haima suddenly picked up an elf wife one day, and it has been really fragrant since then?

However, challenges and opportunities coexist, and the common appearance of elves naturally cannot only bring friendly partners, but also dangerous enemies.

In the past six years, there have been cases of various monsters and spirits causing chaos from time to time. Some of them are the abuse of the power of the elves by wicked duelists, and some are the berserk of the elves themselves.

For example, in the past six years, the riot that attracted the most attention and was also the largest in scale was triggered by a demon named "Three Phantom Demons".

Five years ago, the God of Flame Emperor Uriah appeared in the coastal area of ​​the island country, causing quite a turmoil. But it didn't take long for the duel king Youyu to appear in person, commanding the phantom **** "Sky Dragon of Osiris", who looked like a twin brother to Uriah, to blast it and suppress the runaway phantom.

Xuelang saw the scene from the TV screen. Although the shooting camera shakes badly and the shots are not very clear, people can still feel the terrifying aura of the phantom **** Osiris through the TV screen...

...and the obedience of phantoms.

That's right, from the moment the sky dragon appeared, Uriah, who was still arrogant and arrogant just now, immediately persuaded, and grimaced and shrank to the side.

Sky Dragon seemed to be very angry with his own fake and inferior product. A superconducting wave hit Uriah on the ground, and he roared as if to say—

——You put it on for me again!

You're a toad jumping off a cliff—wanting to pretend to be Batman?

Uriah is wronged Baba: Big brother calm down, the unscrupulous card merchant consortium K insists on putting on a big brother's vest to get hot and cheating money, I'm also very desperate!

Although phantoms are also very powerful elves, there is a big difference in the combat power that can be exerted by domestic elves with duelists as their masters and wild elves who are lonely. The sky dragon is controlled by You Yu, and Uriah is a wild one, so there is no suspense in the end.

In less than three minutes, the God of Flame Emperor Uriah was successfully suppressed and sealed by the duel Wang Youyu.

A year later, Uriah's brothers, "The King of Thunder Harmon" and "The King of Illusions, Rabiere" both appeared, suspected of wanting to find a place for the brother who was sealed last year.

When the two phantoms appeared, it was called a landslide, the earth cracked, the sun and moon were dark, the sky was thundering and lightning, and the city seemed to be in an earthquake.

The government immediately evacuated the people and blocked the relevant area, and sent top-secret special duelists to deal with it. However, ordinary elves cannot pose a threat to demons of the phantom level at all, and the special duelists will be defeated after three consecutive battles.

In the end, it was Seto Kaiba who arrived in time in his iconic "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and summoned his legendary elf "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Duel Wang Youyu also came along with him, calling out the "opposite hero Chaos" to help out.

Then the first-generation duel king Muto Games who happened to be present at the time also came forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and summoned the legendary elf "Black Magician".

It is worth mentioning that although the "millennium building blocks" dug out by Haima's grave no longer live in the king's soul, the building blocks themselves are still artifacts of the millennium.

And this artifact left in the world seems to recognize Muto Game as the master, giving him the extraordinary power that is second to none in the entire underground world.

The blue-eyed white dragon, the black magician, and the opposite hero, the three powerful elves worked together to defeat the two masterless phantoms and successfully seal them into cards.

There are rumors that the top-secret department of the military at that time took a fancy to the strength of the three legendary duelists present and threw an olive branch to them.

Officer Fujino, who was in charge of recruiting at that time, persuaded earnestly that the world was facing turmoil, and there would be more and more similar crises. One day you will encounter a crisis that no single duelist can solve, and you must unite to solve the threat...

But Game, Haima, and You Yu did not want to cooperate with the army, nor were they willing to be bound by the rules, so they all refused.

However, Haima thought about it and felt that the other party's statement seemed to make sense. So with a big wave of his hand, he recruited You Yu and Games on the spot as a friend, and decided to fund the establishment of an organization called "Duelers Alliance" to deal with the biggest supernatural crisis...


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