It seems that there is no obstacle in the world that can hide her.

Little Irene closed her eyes, she "saw" it, "saw" everything that had happened.

The psychic begins.

"This monastery was created by the medieval nil;yi, ?seven""ba.! ;;,,ba:lin'qi':flow.yi:"


?: Built by a duke, the duke of Sincada, who wrote many articles about the witchcraft rituals he used to summon the powers of hell. "


Corpses, endless corpses of nuns are at the mercy of the ritual hall, calling the power of hell with a bloody magic circle.

"However, hell is evil after all, and he needs a large number of nun souls to continue listening to the whispers of hell.

Hell used him to create a portal to bring those unspeakable evil spirits to the world.

But the people of the church ransacked the castle, they prevented the evil spirits from hell, and they sealed the portal with the blood of Jesus in the ancient holy vessel. "

The army of the church rushed into the castle, they killed the Duke, and the cracks in the earth have been opened, and the endless evil breath is coveting the world from the ground.

A bishop held a sacred vessel and dripped a drop of Jesus' blood into the gap between the earth, sealing the passage between hell and the world.

"The church ruled the castle and established a monastery to start eternal prayers. In order to suppress evil spirits and protect the safety of the monastery, prayers have been effective for hundreds of years, and evil spirits have been sealed here.

Until the war, a shell hit the monastery, and because of this, the evil spirit took the opportunity to weaken the seal, if we want to seal the evil spirit again, we need..."

Irene opened her eyes suddenly, and looked at the statue of the Virgin under Father Burke's expectant eyes.

At this time, only the tip of the index finger of the statue of the Virgin is still shining brightly.

And the direction the fingertip is pointing.

"over there!"

Little Irene rushed to the side wall, and smashed the thick stone wall with one punch. Inside, a glass spherical sacristy was being enshrined there. Inside the sacristy, the blood of Jesus could still be seen. cross.

"Got it, Father."

Little Irene smiled and looked at Father Burke, but Father Burke took a step back in fright.

It's brutal!

Break through the wall with one punch!

Boxing champions aren't that good, are they?


Father Burke swallowed hard.


Father Burke was sure.

This girl must have been stimulated by something!

Chapter 168 Irene: I'm going to beat you to death today, you little bitch!

On Frankie's side, he was looking at the neighbor's children sadly.

The child was dying, but the disease was beyond the reach of the best doctor in the village.

All he could see was that the child's face was livid, his skin was chapped, his eyes became dark, and he let out a roar from time to time.

This is possessed by a demon!

Frankie and the villagers who came to visit were a little scared.

And Frankie is more certain because of the horror incident yesterday.

But so far apart, how could something happen?

Could it be that the curse over the monastery has started to spread?

Frankie looked in the direction of the monastery, thinking of that holy man, and prayed silently in his heart.

Must win, Father.

win? how to win

Noah felt that his wave was really careless.

This devil's special meow didn't play his cards according to common sense, and showed up directly!

If the demons of hell want to appear in the world, they must either open a passage to the world or possess humans.

But the ghost nun is still in the seal, so she can only choose to possess herself if she wants to show up.

However, because Noah took the Bible from Noah's side, the ghost nun herself has undergone some changes.

Well, this change is not very friendly to Noah and the others.

Maybe because she knew how powerful Noah was, that's why the ghost nun came up with a silence package, and Noah had no power to fight back.

I apply for a fair fight!

Looking at the ghost nun who was sticking to him in the altar, Noah expressed that he did not want to fall into hell.

But at some point, the altar turned into a small lake, which is more convenient for the ghost nun to show up.

Then the ghost nun began to chant softly, the stimulation of the body was really not comparable to the possession, so that the ghost nun even forgot about the business.

Well, the main thing is to completely break the seal and drag Noah to hell.

As for the release of the seal, there will be a large number of evil spirits running into the world?

This ghost nun can't control it.

She is not afraid that there will be evil spirits robbing her of Noah. She is an extremely powerful demon herself, and after being nourished by the Noah brand Bible, she even feels that she can touch the big demon!

Then the ghost nun, who was excited about playing, was approached by a certain green forest.


There was a dull bang, accompanied by flying debris from the basement door, and a vague sense of oppression squeezed the entire basement.

It was Erin.

Behind him was Father Burke, who was running around with his head in his arms.

Father Burke is now completely dumbfounded.

He saw with his own eyes that this little nun punched a wall, a wraith, and anything that dared to stand in front of her, this girl smashed it with a single punch.

It's brutal!

How can there be such an exorcist?

Aren't we Faye?

However, little Irene didn't care about Father Burke's complaints, and she "saw" her lover being bullied again!

So little Irene has fully activated her psychic physique at this moment.

I'm going to beat you to death today, you little bitch!

Little Irene's pretty face became hideous, and when she came in, she saw the ghost nun playing with Noah in the water.

Little Erin felt that her head was getting heavier.

And the ghost nun also became extremely angry because her good deed was disturbed.

Ghost nun, little Irene.

The two looked at each other from a distance, and both understood.

You and me, there can only be one!


Although little Irene has not learned any fighting skills, her current physique only needs to be broken with strength.

However, little Irene still underestimated the strength of the ghost nun, and she couldn't hit her fist just in front of the ghost nun.

The ghost nun also smiled ferociously.

Even if she can't completely break through the seal and come to the world, even if she can't fully demonstrate her strength, even if she is incomplete, this nun cannot face it alone.

But the ghost nun who was thinking about how to kill little Irene seemed to have forgotten someone.

"I ask God! I ask Jesus Christ!"

In the distance, Father Burke held up the cross and began to pray for exorcism.

Hearing this disgusting prayer, the ghost nun felt bad for an instant. Just as she was about to stop Father Burke, she was stopped by little Irene.

I really can't face you alone, but you don't need to talk about morals when dealing with demons.

Let's stand together shoulder to shoulder!

"I beg you, ruler of the world!

In the name of God!

In the name of the Holy Spirit!

Holy fire! come! ! ! "

"Bearing blazing!!!"

Fire, holy fire.

The monstrous fire descended on the entire empty basement in an instant. However, the holy flame would not cause any harm to humans, but would only show its torture side to demons.


As the fire spread, the ghost nun was naturally unable to survive. Father Burke, who was blessed by Noah, approached the holy fire that Noah, a saint, prayed at close range, as if to purify all evil in the world.

The ghost nun was not reconciled.

I can not be reconciled! ! !

Once she retreats, the seal will be sealed again, and under the illumination of the holy fire, the seal will probably become stronger than ever, and it will be difficult for her to figure it out again.

At this time, with the help of the holy fire, Nuo Yan also broke free from the shackles of the ghost nun's power, secretly relieved, and was about to completely drive the ghost nun back to hell, but the ghost nun suddenly stared at him at this moment.

Noah: "???"

The fiery and madness in the ghost nun's eyes at this time made Noah a little furious.

You, what do you want to do?

Noah is about to come and make a big one.

"Hallelu huh..."

Noah was held hostage again, and his little mouth was gagged.

Well, as for how it got blocked.

Children don't know so much!


Little Irene's eyes were tearing apart, and just as she was about to rush over, she was sent flying by the ghost nun's last burst and hit the wall, and Father Burke was also thrown out of the basement.


Little Irene hated her powerlessness so much that she vomited blood after falling to the ground.

Noah was "no no no no" and was sunk into the seal together with the ghost nun.

The ghost nun wants to live together with Noah!

However, just halfway through the sinking, the ghost nun noticed something was wrong.

"Wait! You can't do this! You can't!!!"

Noah was pushed out of the seal in an instant, but the ghost nun was stuck in the seal and desperately wanted to climb out, but there seemed to be something dragging her under the seal.

"NO! Annabelle!!!"

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