I Don’t Want to Win Lying Down

Chapter 350: Xiaoman's amazing discovery

Arranged with the old class to hold an open class at the alma mater of the high school next Monday. It is not so much an open class as it is a soul torture on the playground of the younger brothers and sisters. A new school-wide journey of autism is taking place. Brewing.

Lin Yishan didn't know how tragic his decision was. He only knew that Xu Mang was one of his most promising students. I'm sorry...none of them. He doesn't accept any refutation.

Xu Mang talked about his own life experience in front of the whole school. He should be able to produce chemical reactions to many students. In the past, a student who was the last to last in the whole grade suddenly became neurotic. He sprang up and sped. Just rush out of Asia to the world.

"What are you smirking?" Yang Xiaoman glanced at the idiot next to him. Since he finished the call, he was almost like a big idiot, knowing that he laughed constantly: "I said you are stupid?"

"I will go back to my alma mater in Ning City next week?" Xu Mang asked.

"Eh?" Yang Xiaoman was taken aback, nodded and said: "Well...it just so happens that I also went to see, although the relationship with Yizhong is not deep, but..."

Words fall,

Yang Xiaoman hugged Xu Mang and said lovingly, "Because of this school of No. 1 Middle School, we can walk together."


The sour smell of love is in the air.

Passerby A: Convex (艹艹艹)

Passerby B: convex (艹艹艹)

Passers-by in the past saw this scene and made a strong contempt and condemnation against the two people in their hearts.

So shameless,

Such a thing was actually done under the public.

The next day,

Yang Xiaoman ran to class, while Xianyu Xu Mang was still lying in bed, calculating when his paper "The Use Value of Quasi-Periodic Oscillation Signals in Black Holes" was published, and it is estimated that it will be published this month.

as predicted,

Xu Mang was thinking about the publication, and the next second he received an email from "NaturePhysics", the content was still old.

The four SCI papers have an impact factor of more than 120. If calculated according to the impact factor, you can almost graduate more than 100 PhDs, right?

By the way,

Is a gravitational wave detection laboratory under construction?

Xu Mang hasn't paid attention to the laboratory's development for a long time. He only knows that his father-in-law and second grandfather are participating in the whole process. As the main person in charge of the future laboratory, Xu Mang does not know what the progress is.

"Forget it...it's useless to know anyway." Xu Mang simply pretended to be dead, and could mix day by day.

after that,

Xu Mang got up and took a brief wash, and used Xiaoman’s computer to check the number of citations in his papers. Among them, "Electron-Proton Synergy Theory" was used the most, and the second was "On the Superconductivity of Lanthanum Hydride" However, there are very few papers on the law of conservation of information on black holes.

of course,

Xu Mang's are few, but in the eyes of others, they are beyond the reach of the dust.

Later, Xu Mang noticed some facts that made him more helpless, the statistics of the world's paper citation rate, the paper citation rate is a measure of the recognition of a country's scientific research documents by other countries or institutions.

But... the data is not very beautiful.

As a newcomer in the field of scientific research and education, Xu Mang couldn't explain this phenomenon. He didn't want to learn too much, so as not to fall into a whirlpool. Some problems are thunder pools. After entering, he is either dead or disabled.

At this time,

Xu Mang took out a document from his bag. This was a scientific research project given by Professor Park when he was wandering around Nantah University. Although it was entered by routines, it is estimated that Professor Park would be desperate, otherwise he would not be arrogant. Professor, deceive people in this way.

Reading the basic performance requirements of the key components above, Xu Mang’s head suddenly grew a lot. Let’s not mention this extremely low temperature requirement. It also has good strength and tightness, impact resistance, and vibration resistance under hot and cold cycles. Sex has already broken people.

In the back, the cold and heat shrinkage coefficient should be small, no thermal stress will be generated, and insulation properties must be maintained, and no breakage should occur.

In short,

According to the current technological environment, this research project is simply impossible.

But it's different now.

Xu Mang felt that it was time to launch this project and earn a little money to buy a luxury car for Xiaoman. Didn't she want the high-end and high-end Bentley coupe?

The research and development of a material database based on quantum mechanics, coupled with the addition of quantum analysis software, should be able to meet the material performance requirements on the document, but... I don't have any staff, so I need to recruit two talents.

Thinking about going,

Finally, I found two students from the Department of Materials, Lin Wanwan and Liu Zhuo, who developed the database together.


The other party seems to be very busy.


"This money can only be earned by himself." Xu Mang stretched out, he burst his liver all day long, and the liver would not be able to stand it one day, right?


"Auntie...Can you buy me some liver-protecting tablets?" Xu Mang called Mother Yang and said cheerfully, "Always stay up late...I'm afraid of liver problems."

Hearing Xu Mang's words,

Mother Yang became angry instantly, and educate Xu Mang: "Xiao Xu, you can't do this. You can't always stay up late. Look at your uncle. You just stay up all night to get out of things and eat a piece made by Xiaoman. Braised pork is directly food poisoning, stay up late as little as possible!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"My aunt's education is right." Xu Mang smiled: "Can you buy some liver-protecting tablets for me?"

"Do not worry!"

"My aunt will definitely help you finish the things you confessed. Now I will ask my secretary to order for you. I will buy the best liver protection tablets for you, and will be shipped directly by Lu Yuan by air!" Don't care how much money is needed.

In short,

Xiaoman's family all mastered the ability of money.

hang up the phone,

Xu Mang happily lay in the bed and waited until the liver protection tablets arrived before working.


The next day,

Xu Mang got his liver protection tablets with a dazed expression, and heard from his uncle's driver that it was transported by air through a special channel.


It's poverty that limits my imagination.

Without any choice,

Xu Mang returned to Xiaoman's dormitory, and ate two pills, and then silently contacted his roommates who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

The result... was scolded by the other three.

"Fuck! Xu Mang...you really think of us at last? I found that seeing you is much harder than seeing the professor." Jiang Bo's angry voice reached Xu Mang's ears, making Xu Mang a little bit uncomfortable. Sorry.


Since Xiaoman's roommate moved out, it seems that this is his dormitory.


"Tomorrow my girlfriend's birthday, do you want to sit in the box?" Jiang Bo asked.


"It's inappropriate for me to go to such a noisy place." Xu Mang rejected Jiang Bo's kindness: "I am Professor Xu now. I can't go to some places. I'm sorry to be photographed."

"Oh!" Jiang Bo suddenly realized: "I forgot this, too...you can't come to this kind of place, uh...have time to get together, brothers miss you a little bit."

"it is good!"

"Make an appointment to gather together," Xu Mang said.

hang up the phone,

Xu Mang packed up his things and went directly to the computer department building.

After borrowing the key to the supercomputer from the director of the Department of Computer Science Xia Qingxia, Xu Mang began his own experiment, first using the classic version of the system, adding performance requirements to the materials, and intelligent synthesis.


The intelligent synthesis software is really smart, and it tells Xu Mang that there is no target material yet.


"Even the software tells me it's impossible." Xu Mang retreated.


Xu Mang decided to search for relevant materials on several key properties.

The curing shrinkage rate should be low, the electrical insulation performance should be better, and the curing mechanical performance should be strong. These are several key performance indicators that Xu Mang can summarize at present. Then Xu Mang made intelligent synthesis based on his own summary.

Less than three seconds,

Directly eject a material, which is called fiber-reinforced composite plastic, commonly known as FRP.

Xu Mang: (°ー°〃)


Isn't this funny?

Bullying me do not understand the material?

Xu Mang hurriedly Baidu FRP and found that it is really similar, but there is a huge gap in the specific performance indicators, and there are even many performance requirements that are not, or limited by the material itself.

"It's over..."

"It's a tragedy." Xu Mang looked confused. He had no clue at this time. Finally, he returned to the dormitory and began a systematic analysis of the documents.

It is simply not realistic to let databases and artificial intelligence completely.

When I first arrived at the dormitory, I met Xiaoman, who also came back from class, but Xu Mang's attention was all attracted by the bunch of flowers in Xiaoman's hand.


"Someone gave it to me."


"Oh..." Xu Mang did not speak, and opened the door calmly.

Just when Xu Mang was analyzing the documents and trying to build a systematic framework from them, he saw Yang Xiaoman put this bunch of strangely sourced flowers in a vase.

"Men's and women's for you?"

"What do you care about so much?" Yang Xiaoman gave a white look and said angrily: "You never gave me flowers."

Xu Mang: 囧


This is indeed the case.


In the next period of time, Xu Mang developed a strong hostility towards this bunch of flowers. He didn't know why he was hostile to the flowers. Later, after careful study, he might be hostile to the flower giver.

Male female?

Is it tall or short?

Is it fat or thin?

"I'm going to take a shower, and you will end soon." Yang Xiaoman shouted at Xu Mang, and then walked to the bathroom.

at this time,

Xu Mang began to act, threw the flower on the ground, stomped on a few feet, then opened the window, and said to the bunch of broken flowers and leaves: "The garden below is yours. You should stay in your world, and enjoy to passers-by. Show your charm."

Xu Mang hesitated for a while, threw it out angrily, and said, "Get out!"


Xiaoman walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, and Xu Mang rushed into the bathroom without saying a word and started taking a bath.


"Where are my flowers?" Yang Xiaoman noticed that the vase was empty, and Xu Mang who was flushing in the bathroom asked, "Why are the flowers gone?"

"do not know."

"Maybe taken away by the cat."


Looking at the empty vase, Yang Xiaoman was speechless for a while, don't guess...this **** must have lost it.


At the thought of this, Yang Xiaoman's handsome little face blossomed with joy.

You have to ask carefully later!

When Xu Mang came out, he found that Xiaoman was already lying on the bed, and there was no nonsense. He silently got into the bed and turned his back to Yang Xiaoman.


This big idiot is jealous, does he keep silent?

Yang Xiaoman lay directly on Xu Mang, looked at him seriously, and asked, "Hey? Did you lose the flowers?"

"No!" Xu Mang shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~Really? "Yang Xiaoman said maliciously: "Dare you swear?" "

"What's not to dare to do?"

"If I lost it... Five thunderbolts will strike you!" Xu Mang swears solemnly.

Yang Xiaoman: ( ̄△ ̄;)


How does it feel weird?

and many more!

Yang Xiaoman said with a smirk: "You admit that you lost it, right?"

Xu Mang shook his head.

Yang Xiaoman saw that he was so angry and funny, he leaned into Xu Mang's ear and whispered, "Idiot, I bought it myself...Who told you to never give me away."


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