I Capture Everything as a Pet in the World of Martial Arts

Chapter 29: Hidden spirits in ruined temples in the wilderness

Lin Changqing took the things that Shu Ling brought back, and found that they were a few unregistered bank notes, an ingot of gold and a few ingots of silver, all of which were money!

Shuling knew that Lin Changqing was short of money, so he found the gold and silver from the strong man who was killed by it.

As for the other things on the strong man, they either had unique marks, or they were of little value to Lin Changqing, and it would be troublesome to take them, so Shu Ling gave up.

Lin Changqing was in a good mood. He stuffed these banknotes, gold and silver into the interspatial cloth bag. This interspatial cloth bag has been unsuccessful in capturing it all the time, and now it can only be used to decorate things.

At this time, the ugly time should have passed, and the broken net regained its ability to capture. Lin Changqing thought about it, but did not continue to capture the space bag.

When facing enemies like ghosts, Lin Changqing and other pets had no effective countermeasures except Shuling. Now he urgently needs a pet that can deal with enemies like ghosts.

With this idea in mind, Lin Changqing recalled some memorable and special experiences in Fengjia Town in his previous life.

At that time, he was only in his early ten years old, and sometimes he would go to the villages around Fengjia Town to graze cattle for the landlord's family.

Once, because he lost a cow, he missed the time to go back to the town to find the cow. It was dark before he drove to the town. Halfway there, it was completely dark.

At this time, the predecessor felt scared, and did not dare to continue to drive in the dark, so he ran to a small deserted temple not far from the road to spend the night.

His predecessor was very capable of surviving. He built a fire in the ruined temple, drove away snakes and insects with the sulfur powder he carried with him, found wood and bricks to block the big gap in the ruined temple, and built a safe shelter for himself. Place.

But in the middle of the night, the predecessor, who had already fallen asleep in a daze, heard the cry of "woo woo" from outside the temple, and the predecessor woke up instantly, knowing that he had encountered something unclean that the old man often said.

Just as the predecessor shivered in the corner, waiting for death to come, a crisp "jingle bell" sounded, and the crying outside the temple disappeared.

The predecessor did not sleep all night, and waited until the sky was bright and the sun came out, before carefully leaving the ruined temple. He found a small rusty bell under the only intact section of the roof of the ruined temple.

Perhaps out of awe and fear of the unknown, the predecessor did not touch the little bell. After leaving the ruined temple, the predecessor never went back.

But Lin Changqing felt that it should be the little bell that influenced the predecessor, so that the predecessor did not feel greedy for the little bell.

"After so many years, I don't know if the ruined temple and the magical little bell are still there!"

Lin Changqing's target was the little bell that was suspected to have the effect of exorcising ghosts and confusing minds. He rushed to Fengjia Town from his current location, and he would pass by the ruined temple, so he could just go and have a look.

With a goal in mind, Lin Changqing took Xiaohu and Xiaoqing to the ruined temple.

Without the pursuit of the enemy, Lin Changqing finally calmed down and experienced the excitement of walking outside late at night.

This original ecological world with aura is extremely rich in species, and a large number of nocturnal creatures come and go, making it very lively.

In addition to normal creatures, Lin Changqing also saw some weird things, which should be the unclean things he heard from the old people before.

These things are very dangerous to ordinary people, but they are not harmful to Lin Changqing, who is now full of vitality and mental strength.

Lin Changqing and the others just killed the ghosts and beat the zombies. Now he has gradually adapted to these supernatural things. When he encounters things that are not harmful to him, he ignores them and just keeps his head on his way.

Trying to walk along the spacious official road all the way, low-key on the road, without encountering any troubles, Lin Changqing took the pets, followed the memory of his predecessor, and successfully found the abandoned temple that saved his life many years ago.

The dilapidated temple in front of me was very small, only a solitary room, built of wood and stone, more than half of it had collapsed, leaving only a small half in front of it.

It was the season of lush vegetation, during which weeds were overgrown, and there were few people around, so few people came to disturb it.

Originally, this place should be a paradise for snakes, rats, insects and ants, but it is very quiet here, and there is no infestation by nocturnal creatures.

Lin Changqing saw the small bell hanging under the remaining eaves at a glance, gently swaying in the night wind, a faint spiritual force hit him, as if trying to affect his perception.

After being attacked by Li Gui several times, Lin Changqing's mental power became more tenacious and condensed, and this level of mental power attack had no effect on him.

"This little bell really has spirituality!"

Lin Changqing was very happy when he was attacked by the spiritual power of the little bell, which proved that his trip was not in vain.

Breaking the net seems to have a higher success rate of capturing something that has extraordinary spirituality, just like the book spirit and the space cloth bag.

The book spirit itself has a strong spirituality, and it was successfully captured once. However, the dead object of the space bag has no spirituality and has such a powerful ability to store things in space, but it failed to capture it many times.

Lin Changqing guessed that those things with a certain degree of spirituality should be able to sense the huge benefits of spirituality bestowed by the broken net to a certain extent~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so as to cooperate with the capture of the broken net and take the initiative to obtain this opportunity to change fate.

As for creatures and objects without spirituality, it depends entirely on probability, and there is no law to be found.

Lin Changqing took out the broken net and was about to catch the little bell under the eaves.

Through communicating with Shu Ling, Lin Changqing now knows that this broken net is invisible to creatures other than him!

Shuling's powerful spiritual perception ability can't perceive the existence of breaking the net.

Lin Changqing captured the book spirit in front of him. With the book spirit's strength, it could only perceive that Lin Changqing was using special abilities to enlighten the target.

The ability to break the net, in the eyes of the pets, is Lin Changqing's ability. In their concept, there is no such thing as breaking the net.

This discovery made Lin Changqing no longer have so many worries when using the broken net to catch.

Lin Changqing threw the broken net at the little bell under the eaves, and the broken net instantly crossed the hyperspace distance and caught the little bell in the net.

"Jingle Bell!"

A crisp bell sounded, and the little bell vibrated slightly, then fell silent.

A bit of spirituality was born, and Lin Changqing was delighted to find that the capture was successful this time!

"Sure enough! With spiritual things, the probability of successful capture is greatly increased!"

This capture once again verified Lin Changqing's conjecture.

The little bell fell off from under the eaves, the broken net caught the little bell, flew back to Lin Changqing's side, and disappeared.

The little bell, which has become Lin Changqing's pet, hovered in front of Lin Changqing and vibrated gently. The rust spots on its body fell off, revealing the copper color.

The workmanship of the small bell is exquisite, and the delicate body of the bell is covered with mysterious patterns and patterns. It should have some origins.

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