I Can Report Everything

Chapter 59: Can't beat you, I will report you!

Late at night.

At the gate of Li Chongyang No. 1 Junior High School, Xu Yan stared at Qiu Zhifa in front of him, without any retreat.

"Qiu Zhifa, I guess it's you."

As Xu Yan said, in his mind, he began to constantly analyze the feelings that he had just played with Xiaoluo.

Each section of radio gymnastics corresponds to different body parts, and contains thousands of possibilities of martial arts.

"Xu Yan, you are very good. Hidden deep! Obviously, martial arts have been opened, and the vitality is estimated to be 40-50, but it has not shown any strength before."

Qiu Zhifa did not rush to Xu Yan, but pretended to be very polite, "Originally our classmates, if you are willing to follow me. With such strength and talent, I don't mind paying some money to help you buy some martial arts Gongfa and elixir will help you reach 60 points of vitality before the college entrance examination. "

Speaking of which, Qiu Zhifa's eyes flashed a ruthless look, and the words turned sharply, and he whispered, "But you don't know too much about yourself. From the origins of a civilian family, why did Xia Caiwei look at you differently ..."

"Is it really Xia Caiwei? However, I have no interest in Xia Caiwei."

Xu Yan smiled helplessly. He was telling the truth, but of course Qiu Zhifa and Chen Wangfu couldn't believe it.

I, especially Chen Wangfu, shouted: "Xu Yan, it's too late to admit counseling at this time. You also said that you were not interested in Xia Caiwei? What do you say about your love letter? You dare to say that you didn't write it?"

This one……

Xu Yan is really unable to argue, because the love letter is indeed written by this body, but now the control of the body has been replaced!

"It's useless to say more. Xu Yan, I just want to know that day ... Xia Caiwei went to your house, what did you do? Did you ... touch her?"

This is a thorn that struck Qiu Zhifa's heart. The woman who ordered herself had been alone with another boy who had tried to her for so long. He always felt a piece of green on his head when he remembered it.

But when he said this, he instantly angered Xu Yan.

"You send someone to track and monitor my home?"

Xu Yan couldn't imagine what the consequences would be for a martial arts child like Qiu Zhifa, once he hit his parents.

In his last life, he lost his parents early, so his parents are probably the only inverse scale of Xu Yan, and they will die.

"Surveilling you? Xu Yan, you are too deserving of yourself, are you? You are not worthy at all. I sent someone to follow Xia Caiwei, but found that ... she ran away secretly to meet you privately, it is unbelievable, why would Xia Caiwei Seeing you like this ... garbage with no vitality even 60 points! "

Qiu Zhifa said the more embarrassing he was, he remembered the past three years in high school, he didn't know how many times he talked to Xia Caiwei in a low voice, the other side was indifferent.

Xun Ke was in front of Xu Yan, who could let Xia Caiwei find her home.

凭 With this alone, Xu Yan has no sin in Qiu Zhifa's heart.

Xu Yan heard the words, but smiled coldly: "Although you have to aim at my reasons, it is very childish and naive. However, I don't think you deserve me to explain to you ... Hurry up if you want to do it. Is it a pussy? "

"Death is imminent, and I'm still snoring for a while. Xu Yan, my vitality has now reached 88 points, I can definitely break through to 90 points to become a quasi martial arts before the college entrance examination, and, I ’m practicing the Xuan-level inferior [Batian Fist of the Wind] ... "

Qiu Zhifa proudly boasted, but Xu Yan interrupted him impatiently: "So what? The harder you blow now, the more physically and mentally you are beaten down by me in a while Will be hit even deeper ... "

"Fa brother, Xu Yan's mouth is too cheap. Be sure to tear his mouth ..."

Chen Wangfu did not practice martial arts, so he cheered for Qiu Zhifa at this time.

Qiu Zhifa glanced back at him, do he need you to command?

Chen Wangfu quickly shut his mouth, and at the same time he was ready to wait for Xu Yan to be violently beaten by Qiu Zhifa.

However ...

Xun was in the eye-open communication between the two of them, but Xu Yan had moved suddenly.


看 "Look at the legs ... kicking!"

Uh ...


Sneak attack!

Xu Yan took advantage of Qiu Zhifa's unpreparedness, pre-emptively, and kicked his head toward his chest. This time ... he used ten percent of his strength and added a range of bonuses to reach at least three hundred pounds. .

However, Qiu Zhifa did not panic at all. Looking back, he just punched Xu Yan.

[Batian Chase Wind Fist], with one punch, the power of Xuan-level sub-class power is increased, Qiu Zhifa with 88 vitality is enough to burst out more than 500 pounds of power.

10 points of vitality refers to an item that can hold up to 10kg, but it is enough to make the arm fist burst more than 40 pounds, and the leg is more than twice the strength of the hand.

A simple calculation is that 1 vitality is approximately equal to 4 kg of hand strength and 8 kg of leg strength.

Therefore, with 88 points of vitality, Qiu Zhifa, with one punch, if he does not increase the magnitude of the power, he can already explode nearly 400 kilograms of strength. With the bonus of [Batian Chase Wind Fist], the power has reached horror. Five hundred pounds.


Smashed in one leg.

Xu Yan snorted, and there was pain in his legs.

Fortunately, he unloaded part of the force in a timely manner by using the movement comprehension skills, otherwise, with the punch Qiu Zhifa just made, his leg must be broken.

"The outbreak of your legs is only three hundred pounds, and your punch will have at most 150 pounds of power. Just like this, you are not worthy of being my opponent."

Although Qiu Zhifa's fist was also shaken a bit, it was unharmed.

However, Xu Yan's right leg was already trembling. Xu Yan could feel that he was hit by Qiu Zhifa's fist. At this point, there should be some slight bone fractures.

However, under this move, Xu Yan probably figured out Qiu Zhifa's strength, which was 20% stronger than he expected.

"Sure enough they are rich people, and their external skills are all mysterious. At least the increase in strength has reached more than 30%."

Xu Yan couldn't help but sigh here, these martial arts families are big dogs, Xuan-level martial arts exercises, the last time is millions of dollars.

Even if an ordinary family does not eat or drink for a lifetime, they may not be able to make money.

"I just made a punch, Xu Yan, I will give you a chance to kneel and ask for mercy. Kneel down! And surrender me, and promise that you will never talk to Xia Caiwei again ...

I can take you as a domestic slave, throw money to train you to practice martial arts, and let you go to the best martial arts university with me, how about it? This is a decision that can change your destiny completely ... don't you mind? "

Qiu Zhifa looked at Xu Yan's unwilling eyes and proposed the conditions with interest.

This condition, but the jealousy of Chen Wangfu on the side.

He has been a follower of Qiu Zhifa for three years, but he has not been treated like this!

On what basis did Xu Yan and Qiu Zhi fight against each other and still want to grab a woman with him, but could still be solicited by Qiu Zhifa?

那个 The grievance in the heart of classmate Chen Wangfu!

He is afraid to interject now, otherwise, he would have no doubt that his next iron fist would be hit on his face.

"Do you, the children of the martial arts family, think so right?"

Xu Yan took a sip, then said with a smile, "Do you think you are really better than me? Look at it!"

Although he lost a blow, Xu Yan found a solution to Qiu Zhifa.

That's the unloading, and he can't play against him like he did to the little gangster just now.

I can only be injured in this way. Only by using the unloading skills learned from the finishing movement can he be prevented from being injured by his strong impact.

Hit a punch!

Bang bang bang ...

Kick one leg!

轰轰 轰轰!

Xu Xuyan kept experimenting with the tricks she realized in her mind.

However, Qiu Zhifa was easy to deal with and was not threatened by Xu Yan at all.

However, he was also surprised to find that, except for the first punch, each of his subsequent punches hit Xu Yan. Although he still easily repelled Xu Yan, it did not seem to hurt Xu Yan ... .

"It's impossible! With my one-hundred-hundred-hundred-pound strength, Xu Yan went all out and couldn't resist a few punches. Why did these dozens of moves come down, but he didn't suffer any injuries except for some gasping?"

Qiu Zhifa was a little impatient. Xu Yan felt like a sticky nougat, more like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Moreover, Xu Yan's moves seem to be more and more coherent, and the power ... is getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, Qiu Zhifa understood a bit. Xu Yan was practicing his skills and tempering his proficiency and integration.

当然 Of course he couldn't make Xu Yan wishful, the corner of his mouth smiled a little, and he turned directly into a leg and hurriedly went towards the attacking Xu Yan.

Big Dipper Qixing legs!

Wuxuan class Chinese style exercises, in the martial arts store, sell 5 million leg exercises.

Qiu Zhifa's power from this leg can reach thousands of pounds of strength.

It's so scary!

He is not even a quasi-military. With 88 points of vitality, he can burst into a thousand pounds of power.

I must know that in addition to 100 points of vitality, the outbreak of a thousand pounds of force is also one of the Peugeots of a martial artist.

This is Qiu Zhifa's strongest killing trick. The Big Dipper has seven legs, and with the strength of his whole body's blood and blood, such a leg, he will be exhausted by kicking out at most three legs.

许 For Xu Yan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it was not expected at all. Under Qiu Zhifa's leg, the strength has soared so much ...

With the previous five hundred pounds of boxing, he could barely catch it.

However, this heavy kick kicked over and Xu Yan was unexpectedly caught in the chest.


There was a sound of broken sternum, Xu Yan groaned, and his throat spit out blood as soon as it was sweet.

What a bang!

He fell heavily on the ground and was seriously injured.

Even if Xu Yan created his own ideas today, even if he learned a very powerful move from radio gymnastics.

However, his vitality is too far behind Qiu Zhifa, and his accumulation of martial arts battle experience is also too much.

Lay one leg and stand high.

It is no wonder that Qiu Zhifa just did not take Xu Yan's moves at all, because the gap between Xu Yan and him is just a gap.

"Sure enough, I ca n’t even fight against the race? I won't let the knife sharpen for a while, eh ..."

Xu Yan could not help but sigh in his heart, watching Qiu Zhifa approaching step by step, and Chen Wangfu with a grin on his face.

He silently clicked the [Report] button in his mind.

"I report that Qiu Zhifa fought for his high martial arts strength and arbitrarily shot at me, which caused me serious injuries, seriously threatened and injured my personal safety ...]


I ca n’t beat you, I will report you.

Look at your arrogance!

Uh ...

[Fifth more, it's almost one o'clock in the morning, and finally finished writing. On the new day, the five-year-old Binghuo Niu is staring at the hot recommendation ticket in your hands ...]

Uh ...

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