I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 31 Military Police Attack

Ian led Histria into the tent. In order to catch up on work, everyone in the factory lived in the tent. Usually ten people crowded into a tent and slept on the ground with straw and tarpaulin.

But this one is different. There is only one bed in this tent, which is a canopy bed made of wood.

This is a tent specially prepared for Her Royal Highness. Soldiers from the Survey Corps live in the surrounding tents. Ian's tent is also here. Like Historia, he has a tent to himself because he needs a workbench and An environment as quiet as possible.

"This is the room prepared for you, Histria." Ian said, "If you have anything to ask, just ask, and I will explain it clearly to you."

"How did you survive, Ian? Did those people let you go?"

"Before the incident, I knew that the military police would come, so I had been preparing. I found a way to hide it from the military police and survived."

"Why did you bring me here?" Historia raised her head.

"Because we need you, Historia." Ian looked directly into her jewel-like eyes: "You are the daughter of the Lacey family and the princess. We plan to overthrow the current government, so we need you to be ours." Spokesperson.”

"Does Ian want me to be the spokesperson?" Historia looked seriously into Ian's eyes.

"Of course I hope that this road will be much more difficult to walk without you, but Historia, whether you want to do it or not is something you must decide for yourself." Ian stretched out his hand and teased She opened a lock of hair next to Histria's ear: "Now that I'm here, I can finally say these words to you. You are free, and you don't need to do things according to other people's ideas."

"But I still hope you can help us. This is a request as a friend."

"are we friends?"

"I would love to be your friend."

"Then can Ian tell me how you survive in this world? Tell me and I will help you."

"That is something that cannot be described in words." Ian touched her head: "But you can use these eyes to see if we are the right party."

"I understand." Histria nodded her head: "Then I'll give you an answer after I see it clearly, okay?"

"Of course." Ian smiled.

"Can I follow you?" Historia asked softly.

"If that's what you want to do."

"Thank you."

There was a little follower beside Ian, and Historia really stayed by his side. She observed the place carefully and listened to what everyone said.

She wanted to know why Ian and the Survey Corps wanted to overthrow the government. Would a lot of people die? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? After coming here, she tried to think about the problem independently.

She slowly got answers to these questions from the workers and soldiers.

When the workers ate their bread and chatted about their hometowns, their deceased relatives, and the unfair treatment they had received, Historia seemed to gradually understand what kind of people the nobles were. , understand the suffering that many people are suffering.

Giants, food shortages, privileged treatment of nobles

It turns out that there are so many unreasonable things in this world, and it turns out that there are so many people suffering the same suffering as her.

This is what Ian and the Survey Corps want to change. She watched Ian solving puzzles for the workers during the day, and watched Ian work hard at night to draw drawings and inspect parts with sweat. She gradually understood how Ian worked in survive in this world.

She wondered if she could survive like that.

Inside the tent, a military meeting was taking place.

"Due to difficulties in transporting materials, iron ore and gunpowder are somewhat insufficient. However, more than 400 rifles have been manufactured now. The workers are almost familiar with the production process, and all the previously produced parts have been put into use. As of now, At such a speed, we can produce almost 30 complete guns and 300 bullets every day, which is enough to arm our existing troops."

"Where are the Military Police and the Royal Capital? How is the situation?"

"It's very bad. Although we disposed of the corpses of the military police and learned from the interrogation that the military police came because of abnormalities in the transportation of iron ore and food, it is probably because those dead military police have not been contacted for a long time. The government has begun to control the Survey Corps. , most of the compatriots in the royal capital were imprisoned, and some military police were sent to investigate. There were about 120 of them. Once they caught them, I am afraid that everyone in the royal capital would immediately be charged with rebellion. Be put to death.”

"Damn it. Do we have to take action in advance?" Hanji hammered the table.

The government and nobles were more discerning than Han Ji thought. They could not tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes. They did not intend to give the Survey Corps a chance to make a detour. The slightest possibility of rebellion would be nipped in the cradle.

I don’t know whether to praise those people or to scold them, but they were so smart when it came to their own interests. Even when the wall was destroyed, the order to seal the wall was quickly issued. For this reason, they cut off the livelihood of a considerable number of refugees. .

"Let's do it! Captain Hanji!" Ian also suggested: "Although it is a bit risky, we can launch a blitzkrieg! The military police regiments are elite and there are only a small number. We can take advantage of their unseen new weapons and quickly occupy the king's territory. All!"

"There is nothing we can do." Hanji let out a sigh of relief: "Captain Erwin has already had a secret conversation with Commander Pixis. Commander Pixis will turn a blind eye to this incident until "the government orders it." Close one eye."

Although I don't know what Erwin said, Pixis has not fully joined the camp here. The old man is still waiting and watching, probably planning to help whichever side is beneficial.

All problems must be solved before the nobles issue orders, otherwise they will face encirclement and suppression by the garrison troops.

Although Hanji had heard about the power of the new weapons, she was still a little worried. Besides, she didn't want to kill too many people.

Woo——! ! !

The sound of the horn tore through the darkness, and everyone looked outside the tent.

This was the signal for an enemy attack, and the heavily armed military police came to the door.

"Prepare for battle!" Han Ji ordered immediately.

The soldiers picked up assault rifles and hung three-dimensional mobile devices on their waists.

The factory was specially built in a forest with lush trees just for what was planned at this moment, to facilitate the use of three-dimensional mobile devices.

They walked through the night, gunshots rang out, and their figures looked like the ghostly Grim Reaper.

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