I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 23 The first contact with the Survey Corps (Part 2)

"What a young kid." Hanji touched his chin: "How old are you? What's your name?"

"My name is Ian, and I will be eleven years old in September this year."

"What's your last name, Ian? Don't you have a last name?"

"No, before I came to the pioneer land, I was a serf."

"Okay, brother Ian, tell me what you know."

"Before that, I hope you can let Mr. Hannis go first. Mr. Hannis is only responsible for being the spokesman for the water tanker. He actually knows nothing."

"What should I do, Erwin?" Hanni turned to look.

"Let him go." Erwin nodded: "The result of the interrogation just now is already very clear."

"I understand, Petra, Elder, please, please carry this uncle out."

"Yes, Captain Hanji."

Petra and Elder lifted the bench and carried Hannes out of the tent.

There were only four people left in the tent, Ian, Erwin, Levi and Hanji.

"I was thinking about it before I came here." Erwin looked at Ian's face steadily: "If Hannis is someone's spokesperson, what is the reason?"

"So I assumed in my mind the identity of that person. First of all, the reason why he was looking for Hannis was most likely based on the fact that the identity of a soldier in the Hannis garrison can be convenient for publicity. From this, it can be determined that this person does not belong to the corps. Not working for a government agency.”

"Secondly, that person, for some reason, is unable to appear in public, so he needs someone to speak for him. There are many reasons. For example, he may be a criminal or a disabled person. Or, Hannis He was a person who was greedy for fame and fortune and stole the design from a certain craftsman, but this hypothesis has been overturned during the interrogation just now."

"It seems that you should know the truth of the incident, right, Ian?" Erwin sat behind the wooden table and put his hands together.

"Captain Erwin." Ian took a deep breath: "Let me get straight to the point. The painter of the waterwheel design is standing in front of you right now, talking to you."

The atmosphere was silent for a moment, and Captain Levi, who was drinking water, even spit out a mouthful of water.

Levi admitted that he was a little distracted just now, but when he heard Ian tell such a shocking lie, his attention was immediately attracted.

This child's face has a calmness that belies his age. He is lying with a serious face. This is also some kind of talent, Levi thought to himself.

"Are you serious?" Hanji opened his mouth.

"Is there paper and pen here?" Ian planned to prove himself with practical actions.

"Yes, there is." Hanji looked at Erwin again: "Captain, what should I do? Do you want him to try?"

"If it's a child," Erwin was muttering to himself, "Hanji, go get the pen and paper and let him draw!"

Ian got the paper and pen from Hanji, and at the same time opened his shirt and took out the set square, ruler and compass from his pants.

"Looks very professional." Hanji's eyes changed a little, and he gave up his seat.

Ian sat down on the wooden table and drew the waterwheel drawing line by line with a pen and paper.

He was the one who drew the original blueprint, and he remembers every detail clearly.

Hanji became interested and bent down to watch him draw.

She saw the very skilled painting techniques. Ian barely needed to think and sketched out the prototype of the waterwheel in just a few strokes.

After the candles burned for a while, Hanji and Erwin whispered a few words.

Erwin nodded and said, "It's alright, you can stop."

"Does the leader believe what I say?" Ian raised his head.

"I don't care whether you designed the waterwheel drawing, but it seems that you are indeed capable of drawing a drawing on your own. You have very professional drawing skills." Erwin said.

"Thank you," Ian said.

"So, what is your true identity? I don't believe that a serf can draw and read. Are you the descendant of a master craftsman?" Hanji asked.

"In a sense, yes." Ian nodded: "But before I came to the pioneering land, I was indeed a slave on a farm, but that farm was a little special. In fact, I didn't come from Wall Maria. A refugee, the place where I originally worked was inside the Wall of Rosai.”

Ian planned to reveal some explosive information to these three people, concerning the ancestors and the nobles within the wall.

Anyway, he had worked at Lacey Farm before, and he had every legitimate reason to obtain that information.

"The Wall of Rosai?" Hanji pushed up his glasses: "You said the farm you used to work on was within the Wall of Rosai? Then why did you come to the refugee area? Did the owner dismiss you because he ate too much? Or did you escape on your own?"

"I escaped." Ian sat upright: "The place where I used to work was in the Reis territory. When I was six years old, my parents sold me to the steward of the Reis farm because of poverty. Because of my intelligence, , so the housekeeper appreciated me very much, and during the four years I worked there, I was exposed to a lot of secrets.”

"The secret I am going to tell you may be difficult for Trinity to accept for a while, but that is the truth." Ian took a deep breath: "The Reis family is the real royal family within the wall, and the king of the royal capital is just a It’s just a cover, or a puppet.”

"Boy, do you know what you just said?" Levi's eyes became sharp: "Just based on what you just said, we can execute you on the charge of rebellion."

"If Captain Levi is willing to use this to express his loyalty to the nobles, then please do so." Ian still sat there calmly.

"Tch" Levi smacked his lips: "You are very brave."

"The farm where I used to work has been burned down. No one, including the housekeeper, can leave alive. My courage was probably developed at that time. Almost all the people I know were killed by the Central Military Police. The regiment was killed. I think the man leading the military police seemed to be named Kenny Ackerman. Does Captain Levi have an impression of him?"

"What are you talking about! That guy Kenny is in the Central Military Police?!" Levi suddenly slapped the table and stood up after hearing the name.

"Levi, calm down." Erwin held Levi's shoulders.

"Che" Levi realized that his reaction just now was too great.

Don’t blame him, Kenny. He was raised by that man. Since leaving the ghetto, Levi hasn’t heard from Kenny for many years. He didn’t expect to hear that from a child today. Familiar name.

"Go on, Ian." Erwin's face was as cold as a statue: "Don't worry, tonight's conversation will not be leaked."

"I know that the Survey Corps is the corps with the least penetration of government forces. That's why I am talking to you, the leader. I will tell you what I know about the secrets of the giants, the secrets of the walls, and the secrets of the Royal Family of Leith. .”

"Okay." Under Erwin's seemingly calm face, there was a turbulent wave hidden.

He felt as if he was about to walk out of that deep and dark cave. The exit he had been looking for since he was a child, that opportunity, suddenly appeared in front of him today.

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