【”Didn’t anyone report Su Chen’s genocide?”】

【”Report your mother, the program team didn’t say anything, you just let it go”】

【”If I have to report this, all those fantasy novels will be banned by me.”】

【”Yes, yes, there are also historical novels that change dynasties at every turn.”】


Suchen seems to be in an independent creative world.

The controversies and noises of the outside world have nothing to do with him.

He focused on his keyboard.

Fingers danced lightly on the keycaps.

The words on the screen kept pouring out like water,

「The company used this as an excuse to wipe out the Kartika clan.」

「All survivors sold into slavery」

「Sand gold also became a member of the slaves」

「The company occupies a moral high ground」

「By the way, all obstacles on the planet Zigania were cleared.」

「Here, the bloody history of the planet Zigania ends」

「into the arms of the company」

「Connect with the stars of the galaxy」

「The company profits from it」

「Oswal, head of the market development department, also received dazzling performance and year-end bonuses」

「And the price is just the annihilation of two unpopular clans in the galaxy」

「This is a very good deal for the company」


【”Weren’t the injured taken in by medical rescue organizations? How did gold dust become a slave?”】

【”Yes, this is unscientific, right? Is there something wrong with Su Chen’s settings?”】

【”The so-called medical rescue organization is just a one-sided statement made by the company, and it can be true or false.”】

【”Damn it, if it’s fake, then the company is too bad, right? The loser becomes a slave directly!”】

【”In the eyes of the company, there is only capital, and the losers are just their commodities.”】

【”All of Sand Jin’s family members were gone, his race was gone, and he was sold into slavery. How could he embark on a life of”protection”? Su Chen, are you kidding me?”】


「Only Kakavasha, who was asked to leave by his sister, survived.」

「Although the unaccompanied Kakavasya escaped,」

「But still fell into the pan-galactic slave market」

「And was bought with 60 red copper coins」

「Afterwards, he was forced to join a survival game to please his master.」

「In the end, Kakavasya survived」

「And after the victory, he neatly killed the owner who bought him」

「He also used his clever deception to cause the Marketing Department and the Boshi Society to lose huge amounts of property.」

「Because of this incident, Kakawasha was pushed to the court.”

Su Chen stopped what he was doing.

His eyes fell on the words”Erudition Society”.

This organization plays a pivotal role in the story.

And has a complicated relationship with the Interstellar Peace Corporation.

And the doctor of truth of the learned society.

He also has a lot of scenes in Pinoconi.

So it is very necessary to give a note.

He sat back in his chair and started typing on the keyboard. Convert your thoughts into words

「Note: Learned Society」

「Committed to accepting people who pursue broad knowledge from the vast universe」

「The Polytechnic Society is more like a business group than ordinary researchers.」

「The Institute of Knowledge advocates: All knowledge must be circulated like currency」

「The company has a close relationship with the Boshi Society」

「The director of the company’s technology research and development department is the actual controller of the Boshi Society」


【”The Boshi Society is so powerful, but their actual controller is someone from the company?”】

【”The company is really amazing. No wonder it is the largest economy in the galaxy.”】

【”Did Sand Gold use deception to deceive the company and the Institute of Knowledge? How is placer gold made? It’s so outrageous”】

【”At the same time, he deceived the two hegemonic organizations of the company and the Bosho Society. It is conceivable that Sand Gold’s IQ is also very terrifying.”】

【”The key is that Sand Gold is a slave, and the chips in his hand are almost zero. In this case, it is as difficult as heaven to deceive the company and the Boshi Society.”】

【”I also feel that something is unreasonable here. Is Su Chen starting to dig a hole now? Let’s see how he fills the hole later, otherwise it will definitely be a logical poisonous point.”】


「As expected, placer gold is controlled by the company」

「Accepted an inquiry from Jade, a senior executive of the company’s strategy department」

「at the same time」

「Game master Sha Jin ushered in a real debut in his life」

「In fact, Interstellar Peace Company has never been monolithic, and its internal conflicts are extremely serious.」

「Oswal, the head of the market development department, and Diamond, the head of the strategic investment department, have always been at odds with each other.」

「Competition between departments is the keynote throughout the company’s history.」

「The placer gold caused serious losses to the market development department, so it was appreciated by Diamond, the head of the strategic investment department.」

「Finally, under the recommendation of Jade, Sand Jin took off the brand of slave and became one of the ten people in Stone Heart.」

「In the eyes of Sha Jin, taking down Osval with the help of Diamond’s hand is the real revenge.」


【”If I remember correctly, the Aweijin clan where Sand Gold belongs to is very backward, so there is very little information about Sand Gold.”】

【”He grasped the only information, and the Market Development Department and Strategic Investment Department did not deal with it, and won this huge bet.”】

【”The placer gold guy is so awesome, I’m really convinced”】

【”The enemy of my enemy is my friend”】

【”A little carelessness could lead to an abyss. However, Shajin not only turned defeat into victory, but also completed a magnificent turn.”】

【”Cool!! If you write like this, I won’t be sleepy!”】

【”I have to give you a thumbs up for this clever reversal of your bet.”】


「This is sand gold. He has no desire for revenge and embarks on the road of hunting.」

「Nor will he accept the olive branch of happiness just because he is a good deceiver.」

「He will not step into the abyss of destruction just because he has no friends.」

「He chose to embark on the journey of preservation」

「Because he promised his sister that he would survive and preserve the only bloodline of the Eweking people.」

「But he has very few chips, so he can only make a big bet to get a place for himself in the poker game.」

「It seems that every big gamble is a maximized use of existing resources.」

「Only when there is no way out will he use an aggressive approach to push himself onto the gambling table.」

「All or nothing」

「This is what Sha Jin often says.”

Su Chen stopped typing on the keyboard.

The past of placer gold has basically been written.

Next, is the climax of the story.

If you enter the game with your own body, you will win half the battle.

The highlight moment of placer gold will really begin next!


………… ps: Thank you brothers for the flowers and votes.

It may be a bit detailed, but if you have any comments, you can leave them in the comment area.

I will read all comments.

Thank you so much!

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