I am a Super Sorcerer

Chapter 4: flaming Phenix

The battle between the two great magicians finally stopped, and the two came with dark circles and swollen faces coming up like pigs.

Julius said: "Boy, we have decided, we will also accept you as a student and teach you magic. It is cheaper for you to meet the teacher soon."

I took a look at Livia and deliberately asked Qiao: "It doesn't matter if you want me to be Linka's student, be your student, unless you let Livia teach me primary magic first."

Hey hey, I figured it out. He couldn't bear to me as a super outstanding student, and he would definitely give in.

Sure enough, Julius hesitated for a while and said, "Well, I promise you."

I was proud in my heart, and suddenly there was a murderous and Livy Yasen cold voice behind me, "Rogue, you go to death."

As soon as I looked back, I saw a pink powder boxer that became bigger and bigger hit my head.

So, I fainted for the fourth time after arriving at the land of Holy Demons.

Under the pressure of his father, Livia began to teach me magic. She is a magic swordsman. She has excellent talents and has been trained as an intermediate wizard. But I have infinite magic power to back it up. The deep internal force is the same as studying martial arts, and then the profound magic is a piece of cake in front of me.

Soon, Livia had nothing to teach me, so Julius and Linka took over. I couldn't help but hate my magic too much.

Elemental magic uses the body's magic to control the five magical elements of the earth, water, wind, fire, and thunder that make it appear in various forms. Summoning magic is to contract with various warcraft to make them loyal. Subordinates.

This day, I was practicing "float", flying freely in the sky, and the wooden houses on the ground have become like beetles. "The wooden houses that I burnt down have been rebuilt." Suddenly I saw a large group of flames in the distance. The top of the mountain is flying back in the sky.

I was surprised in my heart and wanted to see what it was, so I converted "float" to "fly". "I don't need to chant a spell when I perform magic, I just need to move my mind."

Inadvertently, I have passed through the enchantment laid by Ulis. "Because of the excess magic power, any enchantment can pass through me at will." The speed of the flight suddenly increased tenfold, and I couldn't adapt to it. Hit the mountain, can not help but cursed this **** ghost enchantment secretly.

I quickly adapted to the situation outside the enchantment, flying at a speed not far from the flame.

It wasn't a pure flame, but a big red bird burning with raging fire all over the body.

"Fire Phoenix", I immediately recognized that this is exactly what Linka said is the strongest Fire Phoenix in the Fire Department of Warcraft, and I was overjoyed.

Although I have practiced a high level of summoning magic, so far I still do not have a summoning beast. I usually watch Linka instruct the summoning beast to do this and that. "Although they are spiders, frogs and the like, it is disgusting." Naturally I am I admired it very much. Now that I have seen the legendary "Fire Phoenix", I naturally can't let it go.

If you want to make a Warcraft into a summoning beast, you must first defeat it, and then draw the symbol of the contract on the Warcraft with your own blood to succeed.

Looking at the beautiful fire phoenix flying in the air, I began to concentrate my magic, ready to start first.

However, my wishful thinking was not completed. It was probably that the magic breath I emitted was too strong. Fire Phoenix felt my existence and issued a clear and long-sounding bang, rushing towards me with a billowing flame. Come.

In the battlefield, I was busy calming myself down, and with a wave of thought, a "flame ball" shot straight out.

Because there is no restriction on the enchantment, the diameter of this "flame ball" is more than ten meters long, and the power is terrifying, and it is accurately shot on the fire Phoenix.

As soon as I was happy in my heart, I saw that the fire phoenix emerged without any injury, and the flame on my body was even stronger.

I suddenly scolded myself, the fire phoenix itself is the fire beast, the fire magic attack will only make it stronger.

This is no wonder me. Whoever called me too magical, the two urchin mentors wished that I would immediately learn the most advanced magic, but forgot to teach me the most basic magic knowledge.

I have learned a little bit of common sense from Livia.

Seeing that the fire phoenix had rushed in front of me, it was too late to dodge. In my heart, a flash of light flashed and groaned: "" Snow and Snow locked prison "".

Suddenly, my body was frozen with thick ice cubes. After that, the fire phoenix shot at it, and the raging fire "suddenly" covered the big ice cubes.

"Frozen Snow" was originally a spell used to freeze opponents in water magic. Now I have used it against my body, forming thick ice armor outside the body, which just resists the attack of Fire Phoenix.

Ha, I'm really too smart.

The ice armor gradually dissolved in the siege of the fire phoenix. In the moment of complete dissolution, I used the high-level magic of the wind system to "momentarily move". The flash of light appeared 100 meters away, and the flame suddenly surrounded the space.

Although I was not injured, the feeling of staying in the big ice cube was really uncomfortable, and now I was still shivering "although I did it myself". UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

I snarled, "Smelly bird, how dare to treat Ben Daye this way and die."

I waved and issued dozens of "ice arrows", which hit the Phoenix of Fire directly like a heavy rain.

The fire phoenix had a pair of wings and immediately gave birth to a fierce flame to welcome the "ice arrow".

While the stupid bird was dealing with Frostbolt, I tied my hands with my hands to concentrate my magic, and said loudly, "" Extreme Zero Frozen Wave "".

This is the advanced magic of the water system. It is the strongest of the water magic taught by the old man of Ullis. The disadvantage is to sing the long unforgettable spell "the stronger the magic spell, the longer" I don't need to do this, otherwise there is no time to use it.

My body is surrounded by light blue light, the light is getting stronger and stronger.

The fire phoenix who broke the "ice arrow" felt the crisis instinctively and turned to escape, but it was too late.

A large glacial white river with a width of several tens of meters gushing over me as the source, instantly swallowed the Phoenix, and there was a lot of ice and snow in Fangyuan.

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