I Added Everything to Strength

Chapter 12 I want to see some blood

Compared with the previous two days, there are many more young faces in the Red Mist Alliance.

After a little thought, He Mu roughly guessed the identity of this young man——

College students going home on vacation.

And almost all of them are college students who follow the Red Mist Warrior route.

This made He Mu a little envious.

What he envied was not that this group of people went to college, but that this group of people could freely travel between big cities and their hometowns.

After joining the Red Mist Alliance, he learned a lot of information.

Among them is the fact that college students are free of travel expenses when they return home during vacation.

The reason why the toll is waived is because this group of people is not only strong, but also spends a lot of time returning home. If they stay on the train, the defense capability of the entire train will be greatly improved.

Not to mention that there are some teachers who returned home together.

Of course, members of the Red Mist Alliance will also get discounts for buying train tickets for this reason, but if they want to be free, they must be at least intermediate members, and it is limited to some special months.

Once you become a senior member, you can ride the train casually, and sometimes even get subsidies.


Perhaps because of the favor of this group of college students, He Mu also received a lot of awe-inspiring gazes along the way.

When I came to the bar, although it was daytime now, there were several times more people inside than when I first came.

He Mu glanced at everyone, then went straight to the bar.

This time, Uncle Li finally stopped looking at his phone on his stomach, but concentrated on staring at the distant window.

He Mu followed his gaze and looked over. There was nothing outside the window, but there was a woman in cool clothes sitting by the window.

"Cough cough."

He Mu coughed lightly twice.

"Uh, He Mu, I just saw an acquaintance passing by outside and didn't notice you."

Uncle Li came back to his senses and let out a haha.

He Mu didn't expose him, and said nonchalantly, "Uncle Li, I'm here to pick up the mission."

"Have you run out of money?"

"No, I just want to exercise myself."

Uncle Li frowned when he heard this, then pointed to a young man who was drinking in the bar without any trace, and said softly in a somewhat envious tone: "See, the college students who have returned home are strong and have a lot of money. , There are still a lot of good things on them! Once they come back, the popularity of the Red Mist Alliance will be several times higher! They all want to take advantage of them!

I still want to advise you, go back and study hard, practice hard, and wait until next year's college entrance examination, with a fighting strength of 20 or 30, and as long as your cultural achievements are not too outrageous, you can go to Lingzhou...

Uh, Lingzhou doesn't seem to have any decent universities? "

Uncle Li scratched his head, as if he was remembering something, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

Seeing this, He Mu hurriedly said, "Uncle Li, I have my own plans for the future."

In fact, he thought about how to go in the future after solving his brother's matter.

I even thought about going to college.

But the reality is that two days ago, when he tested his combat power, he had already reached nineteen.

It is now estimated to be between twenty-one and twenty-two.

At this rate, next year's college entrance examination, his combat effectiveness may be enough to be a teacher in some ordinary universities.

How do you go to university?

You know, the best candidates in Nancheng reported on the Nancheng News this year have a combat effectiveness of only 99%.

"Okay, I'll find it for you..."

Uncle Li sighed helplessly, and then began to search on his computer again.

After a while.

"Is this okay? There is a big guy who wants to find a training partner for his son. He works two hours a day and earns a monthly salary of 40,000. Every month, he will get two city contribution points."

He Mu shook his head: "I want to see some blood.

Hearing this, Uncle Li said angrily:


You little bastard, you don't even know if your body is fully recovered, but you just want to see blood? Are you kidding me? "

He Mu's expression was unusually serious, and when Uncle Li finished speaking, he moved closer and said in a somewhat cold tone, "Do you know what's going on with the disabled due to injury on my profile?"

"what happened?"

"When I was very young, a criminal came into my house, and I killed him, and that's how I got hurt."

Hearing this, Uncle Li's expression froze for an instant, and seeing He Mu's somewhat deep eyes, he felt a chill in his heart.

Having stayed here for many years, he has seen countless people, and of course he knows that people who have seen blood are completely different from those who have not.

This He Mu's eyes really have such a taste.

Thinking of this, he lit a cigarette, took a puff, and continued to search.

This time, he found a mission to hunt monsters.

"Grandma Wang's pet dog in Hongyun District is suspected to have mutated..."

"Ahem, don't insult me, I still have some strength."


You come and I go.

In the end, He Mu took over the task of dredging the urban drainage pipes.

There have been frequent noises in the drainage pipes of the Lvsen community recently, and it is suspected that there are monsters in the drainage pipes.

The combat power of this kind of sewer monster is generally below five, and it is easy to deal with it with He Mu's current strength.

It's not that he doesn't want to take on tasks with a higher degree of difficulty, but that the rules don't allow it.

The reason why the first ten tasks of the new members of the Red Mist Alliance must be received in the Red Mist Alliance is to facilitate the control of difficulty and give new members time to grow.

As long as you are a new member, even if you have a hundred combat power, the second task can only be done similar to cleaning the sewer.

All of this is actually to save the life of the Red Mist Warrior.

Because the really dangerous missions are those instant missions, and they also encounter emergencies. This kind of mission can only be accepted through the mission system of the Red Mist Alliance, and it is impossible to give you time to come to the Red Mist Alliance.

If you don't have the first ten tasks as a buffer, you will probably lose your life if you suddenly encounter a sudden task.

All these rules are experience gained in blood, He Mu has to abide by the rules.


After leaving the Red Mist Bar, He Mu went straight to the Lvsen Community.

The Lvsen Community is an old community in Nancheng. It is about seven or eight kilometers away from the Red Mist Alliance, and it is close to the industrial area.

It didn't take much time for He Mu to walk there.

When he arrived at the place, he made a phone call according to the task instructions. Not long after, three lean sewer workers in blue clothes parked in a small white pickup truck by the side of the road.

After getting off the car, the leading sewer worker took a look at He Mu, and asked with some surprise: "You are the Red Mist Alliance assigned... Red Mist Warrior?"

He Mu raised his phone: "That's right, it's me."

"Well, little brother, the sewer may be a little smelly and dirty during the day, why don't you wait until night, anyway, the nearby drainage wells are blocked, even if there are monsters in it, they won't be able to come out for a short time."

Seeing He Mu's kind face, the worker subconsciously made a suggestion.

"Don't you rest at night?" He Mu asked back.

"Uh, special treatment for special circumstances, it's okay to work overtime." The three workers were a little surprised by He Mu's question, and replied naturally after looking at each other.

"I'm fine, give me the equipment, it won't take long."

He Mu stretched out his hand while speaking.

The three workers took another look at He Mu, and then took out a set of protective clothing and a pair of small bluetooth earphones from the pickup truck.

"Little brother, keep in touch after going down, and withdraw if you lose."


He Mu took the protective clothing with both hands and put it on, then put on the Bluetooth headset.

After the worker opened the manhole cover, he jumped down.

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