\u003cr /\u003e

Is there anything in the world that is more depressing than the strict management of your parents and teachers? \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

have. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The above-mentioned parents and teachers are one person. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon faced such a situation. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Because Helga is first and foremost his bloodline origin,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

At the same time, \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Whether it's learning,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Still at the magical level,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Or on the observation of the magical world and the use of magic,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Helga fully meets the standards of a teacher,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

That is, \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

stronger than students. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

This is not a nonsense,

Jon thinks he is very smart, and Helga once admired Jon's intelligence very much. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

But now, everything has changed. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Helga, too strong. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The advantage of the legendary witch is fully realized in terms of strength. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Even in the "concept of world development" that Jon is best at, Helga is not bad at all. After so many years of precipitation there, the ability to accept new things is no worse than that of young people. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

What's more, Helga has already researched the combination of magic and technology through Jon's description, and applied these things to magic research. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Although it can only be used in the magic fairy castle space. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

But what does that matter? \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

If Helga can use it, then it works. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

As for Jon,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Oh, because there are only two people in the world currently doing this research, so when Helga doesn't care about Jon's progress, no one in this world cares about Jon's research progress. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

"For a person who wants to be a scholar, this is really a very sad question, but I am only a child, what can I do? But before I go home, I have to find some information for myself Go back and use it."\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon pretended to be very sad and wrote the last paragraph on the book, then closed the book, and stuffed the book into the ring. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Because the level is sufficient and he has a general understanding of the content of the exam, Jon feels that there is no need to worry about the final exam, but the holiday is coming soon, and he has to prepare some things for himself in advance to go home. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

It is true that Helga has research results, but it is not something a qualified researcher should do to always sit back and enjoy the benefits. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Studying the state of the magical environment in the world is conducive to the sympathy between Jon and the magic factor. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

That will increase the speed at which Jon accumulates magic power, and at the same time speed up his understanding of the entire world. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Having seen what the deep scenery of the world is like, and seeing the [Deep Blue Sea] that can only be touched by legendary wizards, Jon does not lack the understanding and knowledge of the power at the top of the world, but at this top and his current There are huge gaps and gaps between levels. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

He couldn't become a fat man with one mouthful, and likewise, he couldn't jump from the current stage to the stage of a legendary wizard all at once. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

There is nothing like that in the world. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

And unlike Helga, all of Jon's learning progress is to improve himself, while Helga just needs to return to his original peak. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The method is different, and the speed is naturally different. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Helga has such a big magic space to help her absorb magic factors to restore her strength,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon has no such assistance,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

So, \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

"It's normal to be slow!"\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Shrouded in the illusion spell, Jon passed by the students of various schools who were memorizing in the corridor, and walked straight upstairs. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

He's going to the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

This semester, because Helga's portrait was removed from Rowena's study and he applied for a small classroom from Professor Sprout, so he reduced the number of times he went to the Room of Requirement,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Counting, this is only the fourth time. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The previous few times were all because of trying magic, and Jon's [Swamp Reappearance] was the proficiency developed there. Of course, it also caused some inevitable damage to the Room of Requirement. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

He went infrequently to give the House of Requirement time to recover. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The wand touched the wall, the password was uttered, and [Monitoring Wind Whispers] was simultaneously turned off. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The next moment, Jon entered Rowena's study, and the waves on the outside wall disappeared. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

"I'm looking for a place to hide things."\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

There was an opening in the wall, revealing the corridor behind. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon put on Ravenclaw's magic glasses and walked in. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The corridor was not very long, and after leaving the corridor, Jon came to an empty corridor. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The corridor is very long, and there is light coming in from nowhere. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

"Wouldn't this be an independent space like the Fairy Castle?"\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon thought about it, and felt that this was not impossible, but now is not the time to dwell on these issues. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Anyway, whether it is an independent space or not, he can't take it with him. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

After walking in the corridor for a while, Jon finally saw the familiar portal. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Inside is an empty and empty hall, and there are a few candles that have been burning for an unknown period of time, hanging on the wall and shining warmly. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

But the place is inexplicably clean, as if someone has maintained it all year round, and there is not even any dust on the ground. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The strange thing is that there is a lot of dust on the pile of books. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

There is no stale smell of old paper in any ancient library. Behind a few long tables that seem to be broken if touched, there are the most densely packed things in the entire hall. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Various old books left by the predecessors. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

"Huh? The mirror is missing?"\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

In a familiar corner, Jon didn't see the familiar magic mirror, someone should have taken it away. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

The person who knows this place now should be Dumbledore. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

But the principal rarely comes here. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon walked to the pile of books. The books that were piled up here were basically placed here according to the time they were placed,\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Some books have not been printed for decades, and you can see the golden texture carved on the cover;\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Some can be seen at a glance as something from the Middle Ages hundreds of years ago, because even the papyrus wrapped in worn sheepskin inside reveals a bloody smell full of killing. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Jon felt that this was the place where Hogwarts, as the sanctuary of Western wizarding civilization, really preserved history and the spark of civilization. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Except for the special case of Jon, the wizards who can find this place are basically those who are truly talented and lucky, and those people will often become the protagonists of the times. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

So the things those people hide here are generally not simple things. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Simple things are kept in the Hogwarts library. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

Sitting on the chair that looked like it would fall apart when touched but was surprisingly firm when he sat on it, Jon looked around and saw that there was no one there. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

But he always feels that there are people around him, which is a very magical...\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

feel. \u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

\u003cr /\u003e

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