She helped me pay and then pushed me into the locker room.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, it's time to go shopping with me next!" "

In the next four hours, I fully understood how terrible it is to go shopping with a woman, Lin Xiaolu entered almost every store, and when he saw the clothes he liked, he would ask me if they looked good, but I didn't buy another one, and I was always empty-handed.

By the end of the walk, my legs were filled with lead, and I couldn't walk a single step.

I said to Lin Xiaolu.

"Sister Xiaolu, I really can't walk, let me rest for a while.

Lin Xiaolu was very dissatisfied, and pointed to the sofa in the store with disgust.

"Go and sit down, you, lack of exercise!" When

I sat on the sofa, I found that the sofa was full of male compatriots who were as tired as me and whose faces were about to collapse, and they cast sympathetic eyes at me, as if silently telling their grievances.

Lin Xiaolu walked around until dark, which was considered too much, she invited me to eat grilled fish, and I asked her nervously during the meal.

"Sister Xiaolu, will there be a lot of people coming tomorrow?"

Lin Xiaolu replied proudly.

"Of course! Tomorrow you will understand what a powerful master you worshipped!" Boss

Lin is very low-key on weekdays, looking like a kind uncle next door, but Lin Xiaolu often says that Boss Lin is very famous and status in the yin industry.

I waited anxiously until the next day, and the banquet was scheduled for the evening, when Lin Xiaolu went to receive the guests, and Boss Lin took me to the basement of the teahouse.

I've been to the basement many times, and I'm so familiar that I can tell which thing is on which shelf when I close my eyes.

But today it seems to be a little different, with a portrait hanging on the wall to the north of the basement.

The portrait shows an old man, judging by his clothing and hairstyle, an ancient person.

Under the portrait is a small square table, on which stands a spirit tablet, and in front of the spirit tablet is a purple gold copper stove.

Next to the copper stove, there is a freshly opened sandalwood incense.

My eyes were attracted by the words on the spirit tablet - Gong Lin, the ancestor of the first generation of Yin Shang.

Boss Lin asked me to stand up, he walked to the spirit card and reached out to take three sandalwoods.

Something magical happened, Boss Lin didn't use either a match or a lighter, he just shook the sandalwood in the air, and the sandalwood itself ignited, emitting a wisp of green smoke.

Boss Lin knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully, and he said to the spirit card.

"Master Zu is above, and Lin Hang, the twenty-first disciple, came to visit Zhang Xian today.

Xiaoxian, come here. I

hurriedly walked to Boss Lin's side, and I knelt down without his instructions.

Boss Lin spoke again.

"Master Zu, this child is smart, diligent and studious, and born with yin and yang eyes, he is a good seedling, he has passed my test, I want to accept him as an apprentice, and I ask Master Zu to agree.

After saying that, he got up and inserted the three sandalwood sticks in his hand into the purple gold copper furnace, took out three new sandalwood sticks, and handed them to me.

"Xiaoxian, kowtow to Master Zu. "

I followed the example of Boss Lin, respectfully kowtowed to Master Zu three times, and then got up to incense.

When I put on the incense, I was a little entangled, I wouldn't let the sandalwood spontaneously combust, and I would give the unlit incense to the grandfather, isn't it too unusual.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to borrow fire from Boss Lin, I met my eyes with the ancestor in the portrait.

I only felt in a trance, and the grandfather in the painting seemed to come to life, standing in front of me, looking at me.

I was so nervous that I stumbled to ask my grandfather for peace.

"Master Zu...... You...... Hello......"

Master Zu didn't speak, he stretched out a hand and patted my head gently, I could clearly feel the temperature and weight of Master Zu's palm.

But when I blinked, Master Zu disappeared again, just the portrait on the wall, swaying slightly.

I was confused, there was no wind in the basement, how could the portrait move?

I looked down again, and the three sandalwood sticks in my hand were lit at some point, and the green smoke was wafting.

"Xiao Xian, what are you doing in a daze? I

hurriedly inserted the sandalwood in my hand into the incense burner, and Boss Lin said to me solemnly.

"From today on, you are the twenty-second generation of Yin Shang, you must remember that you were born as a Yin Shang, and you are also a Yin Shang when you die, and there is no turning back. "

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