Looking at the box full of money, it would be fake to say that I was not impressed, of course I have a way to help Tian Feng get out of trouble, but it will hurt the heavens and reason, I can't do it.

Holding back the greed in my heart, I asked Tian Feng.

"Have you been sleeping a lot lately and waking up to find that you are not in bed and have no idea what happened while you were asleep?

Tian Feng nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Since I replaced my brother, I have been troubled by the company's affairs, and my brother was taking care of the company's affairs before.

The first time I had symptoms was eight days ago, that is, after I was separated from the restaurant with you, I went back to the office, looking at the mountains of papers, I felt a headache, and I wanted to sleep and deal with it, who knew that when I woke up, all the documents were processed, and there were my signatures on them!"

Tian Feng's creepy expression was not pretended, he was frightened.

"I hurriedly called up the surveillance in the office, Boss Zhang...... Guess what I saw?

I saw that I, who was sleeping on the desk, suddenly got up and opened my eyes, and then picked up the pen and started working, which lasted for an hour until all the documents were processed......"

Tian Feng clenched his fists, trembling, and suddenly, he said to me loudly.

"This is just the beginning! In the following week, I slept longer and longer, sometimes waking up to finish the business with the customer, sometimes waking up to finish the company's board of directors, and last night when I woke up, Wang Ying praised me for being just brave and ......

Boss Zhang, you tell me, it's my brother, it's my brother Hongchen, right, he wants to occupy my body......"

I nodded, I was not surprised by Tian Feng's description, and there was a detailed description of the side effects of Pisces in the Yin Shang notes.

Since the birth of the Pisces Pendant, many people have used the magical effect of the Pisces Pendant to pretend to be others, some have pretended to be rich, some have pretended to be nobles, and some have even pretended to be generals.

Among them, many people, like Tian Feng, killed the other party with vicious means without asking for the consent of the impostor, and forcibly took the soul, and the result was all tragic.

When entering the soul of the Pisces Pendant, it will gradually invade the user's body, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest.

Eventually, due to the mismatch between the soul and the body, the user will eventually die violently, and will not die well.

However, Tian Feng's situation is a little special, he and Hong Chen are twins, with the same blood on their bodies, Hong Chen's soul will not be rejected by Tian Feng's body, and in the end, Hong Chen will come back to life as Tian Feng...... This is very similar to the "seizure" in Xiuxian's novel.

I told Tian Feng all about the seriousness of the matter, and after Tian Feng heard it, he became even more scared.

He begged me.

"Boss Zhang, help me! Recently, my sober time has been getting shorter and shorter, and if I continue like this, I will not wake up sooner or later!"

He looked at me dumbfounded.

"Do what?"

"Give Pisces back, only then can you live."

Tian Feng's face was entangled, and he asked me, if there is no Pisces Pei, then he can't pretend to be his brother.

I said yes, what doesn't belong to me, I can't force it.

Tian Feng gritted his teeth, and the instinct to survive finally defeated greed.

"I'll give it!" he

put his hand up to his neck, and there was a red rope around his neck, presumably to make a necklace of Pisces and hang it on his chest.

Who knew that he lifted it twice, but the red rope did not move at all.

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