Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 53 Sweeping Monk

Madam Pomfrey was particularly irritable today because the school hospital was already full of little wizards.

The shocking explosion in the potions class shocked the young wizards on the first, second and second floors, and the name of the savior once again rang over Hogwarts.

Of course, it's not a good name.

After all, this Potions class was the last class of the week for Slytherin and Gryffindor, and the little wizards were happily discussing their weekend plans.

Who would have thought that a frying pan of the Savior would cause nearly ten little wizards to enter the school hospital.

There were only a few freshmen, and everyone was friends with each other. As a result, the weekend plans were immediately ruined.

If Potions class were moved to Monday, this wave of saviors would gain a lot of fame.

Lean didn't have anything to do, he always sat in the corner; Hermione didn't have anything to do either, and the girls sat some distance away from the boys.

"I really can't imagine that preparing a warming potion can also blow up a crucible." Hermione walked beside Rean and kept complaining, "It's really unimaginable. Is it so difficult to just weigh rat powder? He Haven’t you ever taken a social science class in elementary school?”

"After all, no one is you, right?" Rean echoed from the side.

"Of course!" Hermione raised her head, revealing her white neck.

"Are there any activities this afternoon?" Lean asked.

“Does completing homework in the library count?”

"Maybe I think you should go for a walk, it's not very Gryffindor-like to be in the library all the time."

"I feel very depressed when I say this. When I was sorted, I should have followed the Sorting Hat's advice and gone to Ravenclaw." Hermione walked beside her and couldn't help but kick the ground with her feet.

"Since you can be sorted into Gryffindor, it means that you have the qualities that are favored by Gryffindor. Don't belittle yourself, Hermione."

"What about you, what are you going to do this afternoon?" Hermione did not continue the topic.

"Let's go to the library together, what do you think?"

"not so good······"

The two of them talked and walked slowly in this thousand-year-old castle.

The senior students all took a nap in their dormitories to have enough energy to face the afternoon classes; most of the first-year wizards were in the school hospital.

When the ghosts along the way saw Lean and Hermione walking together, they all got into the wall wisely, waited until the two were far away, then came out, and then gathered together to discuss a few words.

The portraits also lowered their voices, and everything seemed to be directed towards Lean and Hermione.

Except Peeves.

"Hahahaha, look, it's Slytherin and Gryffindor again. It's really interesting." A sharp voice sounded above Lean's head.

Lien looked up and saw only a ghost with a big face and round eyes, wearing bright red clothes, floating in the sky.

Calling it a ghost is a bit inaccurate, since ghosts cannot touch entities, but this one obviously can.

"The warrior who casts the Unforgivable Curse at the beginning of school. This is really a great prank. How did you come up with it?" Peeves did not treat Lean as he usually did with the little wizard, but asked floating in the sky.

"That was not a prank at all, it was Malfoy who insulted Rean first!" Hermione said indignantly.

"Hahahaha, I know that." Peeves said with a big grin.

"Okay, okay, I won't disturb you anymore, hohohoho~" After saying that, Peeves flew away with a strange sound, and the red clothes on his body were stretched too long.

Hermione looked at Peeves's leaving figure and said to Lean: "It's really weird. The seniors in Gryffindor are all very wary of Peeves, saying that if they hear strange noises around them, it sounds like something is hitting them." You have to be careful when there are turning sounds, friction sounds, etc.”

"Because that's Peeves trying to attract you. When you pass, you may be greeted by a paper basket or a piece of chalk. In short, the feeling is different from what you encountered today."

"Some things can only be judged after experiencing them. But the reason why Peeves is so honest is because he is afraid that I will cast a curse on him. Sometimes, violence is more effective than words." Lien looked at it. Hermione said.

"How is this okay, Rean, we shouldn't use violence."

Hermione was a completely obedient girl, and she even disapproved of the violence that Ryan said.

"Okay, okay, let's go to the library."

Arguing with a woman, right or wrong, is always an unwise thing to do.

Hermione gave Rean a roll of her eyes, but didn't object.

The two came to the library and found Ron and Harry there.

Apparently Harry and Ron also noticed Lean and Hermione. Harry just glanced at it and lowered his head to continue reading the books in his hands; Ron frowned and glared at Hermione with a hint of disgust in his eyes. Min and Lien glanced at each other.

"How much homework do you have left?" Lean asked.

"Potions," Hermione replied.

Neither of them took Ron's look seriously.

"Isn't that just arranged in the morning?"

"Hmph, don't you see who I am?" Hermione raised her head and said.

"Looks like I have to hurry up."

After the two found a seat and sat down, they began to complete their homework.

Because Lean needed to be punished, and most of his homework required going to the library to check out books, Lean had only completed a small part of his homework.

Fortunately, Hermione was there to help.

The little girl can basically remember the approximate location of any book she has read, which makes it very convenient for Lien to find reference books.

At about half past four, Ryan finished his homework, and Hermione also finished reading the book recommended by Snape.

"This book is very useful. It seems that Professor Snape cares about you very much. Sure enough, the rumors are true. Professor Snape only cares about Slytherin." Hermione whispered while packing her things.

Don't be quiet, Mrs. Pince is patrolling the library with a feather duster.

"Is there anything else you haven't taken?" Lien asked after packing up his things.

"No, let's go."

"Damn it, get out, get out! How dare you break the books? Do you know how much the ancestors of Hogwarts paid for these books? You are not welcome here, get out of here!"

Mrs. Pince's roaring voice came, mixed with the feather duster hitting the person and the little wizard's scream of pain.

Lean and Hermione looked at each other, secretly guessing which little wizard had offended Mrs. Pince.

As he was about to reach the door, Lean noticed that Mrs. Pince was holding a book.

There is a page in the book that has been torn in half from bottom to top. It seems that it was accidentally torn while reading it too fast.

I saw Mrs. Pinsi gently brushing the crack with her hand, and the entire paper returned to its original state.

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