Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 432 Falling from the Sky

"General Molly!"

The ancient black dragon who led these more than 20 dragons to Dragonscale Castle was of course Morrill. When Morrill transformed into a human and landed, the remaining officers of Dragonscale Castle rushed over to salute.

Molly didn't talk too much nonsense, adjusted the armor on her body, and then asked the officer who came up:

"Is the thing Mr. Li Cha told you ready?"

"Report to the general that 500,000 catties of grain have been bundled, and tens of thousands of catties of cured meat and dried fish are all barreled and placed in the warehouse for pick-up at any time."

The officers left behind in Dragonscale Fort command tens of thousands of people, half a legion of troops, with the strength of a great knight, in fact, they can barely rank among the ranks of senior officers.

But in front of Molier, he still kept his posture very low, and even felt a little panic when facing Molier, but now he was only trying to pretend to be calm.

Molly has never deliberately concealed her ability to transform into a giant dragon, so everyone in Dragonscale Fort knows that General Molly's real identity is a giant dragon, commanding all the dragons under Sir Richard.

The officers staying at Dragonscale Fort naturally lowered their stance when facing the dragon general, Molier. According to the kingdom's consistent attitude towards the dragon, Molier's position in the entire kingdom should also be at the top.

"What about the dragon's food?"

"It's ready, all the best fresh beef and filled omelets."

"Push the food up!"

After all, the general staying behind in Dragonscale Fort ordered his men to push up the food prepared for the giant dragon. Although the giant dragon mainly eats meat, it does not need to only eat meat. More than 20 giant dragons It's a bit extravagant to have Long Dun Dun Fresh Beef until you are full.

The giant dragon in Li Cha's hand always eats a fresh cow and eggs. Although to the giant dragon, the omelette is not as delicious as fresh beef, but compared to the few giant dragons who serve the kingdom, The giant dragons under Li Cha's command were not qualified to be picky eaters, and they were all directly used as transport teams.

Thousands of soldiers pushed the carts and brought fresh beef and pancakes to the dragon one by one. Under the command of Morrill, the dragons were like big dogs waiting to be fed, waiting for the soldiers to put the dining carts away. , Molly made a gesture before moving towards the food in front of her.

The sound of giant dragons chewing food was everywhere. If you look carefully, you will find that there is an extra dining car full of food on the school grounds. The garrison officer of Dragonscale Fort looked at the extra dining car, and then took another look. Mo Lier, who was expressionless in front of her, finally didn't have the courage to ask.

Under Moliel's gaze, the giant dragons didn't enjoy the food slowly, but devoured the food in front of them in less than five minutes.

Next, Moliel made another gesture, and the dragons who had just finished eating their food immediately bent down and tried their best to flatten their backs to the ground.

The officers on the side opened their mouths in shock. The impression left by the Golden Dragon of the Kingdom was that it was extremely arrogant. It raised its head almost all the time, not to mention such an almost four-legged movement on the ground, it was strange. People may feel offended if they touch it casually. When they are angry, it is easy to swallow everyone. The kingdom should try its best to appease the dragons, not to mention punishment. Now these dragons are so obedient that they are a bit disrespectful. up.

"What are you waiting for, don't act quickly, Mr. Li Cha is still waiting."

The garrison officer of Dragonscale Fort was stunned and did not issue the military order in time, but Molly who was on the side had no patience, and hurriedly urged, she had no time to delay here, and she had to hurry back to the army of the North Route Army with food Woolen cloth.

"Quick! Pack food!"

After being urged by Molier, the garrison officer reacted, and quickly ordered his soldiers to fix the bundled grain and grass on the dragon's back.

"Team...Captain, are we really going to tie something on the dragon?"

Although it was well prepared and the garrison officer gave orders, the soldiers responsible for carrying the food and grass felt a little offended at the thought of letting the dragon do the tiring work of cattle and horses. Although they pushed the cart forward, they still felt a little bit drummed.

"What's the point, didn't you see the dragons lying on their stomachs? There's nothing to be afraid of. If you dare to take a step back, believe it or not, the general will have you dragged out and chopped down immediately."

"Don't dare, dare not."

After being reprimanded by the team leader, the soldiers pushing the cart didn't dare to say anything, so they could only push the cart obediently and move on.

In fact, the captain is not at ease in his heart, but because of the order, he can only bite the bullet and get close to the dragon...

"Tighten the rope!"

"Don't drop anything!"

"There are two more bundles here!"

"one two three!"

"Work hard together!"

After trembling at the beginning and finding out that the giant dragon would not lose its temper, the soldiers finally got the courage to start tying the bundled grain and grass to the dragon, in order to prevent the large bundle of grain and grass from falling out of the air. After the soldiers hung the grain and grass on the dragon, they fixed it with strong hemp rope a few more times.

After the soldiers became bolder, they moved quickly. Next to each giant dragon was a small group of more than a dozen soldiers helping to hang up the food. With mutual cooperation, they quickly hung the prepared food and grass on the dragon. body.

"Okay, let them all back away!"

"Yes, General Morrill!"

"All, leave the campus!"

The garrison officer gave an order, and the soldiers on the school field retreated one after another. Two minutes later, there were only more than 20 giant dragons with supplies hanging on their bodies.


With a dragon roar, Morrill's head sprouted long horns, and scales began to grow on his body. A few seconds later, in front of the defenders, he transformed into a huge black dragon. He waved his fleshy wings a few times and flew into the air. The rest of the dragons also flapped their wings, and followed Molier towards the northern jungle.

With the strength and size of a giant dragon, carrying more than 2,000 catties of food and grass at one time is just easy, and it will not affect the flight too much. The larger ancient golden dragon is hung with nearly 3,000 catties of food and grass. Only Molly You are relaxed, this is probably a privilege...

More than 20 giant dragons can transport nearly 50,000 catties of grain and grass in one round trip, which is enough for an army of 100,000 for half a day. And the distance from Dragonscale Fort to the dense forest in the north is not too far. Even though the North Route Army has been marching for so long, the flying of the dragon is only a straight-line distance. One hour, counting the rest time, one day is enough for the dragon to fly four or five times, and the food and grass transported is enough for the army to eat for two days. How many times out.

When the giant dragon gradually turned into small black dots in the sky, the garrison officer of Dragonscale Fort lowered his head, thinking that the giant dragon could still be used like this.

"Hurry up, don't stare at the sky in a daze, I feel that the next batch of food and grass will be delivered, and the dragon will come back in a while!"

The garrison officer who came back to his senses immediately yelled at his men to pile up the next batch of grain and grass to a fixed position on the school field. After the dragon landed, he could complete the bundling as quickly as possible to save some time.

Northern jungle.

The generals and academies of the North Route Army, represented by General Alsi, sighed the same as the garrison officers of Dragonscale Fort.

Can the dragon still do this?

Under the command of Molier, the giant dragons landed on the clearing in the woods led by General Arcie. Under the awe-inspiring expressions of the crowd, Molier turned into a human form and approached Arcie and other officers.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Tell the soldiers to unload the food. According to Mr. Richard's order, we have to make at least three trips today."


"Take both and go to unload the food from the dragon's back."

It's not that Alxi and other generals couldn't react, and it's not that they couldn't think of using the dragon to transport supplies by air, but that in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, no one except Richard had such a bold idea, let alone put it into practice.

With the supernatural status of the giant dragon in the Golden Dragon Kingdom, how could anyone dare to ask the giant dragon to deliver food and supplies, not to mention that the proud golden dragon would not agree, and those dragon knights who are proud of the giant dragon would not agree to their partners to go As a transport worker, whoever mentioned this matter, he was either sprayed to death by the dragon's breath, or he was stabbed to death by the knight on the dragon's back before the dragon got angry.

Only under Li Cha's subordinates, the giant dragon would be so useless. When not fighting, it would be placed in the ordnance chief as a biological high-temperature fire source. In a war, besides killing the enemy, it would also have to take on the task of transporting food and grass to replenish supplies. Come.

However, General Alsi's ability to accept is relatively fast. At least other things are not so important compared to the army running out of food. He quickly ordered his soldiers to unload the food and grass tied on the dragon's back.

Under Morrill's order, the giant dragon also cooperated with its huge body like in Dragonscale Fortress, allowing these ordinary soldiers to climb up on their backs, dismantle the bundles of fixed food and grass and throw them down, and then let the ordinary soldiers climb up on their backs and throw them down. The people who picked it up transported it away and then distributed it to various units.

After all the food on the dragon's back was taken off, Molly led them to Dragonscale Fort to deliver the next batch of food and grass. After going back and forth a few times, the logistical problems that plagued most of the army were easily solved by Richard. Well, the North Route Army doesn't have to worry about food and grass at all.

In the depths of the dense forest, there is still an army of 2,000 orcs ambushing behind the humans. Using their familiarity with the dense forest, they bypassed the troops led by Gru and came to the North Route Army by infiltrating the small path. behind the ass.

It’s just that with their military strength, they would definitely not dare to touch the North Route Army’s ass unless it is absolutely necessary. Their task is to wait for the human logistics force, and attack its logistics regardless of casualties, causing human food shortages.

It's just that they waited left and right, and they had already waited longer than expected and had not waited for the logistics team for humans to deliver food and grass.

"General Resado, the scouts in front report new news from the human side."

"What's the movement? Is the human logistics force showing up?"

Hearing that the scouts had discovered human intentions, Resado, the head of the Orc Banner, who was in charge of leading the army to attack the human logistics team, regained his spirits.

"No, the human logistics team has not been discovered yet."

"what is that?"

Resado's tone dropped a few degrees, obviously a little disappointed. He has been waiting for the human logistics team for the past two days and has been a little anxious. According to his and Kierwei's initial estimates, human beings should start to be short of food. , the human logistics army should have started to arrive two days ago, but there is still no sign of it today. In the direction of a good place, we can only guess that the human logistics team has been delayed on the way. Without their hands, the human army will starve by itself. .

"What's that?"

"My lord, the scout said it was about giant dragons. Human giant dragons fly in the air very frequently today. He has seen human giant dragons fly several times."

The dense trees in the dense forest can isolate the peeping from the sky, and also allow people in the forest to see the sky unrealistically. Except for the scouts who specialize in observation, the others have been lying in the forest to hide and have not found the dragon. trend.

"Giant dragon? How many times did it fly back and forth?"

As soon as he heard that the new situation discovered by the scouts was about the giant dragon, Resado also paid attention to it, frowned, and after a few words in his mouth, he suddenly had a terrible guess, and asked again.

"Are you sure about the direction the dragon is flying?"

"The scouts say the dragon is flying south."

"To the south?"


The south is the direction of Longxiguan, the territory of human beings. If it is for combat or investigation, it is impossible for the dragon to fly south. Although this guess is also a bit outrageous, after eliminating the impossible option, the remaining This possibility, no matter how unreasonable, has become the correct result.

Human beings are actually transporting supplies through giant dragons, and the proud giant dragons are acting as cattle and horses...

"Hurry up, send someone to report to General Chirway immediately, saying that the plan has failed. Humans don't have a logistics army at all. Their supplies are all transported by dragons. We can't destroy their logistics line and let General Chirway prepare early. .”

"Yes, General!"

Soon, the officers under him ordered several soldiers who were familiar with the road to report to Qi Erwei in batches from the small road.

As the messenger left, the officer on the side saw that Resado had not issued other orders, and asked with some doubts:

"So, General, what shall we do next?"

In the view of this orc officer, human beings transport food and grass through the giant dragon, and they have no way to interfere. The plan has actually failed. It is meaningless to stay here at this time, and they should withdraw later.

But Resado didn't think so. He was more aware of the plight faced by the orc army in the dense forest. It didn't make much sense for him to bring these two thousand people back. Now that he was here, he was ready to fight.

Although the scouts have been paying attention to the movements of the human logistics troops these days, they also learned about the situation of the rear of the human army by the way. Some look weird and some are not many.

If there is a chance to take away these gathered human officers, perhaps there will be some turning points in this war.

"We won't go back, pass my order, let the army rest well, wait until night to attack with me..."

"Yes, General!"

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