Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 11 The Enemy


Human beings are really clumsy, even if they learn to draw qi into the body, it's nothing more than that.

Li squatted under the window sill, listening to the movement and whispers above his head, he couldn't help laughing in his heart.

She didn't pat her tail until there was no more sound from the window, got up and left.

Not long after now, it is still a good time for dreaming, especially those candidates who failed to occupy a hotel room and had to sleep in those dilapidated thatched huts on the outer edge of the town, who are more susceptible to nightmares.

But for some reason, Li suddenly lost interest.

Even the stewed beef in his arms seemed to have lost its former fragrance.

An alchemist who wants to understand demons is ridiculous enough, not to mention that he also ignorantly believes that prejudice can be eliminated through understanding and propaganda. What is the difference between this and suicide?

Of course, this cannot be blamed on him. With his meager knowledge, he naturally couldn't understand what the Privy Council represented.

Hundreds of years of blood accumulation have created the current order and the status of the Privy Council in the world. Any behavior that crosses the line will be regarded as an unforgivable challenge. Even the one who guided her had no resistance in the face of this behemoth, let alone a small alchemist?

If he doesn't pass, that's fine. No matter how nonsense he talks back to his hometown in the countryside, he will only be regarded as a madman talking nonsense. But once he passes the examination and becomes an official alchemist, if he still doesn't know how to restrain himself, the end will definitely be a dead end.

Logically speaking, she should be happy.

After all, there is one less alchemist in the world without her having to do it herself, which is undoubtedly a good result. But unexpectedly, she found that she was not happy.

Why... is this so?

Li couldn't think of an answer.

They have only known each other for only two days, and they don't even know each other's name.

She has seen many people and heard many words from people, fear, begging for mercy, threats, resentment, killing intent... Only some vague emotions are left in her mind. As for what she said, she has almost no words at all. impression. But every word of this young alchemist was still fresh in her memory, as if the two of them talked more than they had in the past few years.

"Could it be...you are also a fan of picnics?"

This is where the first communication started.

The opening scene is completely confusing, but there is a feeling of inexplicable familiarity and nostalgia.

Li walked to the edge of the town, took out the cloth bag wrapped with stewed beef, hesitated for a moment, and threw it to the bottom of the cliff.

If she wants to be an enemy of the Privy Council, she is destined to become the enemy of all alchemists. It is better not to see such an exception.

"What am I trying to do, it turns out to be a fox demon."

At this moment, a rough voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Li's tail immediately stood up, and she suddenly turned her head, only to see an extra figure ten steps away.

It was a tall human male, nearly six feet tall, shoulders almost twice as wide as a normal person, and wearing a pitch-black high-collared robe, shaped like a hill under the dim moonlight.

How could such a burly person come to him without a sound?

The alarm bells in her heart suddenly rang!

And the three red embroidery on the opponent's shoulder... Although she didn't know the specific ranks of the Privy Council officials, it was the first time she saw an alchemist with three horizontal bars.

"I am Ba Xingtian, guarding the south of Qiguo." The other party's voice came again from under the silver mask, "What is your name?"

"...You don't need to know." Li slightly bent down, showing his fangs.

"Don't worry, this is just the first question." Ba Xingtian said unhurriedly, "The second question, what is the purpose of you coming to Qingshan Town to disturb my Daqishi examination?"

"And the last question..." He paused, "Who ordered you to come here?"

Li sneered, "Can't I just want to come?"

"Monsters almost never set foot in human territory. Living like beasts in the wilderness forest is what you should do. Besides, the place where the examination is held is a secret of the Privy Council. If no one instructs you, how can you find it here?"

Ba Xingtian stretched out his palm like a cattail fan, and made a gesture of a virtual grip, "It doesn't matter if you don't answer now, I can give you time to think. When I catch you, I will break your joints bit by bit, and twist your fingers Then, you can have a good time at once.”

While the fox demon was staring at Ba Xingtian, Ba Xingtian was also examining her.

Nine people were eliminated on the first day, and the number increased to seventy-four on the second day—although anything could happen in the bachelor's examination, the panicked expressions on the faces of most of the quit candidates still caught his attention.

Ba Xingtian vaguely remembered that a similar problem had occurred in the Hidden Island Shikao three years ago. However, the content of that exam was originally related to mental pressure, and he hadn't been able to bypass the invigilator and directly intervene in the exam at that time, so it ended in nothing. It wasn't until this round of Qingshan Township examination that he suddenly remembered the connection between the two.

To his surprise, the culprit turned out to be a fox.

The fox demon is good at charm and illusion, which can reasonably explain why the examinees are restless, but what Ba Xingtian can't figure out is why the other party just threatens and doesn't directly attack. It's perfectly normal for monsters to hate alchemists, especially those who come here on a special trip, and they should kill them when they find the opportunity.

The only possibility he could think of was that the other party had a deeper purpose.

And such a purpose is usually beyond the imagination of an ordinary demon.

What's more, he could find one of the examination rooms to cause trouble in the two consecutive examinations, which made Ba Xingtian more inclined to this guess.

The fox demon's age doesn't seem to be very old, which means that her strength is limited, it's better to catch alive, and then use severe torture to obtain information about the messenger behind the scenes. This is a safe move.

"Let me ask you, have you ever killed a demon?" Li said after a long silence.

"Of course." Ba Xingtian said without hesitation, "there are quite a few."

"What about the monster that has nothing to do with people, and even lives alone?"

"What's the difference? I'm not interested in asking about their lives when I run them over."

"Then...you can't be considered an innocent person." Li took a deep breath, exerted force with his feet, and rushed towards Ba Xingtian like an arrow that was flying from the string——

She took the initiative to attack!

Since he wanted to fight against the Privy Council, he would inevitably have to fight high-level alchemists, and the person in front of him was one of the high-level officials. If he can be beheaded here, the strength of the Privy Council will be effectively weakened.

In an instant, Ba Xingtian felt a monstrous murderous intent rushing towards his face!

The ground under his feet seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the pungent smell of blood rushed straight into his throat, as if it was sticky to block his breath. The flowers, plants and trees around him disappeared, replaced by stumped limbs and scattered internal organs.

For ordinary people, let alone fighting in such an environment, it is not easy to even keep standing.

Do you launch an illusion while attacking to enhance your chances of winning? Ba Xingtian couldn't help secretly praising it, it's really a good move! It's a pity that others may be shocked by the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, but he will only feel his blood boiling!

With both feet firmly on the ground, while leaning slightly sideways, he stretched his right arm to the limit and then swung it with all his strength, striking directly in the direction the fox monster was coming from!

With the loud noise of the collision, the phantom shattered!

The bloody light in the sky disintegrated and peeled off like glazed glass, the fox demon flew upside down, rolled several times before stopping, and he only took two steps back.

When Li Zai stood up, the five fingers of his right hand were obviously deformed.

"I have served in the army for a long time, and I have long been used to seeing bloody battlefields. Your moves will only make me more excited." He raised his hands, and saw that the pair of giant palms had lost all blood, And like a granite stone, its translucent texture is the same as that of a stone, "To deal with you, I only need these palms to suffice."

"Gen Shu, Gui Shen?" Li frowned.

"Oh? You even know this?" Ba Xingtian said in a deep voice, "Alchemy is not to be easily spread, even from aristocratic families. Not only violated this order, but also taught it to demons... I want to find out more and more The man behind you."

"Just try it!" She leaned forward again, but this time she did not choose to attack head-on, but pulled out a zigzag route.

"Drink!" Ba Xingtian roared, and put on a counter attack posture on the spot - responding to all changes with the same is the most familiar combat method! In the face of overwhelming power, no tricks are worth worrying about!

While running, the fox demon actually took out a talisman from his arms.

How rebellious! Ba Xingtian couldn't help being furious!

What he was angry with was not just a monster, but the person who passed the alchemy to the monster! Monsters are born with the ability to sense Qi, and they also have instinctive spells that can be cast without teaching. In terms of talent, demons are better than humans. Their biggest disadvantage is that their instincts are basically fixed. For example, fox demons are changeable and good at disturbing their minds. As long as they restrain this point, they will be helpless.

Because of this, teaching alchemy to demons is an absolute taboo, and it is also the consensus of all alchemists. Now there are people who dare to risk the disgrace of the world and openly violate the ban of the Privy Council?

It is not a pity that this person dies!

Even so, Ba Xingtian had no intention of retreating. Instinct is instinct, because of the monster's instinctive spells, it is very difficult to use other alchemy techniques, but he has already seen that the talisman is clearly the Qian talisman. Even though I don't know the specific strokes, the fox demon belongs to "Kan", which is one "Xun" away from "Qian". Even if it can be successfully stimulated, the effect will be extremely limited.

What's more, she has already lost one hand, and the double technique guided by the talisman alone is not worth mentioning!

However, when passing through a patch of grass, Li swept his tail and threw a large piece of debris at him.

What kind of trick is this?

This ridiculous method is only used when young children fight.

Even if dozens of daggers flew over, he had no need to dodge even if he was possessed by Genshu Guishen - Fudo Myokami.

Ba Xingtian opened his arms and grabbed at Li—this time, he decided to break off her other hand as well.

In the splash of gravel and weeds, he saw the other party's tightly closed eyes.

And a few fireflies that were swept over together.

"Qianshu, Weiyin! The moon shines!"

In an instant, a bright white light bloomed between the two, filling Ba Xingtian's entire field of vision!

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