Harry Potter’s Natural Villain

Chapter 333 Guardian Spell

"By the way, the main content of this class, I'm going to teach you the Patronus Charm." Moody said amazingly at the end of the demonstration.

The students under the podium began to whisper, wondering why they suddenly needed to learn the spell.

Pansy's face was filled with deep nostalgia, and she remembered the novel experience of Malfoy taking her to see the Dementors.

Ron in his seat was about to say something before he wisely shut up, having been trained miserably by Moody these days.

"Haven't the dementors disappeared?" a student asked Ron's thoughts.

"Yes, that's a reason not to practice." Moody answered patiently in a hoarse voice.

"But I also have reasons to practice."

"For example, we don't have definite proof that the Dementors are extinct, just in case." Moody tapped the top of the wooden table in front of him with his wand.

"Practicing this spell will also help you learn to control your emotions."

Delusional or not, Harry felt Moody glaring at him with his piercing magic eye.

"And..." The teacher stretched his tail.

"As you all know, the wizarding world is not peaceful these days," Moody said in a hoarse voice.

"The Dark Lord may re-emerge at any time, and the forces of the Death Eaters will spread and spread. At that time, our communication will be greatly disrupted, and the way the owls transmit information will be very dangerous."

"Once intercepted, it will fall into a very passive situation." Moody's expression became more serious, and the magic eye turned more and more frequently.

"And after learning the Patronus Spell, we can use them to communicate, and after encountering an enemy, it's good to control it to disappear."

"Of course, that must be after mastering more advanced technology. I can't achieve it now, but I can give you an example." After Moody said this, he immediately raised his wand , pointing to the high ceiling.

"Call God Guard!"

Silvery gas rose from the tip of Mad-Eye Moody's wand, then condensed into shape.

It is a silver cheetah with a fierce face, stepping in the air, staring at all the students with keen eyes,

As if to penetrate the heart.

It is in line with the character he used to be keen on arresting dark wizards and helping justice.

Sturdy and agile.

It is worth mentioning that the left eye of the cheetah has a deep scar that runs from top to bottom, which is so dazzling on the whole silver-white body.

The form of the guardian deity will change with the change of the owner.

But not all.

The four legs of the patron saint are very flexible, and there is no sign of injury, unlike the owner who is lame.

Both Gryffindor and Slytherin students looked at Moody's patron saint with admiration.

Because he is handsome.

And at this moment Moody's nose, which was missing a chunk of flesh, quivered and spoke.

"In order to complete today's demonstration, I specially asked an old acquaintance of mine, whose skills can be achieved enough to support long-distance control."

"Shacklebolt?" he called out the door.

As soon as Moody's voice fell, a silver-white lynx rose from the door of the classroom, jumped in, and broke into the classroom.

attracted everyone's attention.

Afterwards, it was graceful and sparkling, and lightly fell back to the entire lecture table, using its sly eyes to look at the surrounding students.

The students burst into exclamations.

Both are cats, and they are somewhat similar to Moody's Patronus, with the same sharp eyes.

Maybe it's something common to all Aurors?

"Hello, Alastor." The lynx raised his paws, mouth wide open, and greeted Moody in that loud, thick, slow voice.

"Hello, Kingsley." Moody also manipulated his Patronus and said.

"Allow me to introduce myself first." Lynx turned to face the students in the class.

It also swung its furry silver paws at the students in a very humane way.

"My name is Kingsley Shacklebolt, once a subordinate to Mr. Moody and now an Auror at the Ministry of Magic."

The lynx introduced himself to the crowd.

"I still have a job, and my time is limited. Let me make a long story short, the Patronus Charm is a difficult, but very useful spell, not limited to the purpose of defending against Dementors."

"Everyone here has also seen that I am not here. The most common way for wizards to achieve communication is to rely on owls to pass letters, or stick their heads into the fireplace and project images."

"The former is not safe enough and takes a long time, while the latter is quite troublesome."

"Well, it's still a little dirty, and I don't think there are any girls who are willing to talk to others and get sullen, right?" Kingsley added.

The girls under the stage were amused by his jokes.

"Okay, everyone, goodbye, I hope you have a good study, I still have a task." Kingsley's words were quite brief, after all, he was just a person who was invited to demonstrate.

"Everyone can start practicing. Before that, we can also look at the use of the master."

"As far as I know, there is a student who has a good grasp." Moody's eyes fell on a female student.

"Miss Parkinson?"

Pansy heard him call his name, stood up from his seat, and walked to the podium without any haste.

"Call God Guard!"

Pansy raised his wand.

With a coquettish sound, a silver kitten gradually condensed from the silver-white smoke, raised its head, and paced back and forth in the classroom proudly and gracefully.

Then Pansy took away her wand, and the cat turned into silver smoke and gradually dissipated.

"Fairly skilled Patronus Charm, Slytherin plus twenty." Moody began to applaud.

The Slytherin students also spontaneously applauded, while Gryffindor's applause seemed a little feeble.

Especially Ron, whose hands were completely motionless.

"It's so funny," he said.

"As far as I know, the Patronus Charm can reflect a person's character to a certain extent."

"So the shape is also different."

"It may be a magical creature, such as a phoenix, such as your headmaster, Mr. Dumbledore. Of course, it may also be an ordinary animal that can be seen everywhere."

"What can be known is that the ability of the Patronus is different from the form, but the ability displayed has nothing to do with the form."

"According to the records, the most powerful Patronus was a rat, and the wizard named Illius blocked the army of hundreds of dementors."

The students below exclaimed again.

"So you don't have to be upset that your Patronus isn't beautiful or handsome enough."

"You can go to the library to borrow "The Curse of Defense and Deterrence", which has more in-depth answers." Moody tapped the table with his stick, reminding the students.

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