Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

Chapter 377 Everyone is in place

"Indeed, you may not be his opponent in a one-on-one fight -" Snape agreed, "but don't forget that there is me. Although I always ended up in a draw with you before, I never tried my best."

"But when I was still in school at Hogwarts, I often saw you being bullied by Harry's father." Lockhart teased, "At that time, I thought to myself, that Slytherin brother is so weak. Chicken..."

"Tsk—that stupid Potter, you had a bunch of bad friends back then." Snape's lips twitched, and a disgusted expression appeared on his face. The disgust he felt for his youthful rival had not diminished at all over the years. "Have you ever seen him dare to deal with me when I am alone? Every time he teases me, the Black family's loyal dog must be present. Although Lupine and Peter are also his friends, the former is a good old man and never attacks with spells casually. People, the latter don’t have the guts.”

"Sirius's strength is also good." Lockhart nodded, "But please don't use adjectives like dog to describe him. After all, you are comrades in arms now."

"Isn't his Animagus transformation just a dog?" Snape said bitterly, but was not prepared to continue arguing on this topic. "Furthermore, you think I let Potter bully me? Any boy would never be able to bear this kind of insult when he was young. I was so impulsive that I wanted to kill him. I even taught myself the killing curse. But Mulciber and Avery stopped me, and they helped me trick Porter into a corner of campus and beat him up, but you didn't see it."

"Oh, really." Lockhart was a little surprised, but there was nothing incomprehensible... It's a pity that although revenge has come back, you still lost Lily.

Snape obviously thought of this and fell silent for a moment.

"Let's find a place to stay tonight to recuperate our energy." Lockhart said, "The Muggle house in front looks quite big, so stay there."

"Okay." The two of them walked towards the house with light coming from the window. The place where they met was at the edge of the area where the floo network was cut off. After walking for a while, they had entered the range where they could not apparate. .

"We are dealing with the Dark Lord in an area where apparation is impossible. How should we escape in the end?" Snape thought of the most critical question.

"I will try my best to force him to activate the floo network. As long as I show enough strength to threaten him, and with your presence, he won't take the risk of dealing with us alone. If not, we will fight and retreat. Back out of range.”

Snape frowned and did not continue to ask. Although he wanted to live, he was not too afraid of death. What he was worried about was that if something happened to Lockhart and himself, there wouldn't be enough wizards to contain Voldemort as Scrimgeour and others retook the Ministry of Magic.

"Actually, what we have to worry about is not that the Floo network is cut off, but the Death Eaters who may come to help him." Lockhart said, "So we will greet him at the beach tomorrow. If the Floo network is activated, we will go to the sea first. Go, most Death Eaters don’t have the strength to fly without their brooms——”

"The stronger Death Eaters are all outside Hogwarts Castle now." Snape said, "The ones who can help are those who are already searching for the Savior's whereabouts near Wick. Maybe they will also rush there." Over to Hogwarts."

"Well, the floo network near Hogwarts has also been cut off. If the mysterious man really comes to Hogwarts, this can delay him for a few more minutes." Lockhart finally found a small good news. "You knock on the door and I knock on the door?"

"What's the difference? Don't you have to use the Confusion Charm?" Snape glanced at him contemptuously and pulled out the wand from under his cloak.

"That's right." Lockhart also took out his wand and knocked on the Muggle door.


May 1st, 6am.

That night, many people tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. Some were excited, some were scared, and some were worried about their loved ones. Others think very far ahead...

But after placing a powerful warning spell, Lockhart slept soundly. He has always been a heartless person,

He was not nervous about the upcoming battle because he had already prepared a backhand that was powerful enough to allow him to escape. The only situation to worry about is. Not only would he not be able to defeat Voldemort, he would also be unable to disapparate - in which case Snape would definitely die.

After leaving the room and walking downstairs, Lockhart found that a certain black robe lover was already sitting at the dining table of this family, waiting.

"You actually woke up at six o'clock on time." Snape was a little dissatisfied. He had already gotten up.

"I've always been a punctual person," Lockhart said. "Whether it's a new book promised to a book fan or a date with a woman, going to the battlefield is no exception."


"Oh - thank you." Lockhart thanked the Muggle hostess who served him breakfast. "Severus, have you finished eating?"


"Okay, then you sit there and digest it." Lockhart said with a smile, "Don't stare at me, I won't be able to eat it."

"..." Snape turned his head and looked at the eastern sky, which was only dimly lit before the sun had risen.

The breakfast was quite sumptuous, including sausages, bacon, roasted tomatoes, soybeans, mushrooms, and poached eggs. After all, Lockhart and Snape were honored guests under the confusion spell. I have to say...it tastes better than Hermione's. As a young wife who just got married and hasn't even graduated from school yet, she still has a lot to learn.

After chewing slowly and comfortably, Lockhart wiped his mouth and stood up. Before getting up and leaving, he still followed his past habit and left two fifty-pound notes under the dinner plate. This action made Snape's eyebrows twitch inadvertently.


"What a thoughtful and considerate man, Gilderoy," Snape said. "No wonder girls like you."

"We are also cultural people after all." Lockhart joked, "I'm afraid of trouble myself, and I don't like to cause trouble to others... Let's go."

After the two left the house, they walked towards the beach and started to contact Hogwarts to ask for news there. At about seven o'clock, they received bad news. Voldemort appeared outside Hogwarts. He also used telephony to order the people in the castle to surrender.

This caused tension among many students and professors who were not staunch opponents. The centaurs even asked Hagrid to ask Lockhart why Voldemort showed up at school instead of being lured away by him as promised.

Lockhart assured them that Voldemort would leave before the attack at eight o'clock. In order to stabilize people's hearts, McGonagall had to let Harry appear in front of everyone in the castle lobby and call on everyone to fight bravely.


At this moment, the above-ground part of the Ministry of Magic in London, the May Day holiday and the construction of the outer wall of the Westminster Theater resulted in few people in the area. Two groups of Aurors and MI5 agents and wizards armed to the teeth were already hiding in a store near the theater.

Everyone is wearing an anti-death curse vest. Of course, this thing is not omnipotent - if it is hit by a powerful wizard's death curse, it will just be buried with the user by the small animals in the jacket's sandwich. But after all, not every enemy is worthy of the adjective "powerful". Since its invention, the Anti-Death Curse Vest has saved the lives of hundreds of wizards from the Death Curse in melee.

The wizards held their wands, while the squibs who were specially trained to deal with wizards were armed with live ammunition.

Thirty meters underground, the third group of MI5 agents were nervously carrying out excavation operations according to the structural diagram of the Ministry of Magic. This project had quietly started a few days ago. For safety, they always maintained extreme conditions during the day. The advancement speed is slow, and I don’t dare to be too reckless at night. Although the progress is irritatingly slow, it is almost over, and it only takes about an hour to open the tunnel to the underground level of the Ministry of Magic.


Time passed by minute by minute, and finally, the watch showed seven fifty, and it couldn't be delayed any longer! Lockhart and Snape have arrived at Castleton, east of Thurso. This small town is at the northwest end of the area where the floo network centered on Wick is cut off. If Voldemort wants to apparate to the nearest place, then Flying over, he could only apparate near Thurso. Then Snape will fly south with Lockhart, trying to keep Voldemort chasing for a while...

"Come on." Lockhart had already drank the Polyjuice Potion and turned into Harry, riding on his broom and said to Snape.

"Okay." Snape solemnly rolled up his left sleeve, revealing a ferocious pattern under the sleeve of the wizard's robe - he pressed his right hand on it, activated the Dark Mark with magic power, and began to communicate with Voldemort.


[Still 1,700 recommendation votes needed to add more updates]

——(To be continued.)


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