Hardcore Chef Dad

Vol 3 Chapter 953: 2 old cooperation, vinegared mandarin fish

After everything was ready, Li Fei'er had some opening remarks.

"Chinese cooking has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has entered the contemporary era. With the influx of ingredients from all over the world, our Chinese cuisine menu has once again been enriched. Then please follow our lens today and take a good look. The essence of Chinese cuisine."

Afterwards, the camera shot Zhuang Daozhong, Su Jinrong and Feng Yifan in.

Li Feier also introduced the three people.

"Today we are in Huaicheng, Jiangsu Province. When we mention Jiangsu Province, it naturally reminds everyone of the Su cuisine among the eight cuisines. In fact, before the eight cuisines, there are four major cuisines. Among them, Huaiyang cuisine also originated in Huaicheng and Yangcheng in Jiangsu Province.

So today, we invited three people, who are the inheritors of Huaiyang cuisine and Su cuisine, to show us the Chinese cuisine in Jiangsu Province. "

Li Feier and everyone looked at Feng Yifan and the two old men, looking forward to the first cooperation of these three generations.

I really want to see what kind of dish the three generations will cooperate with.

Li Fei'er still used interviews to directly ask everyone's questions.

"The three can be regarded as the top three generations of chefs in China today. I don't know what dish the three are going to show us today?"

Feng Yifan took out the prepared ingredients directly.

The camera turned around and captured the ingredients that Feng Yifan had photographed on the chopping board.

Li Feier recognized it and said, "This should be mandarin fish, right?"

Then Li Fei'er said: "So, what three of you are going to show us today is the classic "Squirrel Mandarin Fish"?"

Feng Yifan and his father-in-law and Elder Zhuang looked at each other.

He said, "No, for this dish today, although mandarin fish is also used, it is not squirrel mandarin fish, but a dish that may not be familiar to everyone."

Hearing these words, let alone the people who were shooting and Li Fei'er, the back chefs who watched by Su Ji were also a little curious?

After a nap, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, the three little girls who came back to Su Ji, also sat with their parents and stared outside the camera.

Now that he heard what Feng's father said, the three little girls also stood up and stared curiously.

The little girls are very well-behaved and did not disturb Father Feng's filming.

Li Feier smiled and asked: "Three chefs, we are really curious. If it's not "Squirrel Mandarin", what would you three cook for us?"

Su Jinrong replied: "It's a dish that my father had improved at the beginning, "Stewed Mandarin Fish in Vinegar"."

Such a dish really surprised everyone a little bit.

It can be said that this dish is indeed not that famous.

If you are familiar with it, it is naturally inferior to "Squirrel Mandarin Fish".

So Li Fei'er and the others are really curious, what is so special about such a dish?

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and said: "Maybe everyone should be more familiar with "Squirrel Mandarin Fish", but this vinegared mandarin fish is definitely not inferior to the squirrel mandarin fish, and this dish cannot be done independently by a chef. .

The first difference between it and the squirrel mandarin fish is that the squirrel mandarin fish is dried before frying, while the vinegared mandarin fish must be covered with a wet paste, and it must be deep-fried three times to ensure that the fried bones of the mandarin fish are crispy. , And then pour the cooked hot sauce. "

Feng Yifan added: “Because after the mandarin fish is fried for the last time, pour the same hot sauce on the mandarin fish while it is hot to ensure that the sauce can directly penetrate the crispy fish and reach the inner fish bones. So two people must do it together."

Listening to the three top chefs said that everyone is full of expectations.

Especially the people in Su Ji's back kitchen are really curious about this dish and want to see it.

After all, this dish was improved by Mr. Su Quansheng.

Zhuang Daozhong even said: "At the state banquet, I used to cook this dish with my senior brother. At that time, it was Brother Su who fried the mandarin fish, and I was responsible for making the juice according to his instructions. The dish came out, really. It’s scented and mouth watering."

I heard that this is a dish that appeared at a state banquet, which naturally made people more curious.

Li Fei'er smiled and said: "Then please three masters reappear for us."

Feng Yifan and the two elders looked at each other, and then he began to busy himself.

The difference between Feng Yifan this time and other times is that his job is to clean up the mandarin fish.

This includes slaughtering the fresh mandarin fish, cleaning the fish, and changing the body of the mandarin fish as required.

Under Feng Yifan's neat hands, the mandarin fish was also quickly cleaned up.

While he was changing the knife, the two elders Su Jinrong and Zhuang Daozhong were next to explain.

Su Jinrong said: "Look, everyone. This vinegared mandarin fish is different from the way the squirrel mandarin fish is modified. This dish cannot be deboned, but the fish bones must be kept intact so that they can be supported by the fish bones. The shape of the final dish."

Zhuang Daozhong said: "Look, you have to cut the fish with a straight knife like this first, and cut the fish until the fish bones are cut, but the fish bones must not be injured. , To be connected."

Zhuang Daozhong's explanation also opened everyone's eyes.

Because Feng Yifan's cut is really fast and accurate, every cut can be regarded as extremely standard.

Lin Ruifeng, who was watching, said in a low voice to Ning Cheng beside him, "Have you seen it? This is where the master's knife skills are great. Every cut is very accurate. Stopping at the fish bone will never hurt the fish bone. Returning to the slice is to ensure that the fish will not fall off."

Ning Cheng also said in a low voice after hearing this, "Brother, this is a bit super-class for me."

Lin Ruifeng almost couldn't help laughing. He covered his mouth and held back his smile before he said, "Actually, it's also super class to me."

Ning Cheng also almost laughed, only to quickly cover his mouth with his hand.

Ma Xiaolong next to him said: "Don't laugh, this is a rare opportunity to learn. Can't you be more serious?"

Hearing Ma Xiaolong's words, Lin Ruifeng and Ning Cheng also became serious.

In fact, not only Ma Xiaolong is very excited at this moment, everyone in the back kitchen is watching it very seriously, including Shi Jiahui with a look of expectation.

While Feng Yifan was dealing with the mandarin fish, Su Jinrong also adjusted the paste by hand.

The paste used to wrap the fish is a paste of eggs and starch.

Su Jinrong said: "This paste can actually be used to fry other things, mainly to ensure that the internal moisture is locked, and at the same time, it can ensure that the appearance is crisp enough. Look, it looks like this, pull it with your hand, this Paste will automatically become offline like this."

The photographer really took the shot very seriously, and everyone at the scene also took it very seriously.

It can be said that Su Jinrong is teaching everyone how to make deep-fried batter.

After the frying paste was adjusted, Feng Yifan also processed the mandarin fish and marinated it with green onion turmeric wine and salt, sugar and pepper.

Feng Yifan would break apart the sliced ​​fish, and smear the inside to make sure it is marinated to the bones.

Zhuang Daozhong said on the side: "This must be done to ensure that the whole fish is marinated, so that it will be spread evenly."

During the period of marinating the fish, Feng Yifan also prepared the frying pan.

Su Jinrong said: "As for the oil in the pan, you don’t need to change the oil every time you fry, but everyone must remember that the oil for deep-fried meat dishes should be distinguished from the vegetable dishes. At the same time, after each frying, , Be sure to clean up the oil."

When the fish was marinated, Su Jinrong officially took over.

At the moment when Su Jinrong took over, everyone began to become a little nervous, and everyone stared at the movements of Su Jinrong's hands.

Since the stroke, this is the first time that Su Jinrong personally cooks such a big dish.

At first, when the fish was caught in his hands, Su Jinrong's hands tremble slightly.

Seeing this scene, everyone really sweated for the old man.

Feng Ruoruo clenched his small fists too, and couldn't help muttering, "Grandpa, come on."

Su Jinrong calmed down quickly, pinching the head and tail of the fish with his hands, then put the fish into the paste, and evenly hung the paste on the body of the fish.

After putting it forward, Su Jinrong put the fish in the boiling oil very quickly.

Zhuang Daozhong said: "This is the first time of frying. The oil temperature should not be very high, probably at the third or fourth layer of oil. The frying should be done slowly and the fish should be shaped."

At this time, everyone saw that Su Jinrong did not loosen the head and tail of the fish, and did not let the mandarin fish go frying by itself in the oil pan. Instead, he carried the head and tail of the fish and curled it in the middle to let the fish go. Shows a kind of leaping appearance.

Su Jinrong said while frying: "It's slightly curled like a fish jumping up. It's the shape of this dish, the so-called fish jumping dragon gate."

Feng Yifan was watching. When he saw the sweat bead on his father-in-law's forehead, he also reached out to wipe the sweat off his father-in-law's forehead.

After the first frying, the fish is basically in shape.

Su Jinrong fished out the fish and set it aside to cool off.

"At this time, you can't just go and fry it a second time, you have to put it aside and let it dry."

At this time, Zhuang Daozhong was also sitting on the pot on the side of the stove, preparing to boil the vinegar sauce that was finally poured on the fish.

In the process of boiling the juice, Zhuang Daozhong also followed up with some explanations.

"This vinegar sour sauce requires some compound seasoning. You can't just use a kind of vinegar. First, you must use aged vinegar, and finally cook some balsamic vinegar, so that it can better stimulate the vinegar aroma.

Moreover, the juice must be boiled to be viscous, but it must not be boiled too much, and the juice must not be bitter, and the juice must be deep red and bright, so that it will look beautiful after being topped. "

While Zhuang Daozhong was boiling the juice, Su Jinrong had already re-fried the fish in the frying pan for the second time.

Feng Yifan helped by saying: "When re-frying, the oil temperature must be raised to six or seven layers, and then it cannot be thrown directly into the pot like this. You must use a colander to hold it for frying. In this way, the shape of the fish can be guaranteed. Not to be destroyed."

Su Jinrong held the fish with a colander in one hand and put it into the oil pan, while holding up the other iron spoon, he also poured oil on the fish.

In this way, the second re-fry was carried out, and the fish was taken out of the oil pan again and left to dry.

The juice of Zhuang Daozhong next to him has also begun to thicken, and the vinegar fragrance has also come out.

Finally, after the oil temperature rose to the eighth level, Su Jinrong put the fish in the oil pan for the last time to fry.

Feng Yifan said: “Don’t think that this will be very oily. In fact, when the oil temperature is low, the oil will be eaten into the fish, but when the oil temperature is high, the oil eaten will be at high oil temperature. I was forced out."

After the third frying, Zhuang Daozhong had already cooked the vinegar sauce next to him.

Finally, when the balsamic vinegar is cooked, a stronger vinegar aroma is instantly stimulated.

Then, Su Jinrong also fished out the fish, and Feng Yifan quickly took over.

He used absorbent paper to absorb the oil on the fish body, and the fish body was slightly reshaped, and then placed on a plate.

Seeing Feng Yifan's step also shocked the group of people from Taiwan Province. The makeup artist couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice, "God, this, isn't it scary?"

Feng Ruoruo heard the words next to him: "Dad's hands are not afraid of getting hot."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Daddy Feng is not afraid."

Chen Yaofei said: "Papa Feng can hold hot things well."

Another provincial Taiwanese said: "This is the ruthless iron hand in the legend."

Soon after the fish was placed on the plate, Zhuang Daozhong took the boiled vinegar sauce out with a spoon and poured it on the fried fish.

In an instant, the hot vinegar sauce touched the hot fish and made some sizzling noises.

And then there is a strong fragrance.

The smell of vinegar and fish are really intertwined, and people can't help but start to salivate, and there is a feeling that they can't wait to taste it.

Finally, Feng Yifan sprinkled on shallots and some processed almonds.

Treat some soup on the edge of the plate.

This plate of "Vinegared Mandarin Fish" is considered complete.

When the finished product came out, the provincial and Taiwanese photographers, together with A Fei and A Bin, used the lens to zoom in to take the seriously.

The whole fish showed a leaping appearance, as if it was about to jump out of the plate.

The dark red vinegar sauce, paired with the golden fish after being fried, also makes the whole dish look very beautiful.

Then, Feng Yifan removed the fish directly.

Everyone was a little surprised when watching Feng Yifan dismantling.

On the one hand, I was surprised that Feng Yifan was dismantled in this way, and on the other hand, I was also surprised that this fish was really crumbly.

It turned out that the whole fish can be taken apart with just a hard effort with chopsticks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, even the bones can be easily broken.

Feng Yifan opened the whole fish and said, "The so-called one heat wins three fresh fish. This vinegared mandarin fish must be eaten while it is hot. Let's hurry up and try it together. Take a look at all these years. My father-in-law and my master What is the taste of this dish that my uncle worked with?"

Su Ruoxi also brought small plates and distributed them to everyone, and also distributed small forks for everyone to taste.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, are naturally not to be missed. The three little girls can't wait to eat.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "This dish is sweet and sour, can it be regarded as your afternoon dessert?"

Feng Ruoruo heard this and said, "No, Dad’s dessert is a dessert. This is a vegetable and can’t be a dessert. Dad, you have to make us another dessert."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei naturally support Feng Ruoruo together.

The three little girls also caused everyone in Su Ji to laugh.

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