Half Immortal

Chapter 84: "You are still you."

[Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing the dead school mobile copy. This dungeon has the following superpositions: superposition of casino buildings, increased difficulty of opening multiple best players, increased drop rate of items opened by multiple best players, and racing mode. …]

[Congratulations to the player for winning the race mode. …]

[Congratulations to the player for successfully ascending the building, the player's current floor: 19th floor, the next natural floor copy: 20th floor. Since the player has turned on the gambling building mechanism and completed the customs clearance, according to the player's development direction and the performance in the dungeon (superimposed with the bonus of the racing mode), the clearance reward is determined to be: …. ]

[A total of 356 points of body index, 488 points of perception, and 870 points of points (doubled) are obtained in the current copy of the player. Because players bet on the building, they will get feedback from the building: the points will be doubled, and the dungeon power will be chosen once in the dungeon pool. ]

[Current player basic data update: body index 440, perception 649, highest level 19, points 1113. ]

[After evaluation, the player with the most outstanding performance in this dungeon is the best player in this dungeon. …. ]

[After testing that you already have a codename, the codename "yan" will be announced directly as the best player. ]

After Yan Wei climbed the stairs, he once again came to a dark space where only the information panel could be seen, and a series of dungeon settlement prompts flashed in his ears. This time, there are too many superposition effects enabled by the mobile book, and they are settled in various ways, and he doesn't even have the heart to listen. When the data was updated, Yan Wei was a little surprised by such a large increase in data. He only felt that his body and perception had improved a lot in an instant - if he were to return to the copy of the first-floor Promenade Hotel now, He can directly defeat the doctor and painter with his bare hands, and clear the level with violence.

Such a high reward, as expected, he directly lifted a dozen floors and opened the casino and racing mode copies at the same time.

When these are settled one by one, the prompt sound paused, and asked him: [The current dungeon item drop rate increases, you clear the dungeon to trigger the item drop bonus, you can choose from the following ten items Three, or choose to upgrade the item the player currently has. Note: The props obtained by the player in the previous dungeon have a certain layer limit. ]

The voice was still echoing, and ten props appeared in front of Yan Wei.

He glanced at him, a look of surprise on his face.

—There are no moon fragments in these ten items.

Just now when the dungeon was completely over, he was thinking about why there was no news of the last fragment until the end of the dungeon. He has collected all four pieces and made a incomplete moon wheel. All three pieces can lead to a fourth piece, let alone four pieces together. But at that time, he was holding the moon wheel, and he didn't feel any traction in the entire Chenxi High School.

It was just that the breakout was imminent at that time, and he didn't care about other things. After the dungeon was over, the last piece of the moon wheel had not yet appeared, and Yan Wei roughly guessed that it might be a reward for the best player.

But there are no moon fragments in these ten items.

Could it be that there are only four fragments in Dawn High School?

But judging from the difference in the split space, it happens to be a human limb and head, which should be exactly five pieces... This last piece is not in the dead school building, where will it be?

Yan Wei frowned slightly and thought for a moment. Hearing Lou urging him to choose props, he temporarily took back his mind and said, "I choose to upgrade my existing props." The configuration of several props is good. Although the flower ball has limitations, it can just make up for the shortcoming that he can not die but will be injured, and the "short-term reality" can temporarily borrow Yan Mingguang's strength so that he can temporarily have a super high power. Body index, combined, he is not afraid even if he acts alone. Instead of discarding these and replacing them with new ones, it is better to upgrade and use them directly.

After Yan Wei selected, the values ​​of those props were enhanced in an instant. Then, a flash of light in his eyes was transmitted back to the world inside the building by the building.

The world inside the building.

After the dungeon of the dead school building was over, Lin Qing took Xuanniao and left the casino area.

The lone wolf players who had been driven away by the black bird and the group players who had been waiting immediately gathered together. Although the dungeon has ended, the settlement data of the dungeon can still be seen.

The players all crowded in front of the projection copy, watching helplessly as the best player's code slowly appeared on the black projection screen.


"Yan again!"

"All the dungeons after he entered the building are the best, right?" Someone sighed, "This is definitely a seed that can become a high-level player, and if Yan is really the one, it will only be revealed now. Yan Wei who came out...that's even more terrifying. He kept everyone in the dark with three copies in a row."

"There are only three copies...Which high-level player has not been the best many times in a row?"

"Have you ever seen a building that has been raised more than ten floors in a row and still get the best one?"

"Yes, isn't that the one who is the legendary founder of Xuanniao? It's a pity that the head of Xuanniao never opened the projection, and the person who played the dungeon with him either died or was a super high-level player. , no one knows what he looks like, and I haven't heard from him for a long time..."


In the crowd, Zhao Jingchen stood among the players in Yuemang, the black hood covered most of his face. The only lower half of his face that was exposed to the light was fair and clean, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth revealed a trace of disdain.

He said: "...then he'd better have the best life to the upper floors, let me peel off his beautiful face and use it for me."

The players in the building world who are concerned about the casino are all boiling.

After the Dead School dungeon ended, even if the previous players didn't know about Yan Wei, the players who came out of the dungeon this time could see it clearly. At the most critical moment of the dungeon, it was Yan Wei who pointed out the key to breaking the game, and even Yan Mingguang, who had been in the eyes of other players before, was only assisting Yan Wei to break the game in the end.

Anyone with a bit of eyesight can see that in that group of people, this young man who has never done anything and usually looks docile and well-behaved is the real backbone.

This is a potential stock that has not yet joined any organization.

Competitive dungeons where organizations compete for resources is about to start soon. Competitive dungeons, like mobile dungeons, do not accept downed players, and are a battlefield for seeds and potential players.

Yan Wei perfectly met this condition, he did not join the organization, and the number of layers did not exceed the upper limit of the competitive dungeon. More importantly, at that time, everyone saw what Yan Wei used in front of the grove—Yan Wei had a legendary item in his hand.

And these movements, Yan Wei, who just came out of the copy, doesn't know yet.

He opened his eyes in the apartment, and sure enough he found himself in another apartment that was closer to the core area, larger in size and more functional.

A message request popped up in the info panel.

Yan Wei blinked and connected immediately, saying: "This is just the copy, Mr. Yan, why are you calling me, it's time for class? Let me rest first and then practice my skills to prepare for the next one. copy?"

The man's cold and steady voice came: "...how is your body?"


"You have used the moon wheel for a long time in the copy."

Yan Wei immediately laughed out: "After climbing the stairs, all the consumption and damage in the dungeon will be wiped out, you won't even forget this, right?"


"As soon as the copy is out, contact me to ask such a question that doesn't need to be asked? No way. Dead ice, you don't have anything else to ask, do you?"

Yan Mingguang replied quickly and decisively: "No, hang up."

The connection was immediately cut off.

Yan Wei raised her eyebrows, and there was a flash of clarity in her eyes.

Yan Mingguang forgets that the injury will heal after he climbs the building, or is he using this name to test his state after the dungeon and see if he remembers anything?

He chuckled and was about to close the information panel, when Lin Zhen sent him another message—it wasn’t any important news, but I asked everyone to get together tomorrow to celebrate the dungeon’s several dangers Huansheng completely succeeded in breaking the game.

Yan Wei never rejected this kind of occasion, and naturally did not refuse, and directly invited Lin Zhen and others to come directly to his house tomorrow. After sending the location of his current apartment to others, Yan Wei completely closed the information panel, yawned, and closed his eyes slightly.

Yan Wei lay on the sofa and rested for a while, pulled out from the exhausted state in the copy, and walked slowly to the large French windows of the apartment.

It is cloudy outside, and the world inside the building, which runs smoothly under the rules set by the player himself, looks very calm. Like the big cities in the world outside the building, there are bright lights and shadows coming and going.

In the past three years that he can't remember, has he seen the world inside the building like this, or even... overlooked it from a higher place closer to the core area?

Yan Wei rubbed his eyebrows.

He didn't think much that night. The higher the number of floors a player needs to climb, the longer the interval between floors will be for them. At the minimum level of 20 floors, if you don't take the initiative to sign the invitation letter and enter the copy in advance, there will be a buffer time of at least a few months.

There is no time to do anything.

He plans to take a good rest first. As for those frequent dreams during this period, Yan Mingguang's abnormality, etc., we'll talk about it when he falls asleep completely and peacefully.

Maybe it was because she had been stretched for too long in the dungeon before, and she was mentally tired, or maybe the world in the building had lost the vague feeling in the dungeon, Yan Wei felt this slept soundly. He had no dreams all night, and until he opened his eyes the next day, he never dreamed of any strange fragments with Yan Mingguang.

…After getting up, he subconsciously felt a little pity.

Yan Wei: “…”

Mr. Yan hurt him a lot.

He relaxed for a while, and in the tranquility of the early morning sun, began to prepare for a party.

There was a knock on the door before many things were placed.

Yan Wei didn't think much about it, still holding a toothpick with an apple in his hand, chewing the apple while walking lazily to the door to swing the door handle.

"I'm not ready, sit-"

His voice paused.

The person outside the door is not anyone who should come to the party.

There was only one man standing outside the door. He had black hair and black pupils, and his face was serious and indifferent. It's not the coldness of Yan Mingguang's detachment, but the darkness as thick as ink. But this seriousness disappeared the moment the man's eyes fell on Yan Wei's face, and turned into obvious excitement.

The man in front of the door stayed for more than ten seconds, and only then did he get a little out of control and resumed the seriousness at the beginning, saying: "I saw the copy of the school of death. You probably don't remember the live broadcast. I'm Lin Qing... Xuan Niao's Lin Qing."

Lin Qing paused.

He didn't seem to know what to say next, so he stood face to face with Yan Wei at the door with a solemn face, looked at Yan Wei, and did not speak for a while.

A moment.

Yan Wei twitched the corner of his mouth, laughed lightly, stepped aside, and said, "I really don't remember - strictly speaking, I don't remember everything in the past three years. We knew each other before. The relationship is still very good. Come in and talk."

Lin Qing was stunned for a while, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Is this surprising?"

Yan Wei saw that this person was still standing at the door and didn't move, so he was too lazy to stand face to face with Lin Qing at the door, so he walked back to the living room first, and then said: "Although I don't remember many things, but I I already know that I must have forgotten a lot of things. As long as you know this, many things are not difficult to guess. For example... I have been in the building for three years, so I must have been there before, and I have confidence in myself, since I am in The world in the building has been alive for three years, so I must have been to a lot of floors, which means that I have recently climbed these low-level dungeons, and I have experienced a similar process of climbing the building before."

"My personality will not change, so my speed of climbing the building should be similar, and the choice of lifting the building should not be too different. I don't remember what apartment I lived in in the past three years, I'm about the same now. I just released the copy, and there are not many people who know the location of my apartment. You don't need to investigate at all, you just come to the door, and you are not surprised when I open the door. Obviously, I will live here. grasp."

Yan Wei leaned on the back of the sofa lazily, without the slightest guard.

"Since you are so familiar with me and I will live here, it means that you know that I also lived here when the last time the highest floor was up and down the 20th floor. That means I don't remember the three years I not only know you, but I have known you from a very early age. And you not only did not die in the dungeon after three years, but also came to you, which means that you are already a high-level player, and you were even with me at the beginning. Growing up - that's enough to show how close we are."

After he finished speaking, he leisurely forked another piece of apple and ate it.

Lin Qing stood at the door and looked at him for a while, then raised her foot, closed the door and walked towards Yan Wei, her serious expression slowly moistened with a smile.

His voice was wrapped in a smile: "You are still you."

Yan Wei pushed forward the fruit platter prepared for the party and said casually, "Come, eat, and talk slowly."

"Is this bad?" Yu Feizhou said helplessly.

In the aisle of the apartment, Lin Zhen walked straight with a large cake box in his hand, and Yu Feizhou walked steadily beside him.

Lin Zhen whistled and said, "What's wrong? This is a head cake I specially made, I just wanted to tease Yan Wei, but I didn't succeed in teasing him. Hui specially exchanged this thing, it is neither dangerous nor done with your face, what are you afraid of?"

"Whose face did you use?"

"Of course it's my brother's. He has a fierce face every day, and eating the head cake made from his face will relieve his anger - he doesn't know anyway." Lin Zhen quickened his pace. , "Hey, here we are! This is the location of Yan Weifa's apartment."

Yu Feizhou couldn't help him, he smiled and shook his head.

Lin Zhen stopped in front of the door and saw that the door of Yan Wei's apartment was not locked at all, so he naturally didn't intend to knock on the door. He directly stuffed the cake box into Yu Feizhou's arms, opened the door, and said, "Hold it for me, be careful, this is a head cake made on my brother's face."

"Bangdang-" There was a sound of the door closing.

"Fuck!" Lin Zhen took a deep breath and turned his head half-frightened, "My brother!"

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