Great Writer

Chapter 14: Juvenile coachman

   The tram stop is some distance away from Wang Defu’s residence, and in the process of walking there, he will pass by the university.

Speaking of which he has been in this era for so long, he has never taken a tram and has no memory of riding a tram in his mind. It seems that Wang Defu, the young master of the landlord’s family, is not used to the more crowded public transportation. There is no shortage of money.

  In this era when automobiles are not yet popular, trams are like buses for later generations, and rickshaws are naturally equivalent to taxis.

   It is very convenient to call a taxi at the gate of the university for later generations. This is also the case in this era. Near Soochow University, where there are a lot of rich students, there are many rickshaw drivers waiting to pull the cart. They even actively ask the students if they want a ride.

Wang Defu originally wanted to take a tram. The price was cheap and it was also more humane. If there was no memory of the future, he might still be able to ride a rickshaw without any complaints. But with the memory of the future, he would take a rickshaw again. The feeling of treating people as livestock is not good.

However, at this moment, a young rickshaw driver appeared in his field of vision. The boy’s clothes were just a worn-out padded jacket and a black felt hat. He looked extremely thin. He rubbed his hands. Huh, shivering.

   After Wang Defu saw it, he felt a little unbearable. He took Wang Mo'er towards the young man, and the young man saw them coming as if he saw a beam of light, and his eyes became brighter.

   "The young master, young lady, do you take a car?" The boy asked hopefully. He was not talking in Mandarin, but the local Wu Yan, which made Wang Defu kinder.

   "How old are you, come out to pull a cart?" Wang Defu asked casually.

   The young man thought that Wang Defu saw that he had no hair on his mouth and was insecure, so he immediately patted his chest and responded: “I’ve been sixteen this year and have been driving a car for three years. Please rest assured, master, I’m an old coachman.”

Looking at this 16-year-old boy who claims to be an "old driver", Wang Defu shouldn't say anything for a while. He is only 18 years old in this world, but he has already attended a private prestigious university. The cost of food and clothing is basically low. Worry, now that he is experiencing an economic crisis, he is just looking for it by himself. As long as he is softened to his family, he can immediately continue to live his life as a young master.

   But this boy, his family has no money for him to go to school, and he didn't even have the consciousness of letting him go to school, so that he would come out to pull a cart at the age of thirteen...

  Wang Defu really felt the real gap between rich and poor this time. Could this be the social status of the capitalist era before the appearance of the red ghost?

He remembered that in his imperial Britain, the world’s sun never set, and the poor at the bottom were also very miserable. After the emergence of the Soviet Union, the power of the red ghost made those capitalists who had no bottom line curbed their food and improved their welfare. The irony is that many people at the bottom did not realize that this was the credit of the red ghost.

   "You are so young, if I take your car again, I feel really sad." Wang Defu said in a sympathetic tone.

   When the young man heard this, he became anxious. He felt that it was justified to pull a cart, and he had no idea of ​​resisting the car dealer. He also thanked the car dealer for giving him a meal, so he didn't need the sympathy of others.

He hurriedly said, "Master, I’ve been out of business for a long time. I’m cold and hungry. Just sit in my car! You are kind, but you can’t make my stomach full. I’m young and the police don’t care. , Which means this is legal!"

   After Wang Defu listened, he only felt that he could only help him if he took care of his business. Wouldn't it hurt his self-esteem if he gave him money directly?

So Wang Defu and Wang Mo'er got into this rickshaw, and the boy's face finally showed a smile. In fact, he was a bit cold, but he was not hungry at all. I just said that just to further stimulate Wang Defu’s sympathy and let him take care of the business. .

While sitting in the car, Wang Moer whispered to Wang Defu’s ears of the teenager’s lie. She was very indifferent when she was next to her, as if she did not touch or pity the thing that the teenager came out to pull the car when she was sixteen. Obviously , She also thinks this is justified.

   After listening to Wang Mo'er, Wang Defu's heart became more complicated.

   "Young... Brother, you are too kind, but with me by your side, you will never be deceived." Wang Mo'er said confidently.

   Wang Defu asked her to change the name of "brother". He didn't regard Wang Moer as a person, but really loved him as a younger sister, so he didn't want to hear her call "Young Master".

  Wang Mo'er feels that although she is not literate, she does not know how much social experience is than Wang Defu, and her heart is extremely cold. Treating the people at the bottom is like treating animals. They are born to work for the masters.

After arriving at the destination, UU Reading Book said that the fare is 120 copper inscriptions, which is roughly equivalent to 12 yuan in later generations. The price is relatively reasonable. 1 silver dollar can be exchanged for 1,000 copper inscriptions, so a copper plate is equal to A dime for later generations.

As a result, before Wang Defu paid the money, Wang Moer stood up and unceremoniously exposed the boy’s lie, and then bargained directly to 80 bronze inscriptions. Of course, the boy did not agree. The young master saved 20 bronze inscriptions, and Wang Mo'er was very happy.

However, Wang Defu looked at the two teenagers and girls of the same age bargaining for this, but he fell into deep thought. The 16-year-old teenagers and girls in later generations may still hate learning such things in school. Their pain is not the same as that of this era Comparing people of the same age becomes ridiculous.

   But what is really terrible is that the teenagers and girls of this era do not realize that this society is problematic. They are so numb that they have long been accustomed to being exploited and oppressed, and even grateful to the exploiters...

  Wang Defu only thinks that today's "old driver" boy may become his character in the future. The other party impressed him enough, and he finally asked the other party's name, called Gao Xiang.

   Wang Defu felt that "everyone is drunk and I am alone" for a while. He needs to awaken the numb people in this world through his works. This is one of the important meanings of the writer's existence in the world.

Wang Defu and Wang Mo'er finally came to the editorial department of the "Gusu Evening News". When the front desk staff in charge of reception saw these two well-dressed handsome men and women, they were a little in awe. They thought they were the juniors of the leaders above, and immediately led them. They went to see the editor-in-chief.

   This made Wang Defu, who was considering how to speak, caught off guard. It turned out that he can brush his face wherever he goes now.

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