Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 87 Godzilla: I am Godzilla! ! !

The Great Unclean One is not as nimble as the Daemon of Slaanesh, nor as brave as the Daemon of Khorne.

However, their abilities are definitely not inferior to those of the other three gods.

"come on."

Nurgle shook the plague bell in his hand.

The swarm of plague flies almost completely engulfed Godzilla, and the darkness was particularly disturbing.

Godzilla was also a little upset.

His tail flicked back and forth, but he couldn't scare away the annoying flies.

This is one of the uses of the tail.

‘It’s so annoying flying around! ! ! ’

Godzilla's feet slammed into the ground, and the gaps in his skin lit up with white light again.

‘Internal radiation! ’

A white light lit up in the gap between the black flies. The next second, the white light exploded, blasting all the flies surrounding Godzilla into powder.

Even the Great Unclean One had not expected this scene.

An expression of obvious surprise appeared on his honest face.

Godzilla then crossed the barrier between him and the Great Unclean One in two steps.

‘Eat my Godzilla’s 9.99 million-horsepower Godzilla Explosive Punch! ! ! ’

The claws of the clenched fist hit the Great Unclean One in the face. At this moment, even the Great Unclean One, who was wide and fat and had a solid chassis, was knocked to the ground.

The Great Unclean One, huge as a mountain, fell.

Erebus quickly retreated with the Word Bearers. It was not his time to die yet.

This guy knows where the danger is better than anyone.

"Retreat, quickly! We can't deal with that giant beast!!!"

One by one the Word Bearers retreated, but when Erebus and his guards prepared to retreat.

A burst of psychic power came, and the bombarded demon portal suddenly collapsed.


Erebus was shocked.

"Evacuate? Where do you want to retreat?!"

Isis rushed to the battlefield with Captain Wade and others.

The first time Captain Wade saw Erebus, a rage that could burn him to ashes emerged in his heart.


Captain Wade almost immediately raised his gun and fired.

But even the auxiliary army equipment from the 30K era could not kill Erebus.

If the Inquisitor hadn't stopped him, he would have rushed into the enemy's position!


Erebus snorted coldly.

"There are many people who want to kill me. You don't have the ability."

"I can't. My psychic power is too weakened near the Black Stone Array."

If the previous Isis was more powerful than Tzeentch, the current Isis is probably at the level of the god Blue Terror.

"But he can."

Thoros strode forward, looking at this fearless mecha-level lizard man, Erebus looked embarrassed.

He is just a little stronger than ordinary Space Marines. Fighting against the Astra Militarum is like chopping up melons and vegetables. To fight against this big guy...

Not quite.


Erebus wanted to curse.

He took a few steps back, but the ground behind him shook violently. When he turned around, Godzilla had already stepped on the belly of the Great Unclean One.

The soles of his feet were stamped so hard that the intestines of the Great Unclean One came out.

But that's no harm.

The wounds of the Great Unclean One are healing rapidly, and wherever the maggots representing corruption have crawled, the wounds have disappeared.

But Godzilla is ready to finish.

A blue light lit up behind him, and energy accumulated in his dorsal fin.

"Behold, that is the glory of our gods!"

Isis praises Godzilla.

Erebus dismissed this.

"Isn't it just nuclear energy? We have mastered nuclear energy a long time ago!"

"Master nuclear energy, haha, you don't understand, you don't understand anything."

Isis laughed at Erebus' ignorance.

"Even you Word Bearers don't understand how dark this world is. Do you think those gods can protect you?"

"Hmph, we have to wait until your god defeats my god!"

Godzilla had finished accumulating energy at this moment. As Godzilla opened his mouth, radiation rays shot out and bombarded the head of the Great Unclean One.

The Great Unclean One used the plague sword to block in front of him, but the green swords that contained the power of Nurgle all turned red under the high temperature of the radioactive rays.

The molten iron flowed down the blade of the sword and dripped onto the body of the Great Demon Nurgle.

The moment the molten iron came into contact with flesh and blood, a smell of burnt flesh wafted out.


If Godzilla was only big, Erebus could still handle it.

"This guy can also shoot energy beams?!"

While Erebas was stunned, Thoreaus had already killed him.

The Word Bearers immediately came to protect Erebus, but they were still too late.

Thoros knocked one Word Bearer away in one blow and knocked another away with a club blow.

It was too big, Thoros was too tall, and Erebas had no desire to fight.

If you want to be the same size as Thoros, you must at least be a Primarch of the Salamander Legion, and you will be shorter than Thoros.

On Godzilla's side, the winner has been decided against the Great Unclean One.

As a gap was created in the great plague sword, the radiation rays directly hit the head of the Great Unclean One.

boom--! ! !

The impact rolled up yellow sand and smoke all over the sky. As soon as Erebus could clearly see what was in front of him, he was hit by Thoros' big black stick.

The armor on Erebus's chest was dented. If this blow had hit his head, he would have died.

Erebus rolled on the ground several times before he stopped. As soon as he raised his head and raised his head, he saw the headless body of the Great Unclean One in front of him.

The bile and maggots were gone, replaced by charred flesh that had been burned to the point of vaporization by high temperatures.

Godzilla's paw landed in front of Erebus, who looked up at Godzilla. The sun's rays broke through the clouds and shone on Godzilla.

But Godzilla's light was more dazzling than the sun, and the figure of the giant beast was deeply imprinted in his mind.

Maybe he is a bad person, but his thoughts at the moment are the same as those of good people.


He said the word automatically.

Erebus truly believed that Godzilla was a god, just as the Word Bearers originally thought, and that the Emperor was a god as well.

The Emperor said he was not a god and punished the Word Bearers.

And Godzilla is the real miracle, he is the real god!

"Okay, Erebus, your end has come."

Isis and Cartier's men came over, ready to kill Erebas on the spot.

Erebus didn't need prisoners, and dying for his crimes a thousand times over wouldn't be enough.

"No, I won't die here!!!"

Erebus stood up.

Isis sneered, "If you don't want to die, why not?"

Unless the Chaos Gods appear now, Erebus is doomed.


There was a sudden huge explosion in the sky, and a huge mushroom cloud exploded on Cadia's void shield.

It was a cyclone torpedo.


Abaddon's Black Expedition Fleet has arrived near Cadia, and the cyclone torpedo is the greeting gift of the Chaos Fleet.

"Meet your destruction!"

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