Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 79 Almost scared to death by the smelly can

The two battleships soon began to meet. The Death Guard's Indomitable Will was a capital ship of the Death Guard.

Regardless of the fact that there is only one ship, the general imperial navy fleet would not dare to provoke them. Even if a fanatical navy provokes them, the only result will be death.

The Death Guard commander on this ship is also a Captain of the Death Guard.

"Strange, this is the Cardia galaxy?"

The company commander of the Death Guard was also a little confused. His destination was not the Cadia Galaxy, but the galaxy next to the Cadia Galaxy.

Originally, his mission was to spread the Nurgle plague in nearby systems, causing chaos and reducing Cadia's reinforcements.

But how did he end up in the Cadia Galaxy?


"Is that a battleship? Is there a single battleship in the Cadia Navy? No, that's not the Corpse Emperor's navy."

The empire's navy will have the imperial emblem, but this battleship now has no imperial emblem, and there are many strange decorations. It looks more like a green-skinned orc or a ship of undivided chaos.

Undivided Chaos refers to Chaos troops that do not believe in the Four Gods. The simplest example is the Word Bearers.

"Send communication signal."

"Sent, no response."

"Is that a hulk? Huh, let's jump over there and have a look."

Nurgle's ships came to a stop beside the Genesis.

These two ships are so big that it is difficult to see from the outside whether there are crew members inside. The imperial warship style is a heavy church-like architectural style, and you cannot see inside at all.

The Death Guard's Chaos Space Marines soon joined the Genesis' hangar.

Also arriving at the same time were some Nurglings and Nurgling Demons.

These Nurgle demons, like the Chaos Space Marines of the Death Guard, are covered in bloated cysts and have extra tentacles. Even if they are not close to them, you can feel the rotten smell on their bodies.

This is the blessing of a loving father.

Their flesh and blood have long been combined with the power armor of the Space Marines. Even though they look very fat, their agility has not decreased much, but in exchange they have extremely strong regeneration capabilities. For ordinary Space Marines, Fatal wounds can still heal for them.

The footsteps of the Death Guard sounded in the silent hangar, and the sound of flesh and metal colliding with the hangar deck was particularly harsh in this empty area.

The Nurgle demons were different. These little Nurgle demons were running around in the hangar wildly, and a few ran into the hangar, but they soon stopped moving.

You can imagine that the Nurgling, who is as tall as an ordinary person's thigh, ran deep into the corridor. As soon as he turned around, he saw several big Space Marines holding daggers in their hands, looking at him condescendingly, and making a gesture of silence. .

Demons under 100 years old please watch in the company of adult demons.

The Death Guard did not notice the disappearance of the Nurgling. They first checked in the hangar.

Soon, they discovered a problem.

There are some power armors of Word Bearers and Ultramarines on the deck of the hangar. It's not that the crew doesn't want to clean these power armors, it's just that they can't clean them.

The Death Guard stopped and looked at these battlefield traces from the 30K era. The power armor of these dead people had been deeply embedded in the walls and integrated with the steel walls and decks. This was a transmission failure caused by subspace anomalies.

The fusion of flesh and steel is a very painful way to die.

"It's MK2 and MK3 power armor."

"Is it an Ultramarines ship from the 30K era? It's probably already a Word Bearer ship."

The Word Bearers caused huge casualties to the Ultramarines during the Horus Heresy.

To this day, Macragge is still attacked by the Word Bearers warband from time to time, and they are considered old enemies.

The relationship between the Death Guard and the Word Bearers is not good. It is better to say that the relationship between the Chaos Space Marine Legion is not good. It is one thing to be able to fight side by side, but it is another thing to have a good relationship.

"Report the current situation to the ship, and we will continue our investigation."

Finally, when the Death Guard's Chaos Space Marines reached the depths of the corridor.

Oncoming were the Space Wolves' chainswords and the Lizardmen's clubs.

"For the Emperor!!!"

“For the big plan!!!”


The Death Guard's Chaos Space Marines had prepared for an attack, but were shocked when they were attacked.

Not the Ultramarines, nor the Word Bearers, but Imperial Chapters such as the Space Wolves and Conquerors.

Oh, let’s talk about the difference between legion, warband and warband. The legion was woven by the Astartes in the early days and was a large group of tens of thousands of people. However, after the Horus Heresy, in order to prevent the legion from rebelling again, the legion was divided into There are many sub-groups, that is, battle groups.

The war gang is the legion and war group of the Chaos side.

The Death Guards were caught off guard, but after losing several people, they quickly adjusted their battle strategy.

A gunfight began on the hangar, and when gunfire rang out, Isis gave Captain Wade the signal.

"Load and fire."


The cannonballs had already been loaded, and with Captain Wade's roar, the empire's macrocannon began to pour out firepower. Even for a battleship of the same specifications, the left side of the Indomitable Will suffered considerable damage.


The Captain of the Death Guard realized that this was the ship where the Word Bearers and the Ultramarines had fought, and was bombarded by the ship.

However, the Nurgle Space Marine's ship had already turned into a living ship, and the macro-cannon bombardment could not sink it in a short time, but it only made the Death Guard's company commander furious.

"Who attacked us?!"

"It's those wolf cubs!"

"Hold on, I'll send support right away."

But before he finished speaking, the outer wall of the Indomitable Will suddenly vibrated violently and began to shake again.

The Captain of the Death Guard cursed and shouted: "What happened again?!!!"

"Sir, we have something on board."

"It must be the fragments of the exploding planet."

"No, it's not that, it's something alive."

"Send someone to investigate immediately!!!"

"No need to investigate."

The death guard pointed to the rear of the company commander, and the death guard commander turned back in confusion. There was the floor-to-ceiling window of the captain's room, which was the area to observe the front of the ship.

However, there was a giant head there now, looking at him through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It was not like the Death Guard Captain had never seen a giant beast before, but being stared at by the white pupils of that giant beast almost made the Death Guard Captain's heart almost stop.

"Oh, loving father above."

There is really no need to investigate, even the Nurglings can see this.

Godzilla had escaped from the exploding planet and used some kind of Godzilla flight method that no one could see, and flew to the ship he saw.

‘It seems that I flew in the wrong direction. The one next to me is my ship. ’

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