Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 97 Nightmare Snake and Shadow Demon!

Fang Mu turned to Lu Yuyu and asked.

"Brother Lu, how much Dragon Coins is the heart of this kind of blood earl worth?"

"I'm very interested in this kind of material from alien beasts!"

Fang Mu knew that creators generally disliked the use of spiritual materials from alien beasts.

Because there are always creators who use the spiritual materials produced by alien beasts.

As a result, the evolution of the royal beast failed, and even poisoning occurred.

However, there are no other spiritual materials that can replace many spiritual materials produced by strange beasts.

Even so, the creators are not willing to risk themselves and involve themselves in the storm!

The creator has always attached great importance to word of mouth.

Therefore, creators often do not teach their assistants and disciples about the knowledge and usage of spiritual materials produced by strange beasts.

After all, if one's disciples or assistants make mistakes, they will often be attributed to the creator, which will affect the reputation of the creator.

Knowing this, Fang Mu didn't have any burden in his heart to ask about the knowledge of spiritual materials from strange beasts.

But Fang Mu had no psychological burden, but Lu Yuyu didn't know how to answer for a while!

Jianmu didn't understand these things, obviously Jianmu's master didn't want to teach them.

What Jianmu's master didn't want to teach was taught by himself.

Jian Mu also showed such a strong interest in the spiritual materials produced by strange beasts.

In case something goes wrong, I won't be picked out by Jianmu's master to settle the score!

But since Jianmu asked, it was hard for him not to speak up.

So Lu Yuyu decided to only answer Jianmu's question about the price, without giving any extra introduction!

"Brother, it is very difficult to buy a spiritual material like the blood earl's heart with Dragon Coins!"

"However, if it is converted, because of the limitations of its use, eight million Dragon Coins can be bought!"

"It's not as expensive as some gold treasures with excellent functions!"

"After all, the blood earl's heart is even used as an auxiliary item for rescuing the royal beast."

"Help the beast's blood circulation and resuscitate the heart."

"It is also very likely to cause other problems with the beast master!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu has a certain understanding of the value of the blood earl's heart.

I also know what price to trade from the "scavenger" in the future.

Fang Mu pointed to the beating heart of the blood earl, and said to Liu Jihui.

"I want this!"

Hearing this, Liu Jihui immediately took out the blood earl's heart from the tray and put it on the inkstone exhibition beside it.

Let the members of the Lionheart Brigade continue to show the square wood the collection in the tray.

The pallets passed Fang Mu's eyes one by one.

Fang Mu only chose a box of poison sacs produced by the silver-ranked beast-monster Black Nightmare Snake!

The number of black nightmare snakes is very rare,

Upon reaching the Silver Rank, the Nightmare female will start laying eggs after swallowing the male.

The life of the female snake will be exhausted after laying eggs.

Therefore, in the group of black nightmare snakes, there will be no existence of gold rank.

But the Nightmare Snake is one of the most terrifying killers in the forest.

Once a beast master or beast is bitten by the black nightmare snake.

If it has not been treated by the animal beast that can detoxify the treatment.

Within a month, the beast masters and beast masters who were bitten would often die for various reasons.

The bodies after death were all festered.

This makes the whole body black, and the slender Nightmare snake is also called "Nightmare snake" by the beast masters.

In the world of beast masters where Fang Mu lived in this life, all medical treatments depended on the healing department of beast masters.

There is basically no in-depth research on traditional medicine.

When Cui Ruochen was researching the black nightmare snake venom, Fang Mu assisted him.

Cui Ruochen didn't come to a conclusion in the end, but Fang Mu found out after the experiment.

The reason why the venom of the Black Nightmare Snake is poisonous is rumored to have killed a Platinum rank beast.

It is because the toxin of the black nightmare snake enters the living body and will immediately attack the living being's lymphatic tissue.

Lymph is the first line of defense of the body's immunity.

The toxin of the black nightmare snake enters the lymph, which will contain the lymph and make the lymph ineffective.

The venom itself of the black nightmare snake is not strong.

But once the lymphatics in the whole body fail, they are bitten by any poisonous snakes, insects, rats and ants in the forest, and even smell poisonous pollen.

Its toxicity will directly act on the body without hindrance, causing a series of malignant changes.

This created the terrifying legend that the Nightmare Snake is called the "Nightmare Snake".

Each world has its own unique knowledge system.

If Fang Mu copied his medical theories from his previous life to this world, he would instantly be regarded as a different kind.

So Fang Mu didn't say anything, but just took note of the effect of the black nightmare snake venom.

Ever since Jingshui Ling began to absorb various toxins, Fang Mu thought of the venom of the Black Nightmare Snake.

If Jing Shui Ling absorbs the venom of the Black Nightmare Snake, even though the Black Nightmare Snake's venom is not lethal.

But after the black nightmare snake venom infects the target, the killing effect of other toxins will be greatly improved!

Moreover, it can also shorten the time of poisoning by disintegrating the immunity of the target body.

Now that he encountered a whole box of black nightmare snake venom sacs, Fang Mu had no reason not to take them down!

Time passed by every minute and every second, and soon the team carrying the collection reached the last place.

The moment the last tray appeared, Fang Mu was immediately attracted by a light gray stone in the upper right corner of the tray.

The stone was covered with various eye scars, but it was not ugly at all.

Fang Mu looked intently at the stone, and felt that the scar-shaped eyes on the stone blinked!

Released a layer of light gray light accumulation.

It is obviously light aggregates, but these seemingly bright light aggregates seem to be absorbing the surrounding light.

It made the surrounding environment noticeably darker.

Liu Jihui watched the trays pass by Jianmu one by one, and Jianmu only chose two things.

Can't help but feel a little discouraged.

The combined value of these two things is not enough to exchange for a bottle of life potion with a purity of 80%.

Seeing that Jianmu finally turned his attention to a collection, Liu Jihui hurriedly said.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, if you are interested in spiritual materials produced by strange beasts, you should also like this shadow eye stone!"

"There were many forces before this Shadow Eye Stone, and even the Beastmaster Alliance wanted to exchange it from our Lionheart Brigade."

"Our Lionheart Brigade has never agreed!"

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to take out this Shadow Eye Stone!"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Lu!"

Lu Yuyu rolled his eyes at Liu Jihui upon hearing this.

When I first came to JA City as an expatriate deacon of the Beastmaster Alliance, my first task was to trade this Shadow Eye Stone from the Lionheart Brigade.

In the end, Liu Jihui directly rejected him, and he didn't save any face for himself.

He didn't mention it himself, but Liu Jihui brought it up first!

Liu Jihui's willingness to take out the shadow eye stone is probably to express his sincerity and determination to show affection to the other party.

Liu Jihui mentioned himself, and he just needs to give Liu Jihui a proof.

Liu Jihui owed himself a favor.

Lu Yuyu doesn't mind selling it to Liu Jihui!

"Brother, not to mention the fact that cracks in the shadow dimension are rare."

"When a dimensional crack is randomly opened a hundred times, it may not be a shadow dimensional crack once!"

"And even if the crack in the shadow dimension is opened, there may not necessarily be a shadow monster appearing in the crack in the shadow dimension!"

"Basically, they are shadow beasts of different shapes!"

"The Alliance of Beast Masters has cleaned up five cracks in the shadow dimension in a row, and there is no precedent for encountering a shadow monster!"

"The Shadow Eye Stone only comes from the Shadow Demon's body, so you can know how rare the Shadow Eye Stone is!"

"This thing has been pinched by him like a treasure."

"At the beginning, I took out nearly 200 million Longteng coins, and I also exchanged a middle-grade diamond spirit weapon with him."

"He didn't even agree!"

When Lu Yuyu said this, on the one hand, he was selling Liu Jihui a favor.

On the other hand, he was also afraid that Fang Mu would pay Liu Jihui too high a price.

No matter how rare the shadow eye stone is, its effect is only to improve the ability of some special beasts related to shadows!

If you strengthen your natal beast master, you can also improve the beast master's insight at the same time!

Those who really need shadow eye stones are blind people!

Using the shadow stone has a chance to restore sight to both eyes.

Although things are rare and expensive, sometimes functions can also hinder their prices.

If Liu Jihui quoted more than 200 million Longteng coins, it would be inappropriate for Fang Mu to accept it again!

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