After hearing what Chen Mu said, the farmer's face gradually became horrified.

He originally didn't want to expose it so quickly, but he didn't expect these people to be so ignorant.

In this case, there is no need to pretend, so what if they are masters?

After all, they have a large number of people here, and everyone in the town has the same idea as him.

But it is very uneconomical to break up with these three people now.

They still don't know the strength of these three people.

And these three people can be considered masters no matter how you say it? If you miss it like this.

If something happens in their town, I'm afraid it won't be solved so easily.

"But we really didn’t lie to you. Monsters did kill people in the town before."

"But how do we know which monster is the murderer? Do those monsters say they have never killed anyone? Have they really never killed anyone?"

"Then who killed the people in our town? You can’t say that we kill each other, right?"

After hearing what the farmer said, Chen Mu had to admit that there was some truth in what the farmer said.

They really didn't know who hurt the people in the town. They only knew that it was a monster.

Besides, all the people in the town were ordinary humans. , humans should be afraid of monsters.

But in the next second, Chen Mu thought that Xigua had sworn to him before that no monster on the mountain had harmed anyone down the mountain.

Is it possible that the monsters in other places had hurt him? What about the people in this town?

"You're right, you really can't be blamed for this matter"

"Humans are indeed afraid of monsters, and I don’t blame you."

"I did kill those monsters, so I will bear the blame alone."

"But I just want to ask you, do you regret the things you have done?"

After hearing Chen Mu's question to him, the farmer felt that this was a sad proposition.

He would not regret it, he just killed some monsters.

Monsters should not live in this world in the first place, and They are not of their kind.

But if the truth is told to Chen Mu, Chen Mu will definitely be very angry and might even embarrass him.

"Master, I really don’t know if this matter has anything to do with the monsters on the mountain."

"If I had known earlier, I would never have let you destroy them. Now I really know I was wrong."

After Chen Mu heard what the farmer said, his expression improved slightly.

But Lin Xiao felt that this man was lying. He was not as easy to deceive as Chen Mu and Liu Hai.

Whether what this man said was true or false, he You can feel it.

This person did not feel sorry for what they did, but felt that they did the right thing.

Fortunately, they did not impulsively kill the monsters there, otherwise they would not be able to afford this sin

"Then let me ask you, are there any other places where there are monsters?"

"Since it is not a monster on the mountain, it can only be a monster elsewhere."

After hearing Chen Mu's question, the farmers knew that Chen Mu would be a powerful helper for them.

If Chen Mu killed all these monsters, it would be a good thing for their village.

There was no need for them to tell Chen Mu Mu, is this correct?

"Master, let me tell you that apart from the mountain, there is also a place with monsters"

"They are not far from our Taohua Town. Walking west from our Taohua Town, you can see a large forest"

"There are other monsters in that forest"

"If it really wasn't the group of monsters on the mountain, it could only be the monsters there."

Chen Mu nodded after hearing what this person said. Whether what this person said was true or not, they still need to go to the monster's place to take a look.

"Folks, let’s wait until tomorrow to go to that place with monsters."

"We want to take a break now and we are very hungry now."

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, the farmer immediately nodded.

Chen Mu and Liu Hai, who started to go down to get food, knew that Lin Xiao wanted to deliberately drive away the farmer.

Could it be that Lin Xiao sensed something was wrong somewhere? place?

"Lin Xiao, did you notice something was wrong?"

After listening to Chen Mu's words, Lin Xiao nodded and took a very serious liking to Chen Mu and Liu Hai.

This was something that could be noticed at once. She didn't know why Liu Hai and Chen Mu believed so much in front of them. this person

"This is a very obvious thing, this person is obviously lying"

"He didn't feel the least bit sad about us killing the monsters."

"And he has been using us just to get rid of those monsters"

"But we don't know why they did this, why they insisted on getting rid of those monsters."

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Liu Hai felt that this was a very obvious answer.

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