The farmers have already made preparations and plan to let these people leave at dawn tomorrow.

But this is just its plan. Whether Zhang Mu and others can leave tomorrow depends entirely on Zhang Mu and others.

At night, Zhang Mu and others did not sleep because they wanted to see what the farmers meant by the noise.

Just when they could no longer hold on any longer, they suddenly heard a scream that pierced the sky from outside.

Zhang Mu and others were suddenly awakened by fright. After Zhang Mu and Liu Hai heard this sound, they subconsciously got up to investigate the situation.

At this time, the two of them were pulled by Lin Xiao

"Have you two forgotten what fellow villagers have just told me?"

"Absolutely no going out."

After Zhang Mu and Liu Hai heard Lin Xiao say such words, they remembered what they had promised the farmers before. Thinking about it now, their promise just now was really too hasty.

Why did the fellow villagers seem to have expected this in advance? The situation is the same?

What is going on? Why don't they make a sound?

"No, what on earth is going on?"

"Why did you scream so fiercely just now? People here are indifferent."

Liu Hai asked such a question to Zhang Mu and Lin Xiao very loudly, and after hearing Liu Hai's words, Lin Xiao immediately blocked Liu Hai's mouth, and the next second, from in front of the house where they lived, A figure appeared.

Zhang Mu, Liu Hai and others all saw this figure. This figure looked very huge.

It seemed that it came here after hearing Liu Hai's voice.

Zhang Mu looked at it reproachfully. One glance at Liu Hai felt that Liu Hai was delaying things.

After Liu Hai saw everything in front of him, he did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

No wonder the farmers had warned them to be quiet. It turned out to be because it was midnight here. Sometimes there will be monsters.

But they are cultivators and are not afraid of monsters at all.

Liu Hai wanted to get up, but was suppressed by Zhang Mu and Lin Xiao.

Even if they were not afraid, they would never be involved here. Farmers.

This family kindly took them in. If they do something again to hurt this family, it would be too much.

No matter what, Liu Hai cannot be so impulsive, and the monster will hear this. After there was no sound, he left here.

When the monster left, Liu Hai let out a loud sigh.

And the next second, the monster's figure appeared in front of their window again.

Zhang Mu and others' hearts were raised , I didn’t expect that Liu Hai’s sigh just now was so loud.

Even the monster heard it. It seemed that this monster’s hearing was very keen.

After seeing all these things, Liu Hai couldn’t help but close his eyes hard.

What? Unexpectedly, he was the cause of everything.

When they lost their voice again, the monster left here again.

Now they must not make any more noise, otherwise, the monster is likely to break in directly. Go to the room.

The whole night, Zhang Mu and others didn't sleep much. They were always on tenterhooks.

They were very afraid that some noise would suddenly be made and the monster would come here again.

It wasn't until around Yin hour that these monsters completely disappeared..

When these monsters disappeared, Zhang Mu and others were completely relieved.

At this time, Zhang Mu looked at Lin Xiao. She always felt that Lin Xiao already knew these things.

Otherwise, Lin Xiao would not be able to Always so nervous

"Lin Xiao, did you know that this village is so weird?"

Lin Xiao nodded after listening to Zhang Mu's words. He reminded Zhang Mu and Liu Hai at that time.

But Zhang Mu and Liu Hai did not take what he said to heart at all.

They even thought that what he said was a lie.

"I have warned you a long time ago that you must pay attention, and this village is full of death."

"But you two didn't listen to me at all."

Liu Hai and Zhang Mu felt very ashamed after hearing what Lin Xiao said.

They really didn't believe Lin Xiao at the time, because they thought Lin Xiao was just lying.

But now that they think about it, Lin Xiao didn't lie at all. , everything Lin Xiao said is true.

"Lin Xiao, we wrongly blamed you before, but we will believe you now"

"I just don’t know what this monster is? They actually follow the sound."

Liu Hai and Lin Xiao both shook their heads after hearing Zhang Mu's words. They didn't know what this monster was.

At this time, Zhang Mu and others finally couldn't hold on any longer. They were really too sleepy now. Got it

"It’s better not to talk about this now, let’s take a rest first."

"Wait until tomorrow to ask the folks here what is going on."

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Zhang Mu and Liu Hai nodded, and the three of them closed their eyes and fell asleep.

At dawn the next day, the fellow villagers came and knocked on their door.

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