Although the village chief knows what is going on in the village at all times.

When he learned about these people's actions, he felt very relieved.

But the next second, the village chief's expression suddenly changed, as if someone had touched the foundation of his life.

The village chief had a very painful expression on his face at this time, as if he couldn't bear the pain.

The village chief really felt that he was in great pain now. He knew that someone had touched the source of life of the village again.

It is because the source of life has been invaded that his ability slowly weakens.

But the key now is, who touched the source of life? What's the use of him wanting the source of life?

Maybe someone now knows the reason why their village has been prosperous for a long time.

There are also people who know the correct usage of the Tree of Life, but except for a few respected old people in their village, basically no one knows about the source of life.

Could it be that the old people in the village did such a thing?

The village chief was full of doubts at this time. He didn't know who had touched the source of life.

If it is really a few old people in the village, there is no reason for the old lady not to know about this.

It seems that he still needs to investigate this matter carefully to find out whether it is an outsider or a person from their own village.

Now, Liu Hai and others quickly arrived at Jiuhu Ridge.

After Liu Hai and others came to Jiuhu Ridge again, they were very nervous, especially the people in the village.

They have never been to Jiuhu Ridge at all. All this time, they have just listened to the old people in the village saying that Jiuhu Ridge is very scary.

If it's not necessary, there's no need to come here at all. If you come here, you'll just get out alive.

So there are so many villagers coming in together, and they seem to be cheering each other on.

Liu Hai chuckled a little after seeing this scene. They had no idea that all the creatures on the first level had been wiped out by them.

After these villagers walked around the first floor for a long time, they didn't find anything wrong with the first floor.

I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. There was no accident on the first level. Does that mean there were accidents on the upper levels?

Liu Hai knew that they couldn't move forward at all now. Even he and Zhang Mu suffered a heavy loss on the second floor.

If the villagers here continue to go up, they will probably suffer.

After Liu Hai saw them continuing to move upward, he immediately took action to stop these people.

"Grandma, do we have to go up?"

"I've been here before when I was hunting, and it was really scary up there."

"Without people with high cultivation levels, we probably wouldn't be able to survive."

After hearing Liu Hai's concern, the old lady patted her bangs and told him not to worry.

Although there are indeed monsters here, these monsters will not hurt them old people.

Every time he takes over as village chief , will all come to this mountain, and these old people will also follow.

"You don’t have to worry about bangs."

"You just need to follow us with peace of mind. Grandma promises that no one will hurt you."

Liu Hai was a little surprised after hearing what the old lady said.

He didn't know how the old lady assured her about this. Does the old lady know that there is anything terrible on this mountain?

That tree demon on the second level. But it was extremely terrifying, and they were absolutely unable to deal with it.

Liu Hai had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward after seeing these people continue to move forward.

Even if he risked his life, he had to let the villagers here leave here safely, no It can cause trouble to the villagers here.

Liu Hai was very vigilant along the way, fearing that a monster would suddenly appear from the side.

But what shocked Liu Hai was that even if they walked all the way to the top of the mountain, no monster appeared.

Liu Hai felt very unbelievable at this time, why no monster appeared here, and no monster came to attack them.

This is an unreasonable thing. When he and Zhang Mu came here before, they had already encountered them on the second floor. Dryad.

At this time, Liu Hai couldn't help but think of the old lady's assurance that she had just patted her chest.

Is it possible that this matter has something to do with the old lady? Or is it related to all the old people here?

Because Liu Hai is very keen to discover that usually not Why did the several old people who appeared here appear here at this time?

And they appeared while climbing the mountain, as if there was something on the mountain that they needed to control.

Liu Hai felt that this matter needed to be investigated further, and it was very interesting. Maybe this matter is not as simple as it seems.

There is definitely a relationship between Jiuhuling and their village. Maybe the two of them must be connected.

Liu Hai didn't know what was going on, so he had to follow this The group continued to move forward.

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