
It's really expensive.

The things in the Doomsday Mall are inherently expensive, and this product that exceeds the current level of Bluestar's technology has a serious premium.

Really expensive people want to cry!


"Open the map of the shelter!"

Swipe, another isolated panel appeared in front of you. This is an overall three-dimensional map of the shelter!

As his index finger touched the exit of the map, the information of the gate was displayed.


[Extremely simple wooden baffle]

Material: steel frame, nailed on wooden board.

Evaluation: This is the door? Is this the door? Is this the door? Even the doors of rural toilets are more sincere than you!

Can be upgraded!

Upgrade direction: concrete wall stack (200), steel gate (500), gravel wall stack (), complete wooden door (50)...

Optional modules (material limitation): anti-corrosion coating (30), anti-radiation coating (50), hydraulic automation transformation (50)...


It's not cheap!

He complained and clicked on the only room module.


[Dirty bedroom]

Cleanliness: -10

Evaluation: The bedroom? Morgue! Note that if it is more humid, you can grow mushrooms on your bed.

Cannot be upgraded! (Please clean the room first to make the cleanliness reach a positive value)

Optional service: One-click cleaning (5)

(Note: The cleaning effect that human beings will never achieve, this price is not deceived.)


[Dirty storage room]

Cleanliness: -15

Evaluation: The things you stored are moldy and worms. The countdown to the first mushroom is expected to grow: 42 days and 21 hours.

Cannot be upgraded! (Please clean the room first to make the cleanliness reach a positive value)

Optional service: One-click cleaning (5)


"It's still too humid here."

He could feel the quilt a bit moist these two nights.

It is worth mentioning that, regardless of the price of the cleaning service in the mall, in Zhang Hao's view, a cleaning may be indispensable.

It is a nano-level cleaning effect, stains, odors, bacteria, eggs, small creatures...nothing can escape, which can greatly increase the sense of security and comfort of living.

"But not now..."

"I currently only have 10 basic survival points. Before the shelter is completed, even if it is cleaned, it will be contaminated again. It is not time to clean it..."

He glanced at the resource reserves of the shelter again, and began to think about how to transform it.

At the same time, the outside world is undergoing drastic changes, all work has stalled, and there are faint signs of riots in many places!

"There is still a lack of survival..." Zhang Hao sighed.

"But... I live a lifetime, how come I haven't prepared in advance?"

With a slight smile, he posted a long-prepared post on the Doomsday Forum!

""Catastrophe Survival Guide!", poster: stand alone silently."

"Are you sure to post the above content?"


"The content you posted is deemed: extremely valuable!"

"Get rating: S!"

"Based on the evaluation, you get 300 survival points!"

"You completed the bounty mission'Survival Expert': Be the first to publish an S-level survival strategy! Get paid: 500 survival points!"

"Ding! World Announcement: The first S-level survival post appears in the Doomsday Forum, hereby announced!"

"World Announcement: The first S-level survival post in the Doomsday Forum is hereby announced!!"

"World Announcement: The first S-level survival post appeared in the Doomsday Forum, hereby announced!!!"

A magical voice appeared in everyone's mind again!

Three consecutive repetitions are enough to make the stupidest person realize that something is wrong!

Teacher Ma, what happened?

At this time, a post marked with a purple S-level logo suddenly appeared on the empty Doomsday forum.

Text and language are automatically converted. At the same time, many of the 7 billion people around the world have followed this post!

A smart person just glanced at it and was shocked by the amount of information and high gold content!

What the hell?

Regarding the level and recommendation of the shelter?

How to obtain survival points?

What is this? !

Has the human world become like this?

They all expressed incredible, but they read greedily one by one, wishing to remember every word in their minds!

Soon, billions of people from all over the world poured into this post!

"The rules of the catastrophe game are very rigorous, and only one-time rewards are given based on the quality of the published content, and there is no charge for viewing... What a pity."

Although there is a little regret about this.

But the S-level post is rewarded with 300 survival points.

The reward for completing the bounty mission ‘Survival Expert’, 500 survival points!

Also let him take off a little!

"Now it's time to study how to spend!"

Just as he was thinking, a clear reminder sounded him back!

'Ding! The host has been detected to have a shelter! ’

‘[Perfect Shelter] activated successfully...! ’

‘This system is dedicated to the host’s better survival in the doomsday and building a perfect shelter! ’

"Finally activated?" The system's sense of existence was so low that he almost forgot about it!

"What function do you do?" Zhang Hao looked forward to it very much.

"Currently available features: The cost of upgrading the shelter has been reduced!"

"With sufficient resources, this system can upgrade facilities for free and reduce all manpower expenditures!"

Free upgrade?

Free of manpower expenditure?

Zhang Hao's heart was shocked!

Immediately rejoice!


This is what he needs!

"In other words, as long as the resources are sufficient, I can now upgrade the shelter infinitely?!"

"Awesome system!"

He couldn't help being ecstatic! ! !

.................................................. .................

Dear ancestors, the new book is released, please ask for flowers, monthly tickets, evaluation tickets, and rewards!

.................................................. ..................

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