Seemingly seeing Lin Rui’s surprise, Mendes said straight to the point:”Lin, are you surprised? Why did I come to you?”

Lin Rui did not hide his doubts, nodded and said:”Indeed, I’m just a little-known player, and it doesn’t seem worth your trouble to come see me.”

Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Mendes burst out laughing, and after laughing for a while, his expression changed. Su said:”Lin, in my opinion, you may not be famous now and have nothing special. But I am full of confidence in your future. You have unparalleled talent and the necessary temperament for a star. You I admire your skills, your character and everything about you very much. I believe that you will be able to become a player not inferior to Cristiano in the future. Your name will become a household name on this planet.”

Mendez’s expression was a little fanatical, and his voice seemed to have a special appeal that could make everyone who listened to him unconsciously trust him.��

As he spoke, he observed Lin Rui’s expression, but to his disappointment, he did not find on Lin Rui’s face the excitement and excitement he should have after being praised by a big shot at his age. On the contrary, there seemed to be a hint of mockery hanging on the corner of the other party’s mouth.

This made him murmur a little.

Isn’t my speech impressive enough? Or is your performance not up to par?

Mendes couldn’t help but have doubts in his heart.

“Mr. Mendez, please tell me the real reason. It’s better not to say these empty words.”

At this time, Lin Rui spoke.

He didn’t believe what Mendes just said at all.

His soul is a middle-aged man in his thirties. How could he believe such words that deceive a young man?

He is now You don’t even know what you will be like in the future. No matter how awesome you Mendes is, can you really see that you are extraordinary? Unless he knows that there is a system in him.

And this is simply impossible.

So there is only one reason, That means the guy opposite is deceiving him.

As for why he is deceiving himself, he must have his own reasons.

When he heard Lin Rui’s words, Mendes was stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

He I didn’t expect that the young man opposite would be so calm. It seemed that he had underestimated him.

Having this kind of mentality made Mendes’ evaluation of Lin Rui improve.

He rearranged his words and then said:”Ha ha! Lin, you are so calm! This is somewhat unexpected. But what I said just now is not all to deceive you. I do think very highly of you. Of course, this kind of optimism is not only based on your competitive performance, but also the benefits brought by your identity. Can you understand?”

“My identity? Are you talking about the Huaguo market behind me? If this is the case, I can only say that you do have a good vision.”

Lin Rui was stunned for a moment and then realized.

The other party was interested in his identity as a Chinese player.

It is no secret that these international giants are coveting the Chinese market. In the past, there were Chinese players When the players were playing in Europe, China’s economy had not yet developed, so these foreign businessmen didn’t feel much about it.

But now that China’s economy has improved, they want to find Chinese players to develop the country. But the market can’t find a suitable one.

Now the emergence of himself, a Chinese player, can just meet the needs of the other party, so the other party will come to negotiate with him in person.

If this is the reason, Lin Rui can understand that the other party personally He came to find himself.

Mendes was really surprised when he heard that Lin Rui figured out the whole story at once.

Originally, he thought that the other party was just a new football star with some potential, and maybe he had some unique skills in football. But Apart from football, his knowledge in other aspects should be very little.

After all, a football player does not have much exposure to other things besides training every day.

But now Lin Rui suddenly thought of his true purpose. This kind of sharp thinking and business acumen is definitely not a simple athlete.

This time he really became interested in Lin Rui himself.

“Lin, you really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to think of this too. Yes, that’s right, what I am interested in is the entire Chinese football market behind you. Since you can think of this, I won’t beat around the bush. Sign with me, let me be your agent, and I will help you become a world-renowned football star. what do you think?”

After Mendes finished speaking, he looked at Lin Rui with burning eyes, waiting for his answer.

Lin Rui frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and said,”Okay! I believe you won’t be disappointed. Mendes was very happy to hear Lin Rui’s agreement. He picked up the coffee cup in front of him and clinked it with Lin Rui’s coffee cup, and said excitedly:”Then I wish us a happy cooperation!””

“Happy cooperation!”Lin Rui also smiled and picked up the coffee cup and touched it with Mendes.

The reason why he agreed so readily was mainly because he really needed an agent now. And Mendes, both in terms of personal ability and influence in the industry, It was a good choice for everyone.

So he agreed without hesitation.

Of course, he also knew that what Mendes said now about building himself into an international superstar was just a vision.

In the end, whether Realization still depends on your performance on the court.

In the world of competitive sports, everything depends on strength.

Soon, Mendes took out the drafted contract.

After Lin Rui looked at it carefully, he felt No problem, he signed his name directly on it.

From then on, Mendes officially became his agent.

According to the contract, Mendes will be responsible for all business negotiations and development of Lin Rui.

For this reason, he will receive a commission of 10% of Lin Rui’s every income.

And this proportion of commission is also a very normal price. This shows that Mendes did not take the opportunity to raise his own because of the huge gap in status between the two parties. The price.

And this was also an important factor that made Lin Rui very happy to sign with the other party.

When he learned that Lin Rui had been spotted by Atletico Madrid’s first team and wanted to be recruited into the team,

Mendes was very surprised, and then he was ecstatic.

He was originally prepared for Lin Rui to play in the second division for half a season or even a season, and then he planned to use his own connections to get a better team for Lin Rui. Unexpectedly,

Atletico Madrid’s first team Lin Rui is now about to be recruited into the first team.

This is undoubtedly a very good start for Lin Rui’s development.

When he learned that Lin Rui rejected Atletico Madrid’s five-year contract, he almost clapped his hands. applaud

“Lin, you are doing the right thing. These vampires from Atletico Madrid want to tie you to death in the club, just live their dream. Leave this matter to me, I will handle it and I will guarantee to negotiate a satisfactory contract for you. Mendes said with confidence.

Lin Rui was of course happy to leave the matter to the other party.

After all, when it comes to this kind of business negotiation, the other party is the professional.

The two chatted casually for a while, and then they separated and went Do your own thing.

Lin Rui, who returned to the training base, is now completely relaxed.

There is only one thing left to do next, and that is how to gain a foothold in the first team.

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