Lin Rui was still in the frontcourt when what happened just now, so he was not able to rush over immediately. By the time he came over, the players from both sides had already started a confrontation.

Originally, he planned to wait for the referee to come over and resolve the matter, but instead he heard Zavala insulting Silvio.

This made him quit immediately.

He suddenly rushed in front of several Bilbao players and stretched out his hands to pull them away.

Those people still wanted to resist, but facing a guy like Lin Rui with full strength, their counterattack was useless.

Lin Rui pushed him away in a few seconds.

Then before a few people rushed up again, he had already arrived in front of Zavala, who was still looking arrogant, and then grabbed the other person’s neck in the surprised eyes of the other person.

Zavala’s voice suddenly stopped when she was pinched, and there was a look of horror in her eyes.

Lin Rui looked at the other party indifferently, tightening his arms continuously, and then with a force, Zavala, who was 1.8 meters tall, was lifted up by him.

With his feet off the ground, Zavala’s eyes widened in horror, unable to make any sound.

His face flushed red, and he used both hands to break Lin Rui’s palm. Finally, he used his hands and feet to break away from Lin Rui’s control, but it had no effect at all and could not shake Lin Rui in the slightest.

Seeing that Zavala was about to be pinched to death by Lin Rui, the other players realized and rushed forward to separate the two.

Of course Lin Rui didn’t want to kill anyone, he just wanted to teach the other party a lesson, so he just let go of Zavala’s hand.

Zavala, who was released from the restraints, immediately collapsed to the ground, coughed non-stop, and looked miserable.

At this time, the referee also ran over. He kept blowing the whistle, first separated the players from the two teams, and then stepped forward to check the situation.

Soon, the referee’s small yellow cards began to be distributed.

Zavala, who tackled someone, was first shown a yellow card, and then Lin Rui, who naturally couldn’t escape the fate of a yellow card.

In addition, two players from both sides also received yellow cards because they pushed each other too much just now.

Seeing that he only received a yellow card, Lin Rui shouted that he was lucky.

It is estimated that the referee did not want the situation to escalate, so he dealt with both parties lightly.

But this still made Marcello furious on the sidelines.

This wave was a huge loss. It was really not worth it for us to be so far ahead but still receive a yellow card.

At this time, when he looked at Lin Rui again, the look in his eyes became complicated.

This guy seems to have some violent tendencies. I wonder if keeping him in his team is right or wrong?

But at this time, he no longer dared to let Lin Rui stay on the court. Who knew what trouble the other party would cause him.

So after the game restarted, he took advantage of a dead ball opportunity and replaced Lin Rui with a defender.

When Lin Rui came off the field, all the fans stood up and applauded and cheered for this young Chinese player who scored a hat trick today.

Lin Rui also raised his hands and waved to the fans, as if he was a star.

When he came to the sidelines, Marcello also cordially hugged his disciple.

“here you go! Lin, go and rest. Marcello said with a smile.

“Thank you, Mr. Marcello.”

Lin Rui expressed his gratitude, then came to the bench and sat down.

However, the substitute players on the bench looked at him in a way that made him a little strange.

There was curiosity, surprise, and a hint of surprise in their eyes. With a hint of awe

“What happen to you guys?”Lin Rui looked at substitute goalkeeper Serro sitting next to him strangely.

“Lin, you were so awesome just now! The big guy on the other side was actually lifted up by you with one hand. This was too fierce.”

Sierro’s words immediately caused other players to come over.

“Lin, how does it feel to score a hat trick today? Isn’t it great?”

“Lin, did you do it on purpose when you sat down on the opponent’s defender until he fainted? What a special code to relieve your anger. I’ve long disliked that guy.”

“Lin, those goals you scored are so cool! Too violent! It made my blood boil.”

Listening to everyone’s compliments, Lin Rui felt so happy.

This is the feeling of being recognized.

Although he got a yellow card, he won the respect of his teammates, and this business made a lot of money.

There was something strange on the court at this time.

It seemed that they were frightened. After the incident, the Bilbao players became much more honest.

Even though Lin Rui had already left the field, none of the players on the field looked the same as before. So unscrupulous.

Especially Zavala, who was so arrogant just now, acted like a good baby and never showed the ferocious tackling behavior just now.

It seems that the education Lin Rui just gave him has left a lasting impression on him. Deep impression.

Some people are like this. They cannot recognize the reality clearly without being educated about it.

In this way, the entire second half ended in a very harmonious and friendly atmosphere.

No one on either side made any further progress. The ball.

The final score was fixed at 5 to 1.

When the referee’s whistle sounded, Lin Rui’s mind also heard the voice of the system.

“Congratulations to the host! Complete the perfect debut mission and you will be rewarded with a gold gift package, please check it!”

Hearing this voice, Lin Rui’s spirit suddenly lifted.

He got the golden gift package.

But now that the game has just ended and there are people around him, he has no way to check what is in the gift package now. He can only wait for the return. I checked again after I got to the dormitory.

The best player of this game was naturally given to Lin Rui.

In this game, Lin Rui played a hat trick, assisted a goal, and created a penalty kick. It can be said that Atletico Madrid’s five This goal is all related to him.

This man of the match is well deserved.

But after all, it is only a Segunda Division game, and this man of the match is simply handed out a bottle of cheap champagne, forget it.

Holding it After champagne, Lin Rui and his teammates got on the bus and returned to the training base. On the bus, the players who had won a big victory were having fun and making fun along the way. Ma Qie, who was sitting in the front row


Luo also had a smile on his face.

The team had a good start, which made him very excited.

So he generously gave the team a day off, and they can have a day off tomorrow.

This made the players all shout Long live.

Some players have already started to meet up to have fun at night.

Silvio next to Lin Rui also leaned into Lin Rui’s ear and said:”Lin, do you want to go have a drink later?” My treat.”

Today, Lin Rui stood up for him and received a yellow card for this. Silvio was very grateful and wanted to reciprocate the favor.

However, Lin Rui was in a hurry to go back and open the gift package, so naturally he was not in the mood to drink.

So he politely declined..

Silvio did not force it, and quickly made an appointment with other teammates to go to a nightclub for a while. The bus quickly returned to the training base, and the players dispersed on the spot, each going back to his home to find his mother.

Lin Rui once again declined the invitation of his teammates and returned to the dormitory alone.

After returning to the dormitory, he couldn’t wait to close the door and bring up the system panel.

At this time, he was lying quietly in the middle of the holographic screen A golden gift bag.

Based on the experience last time, Lin Rui clicked on the gift bag directly.

“Congratulations to the host! Skill acquired: Carlos Heavy Cannon Free Kick”

“Congratulations to the host! Obtain 10 attribute points (note: it can only be used for skill bonuses below 80 points)”

“Congratulations to the host! The points redemption system is activated. The host can earn points by becoming the best player in the game. The points can be exchanged for temporary skills in the skill mall. The temporary skills last for 10 seconds.”

Listening to the beeps from the system, Lin Rui suddenly became excited.

Carlos’ heavy artillery free kick is Carlos’ famous stunt. He has the blessing of full power. This skill can be said to be tailor-made.

Maybe after you master it and practice a little bit, you may be even better at using it than Carlos.

Imagine that when you take a free kick in the frontcourt, the wall standing in front of you is trembling, and the goalkeeper is also nervous. It feels so good just thinking about it.

In addition to this, there are 10 attribute points, which can greatly improve one of your skills.

But what is the third point redemption system? Lin Rui was a little curious.

So he asked the system in his mind:”System, system, what is this points redemption system and how to use it?””

The system’s mechanical voice soon sounded in the back of the head:”The points redemption system is a redemption function of the system. The host can get 1 point for every game when he is the best player in the game, and every 3 points can be redeemed once. Opportunities for temporary skills”

“What are temporary skills?”

Lin Rui asked if he didn’t understand.

“Temporary skills are different from permanent skills. By redeeming points, the host can obtain the ability of a certain skill within a certain period of time. The usual time is 10 seconds. Once time passes, the skill will disappear. For specific temporary skill types, the host can check the newly launched exchange mall.”

Hearing the system’s explanation, Lin Rui roughly understood the rules for redeeming points.

To put it bluntly, through points, he can obtain the right to use a certain skill for 10 seconds.

As for what skills there are…

Lin Rui said a little on the screen As soon as I searched, I found what the system called the redemption mall.

After I clicked on it, it was filled with all kinds of skills.

For example, the headers were maxed out, the passes were maxed out, the shots were maxed out, and the dribblers were maxed out. With full speed, there are other things like pendulum dribbling, Marseille slalom, Cruyff dribbling, rainbow dribbling, fried meatballs, and ox tail flicking.…………

Lin Rui was stunned.

This damn skill has all kinds of skills, but unfortunately, these skills are all temporary skills.

Points can only be redeemed for 10 seconds of usage time.

Moreover, it is difficult to obtain this point. It requires the best player in the game to obtain it.

No matter how good Lin Rui is, he dare not say that he can win the best player in every game.

And even if you can win the best of the game in every game, it will take three games to redeem it once, and it can only be used for 10 seconds once redeemed.

Calculated this way, this is actually a useless function.

Of course, if used properly, this temporary skill can also work.

It just needs to be combined with the specific game situation.

But thinking that he won the best player of the game today, Lin Rui quickly looked at the points option in the system.

But he was stunned by this look.

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