From star abyss

Chapter 85 085. Gravity and death are synonyms for you

As soon as she walked away, Nodley was lying on the ICU operating table and suddenly said:

"...Leave me alone."

Her tone was unprecedentedly weak, she had completely lost her usual strength and composure, and was as light as a piece of paper in the wind.

"Nurse Nodley? We have already given anesthesia - is the strength too disordered and the anesthesia can no longer stop it?"

"'s not easy for her."

Nodley's tone was filled with sadness:

"For people like me, it's better to die. I have committed so many sins, and now it's time for me to atone for my sins..."

"What are you talking about? You have saved many people's lives. If it weren't for your words, we would have died long ago."

The surgeon's nose felt sour. After all, Nodley was their colleague and friend for many years, and she used force to defend their peace.

"...No matter how much water you add to a bottle of ink, it won't make it clear. No matter how much you do wrong, you can't wash it away."

Nodley struggled and tried to pull out the breathing tube:

"Let me die, I should have died long ago——"


The door of the ICU was kicked open hard, and the nurse immediately shouted: "This is an operation, outsiders are not allowed in-"

Before she finished speaking, her face suddenly turned red. The yellow and black windbreaker flashed in front of her, and he pushed her away.

Although they were just touching each other, the beautiful and flawless face made her heart beat faster for a moment, making her feel crazy.

"It's so strange. I've only been away for three days, so why am I an outsider?"

The handsome man opened his arms and said innocently:

"Don't you recognize me? Doctors. Did you draw my bone marrow and blood? You are such a scumbag who is ruthless in extubating me. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

There seemed to be magnetism about him, and everyone's eyes unconsciously stayed on him, and then they couldn't help but feel excited under the gaze of those gray eyes.

"Are you...Li Aozi's patient?"

The surgeon recognized him and was surprised, then shook his head:

"It's nice to see you back alive, but we're undergoing surgery right now, and your staying here will affect us-"


Li Ozi casually threw a box of medicine and it fell into the other person's arms. The surgeon looked down and saw the four characters "Zunisidine" in her eyes, which made her almost scream.

"Zunisidine - it's really a special medicine! Nurse Nodley, you are saved."

She quickly opened the package, mixed the medicine in the best proportions, and injected it directly into the artery.

Li Ozi leaned against the door and watched their operations with interest.

After a series of various operations, Nodley's vital signs gradually returned to normal, her breathing became stable, and the effect of the anesthetic also took effect again as her body stabilized.

The chief surgeon breathed a sigh of relief. The next step was to suture the wound on the chest, and Nodley would be back to normal in less than two hours.

She felt sincere gratitude in her heart and asked the nurse to wipe her sweat and sew the wound. She immediately turned around and bowed respectfully to Li Ozi.

"Thank you very much! Mr. Li Aozi, if it weren't for your help, Nurse Nodley might have had to undergo hemodialysis. The damage to the body would be almost irreversible."

"Oh, it's nothing, I should, you're welcome."

Li Ozi chuckled. He locked the ICU door with his backhand and stepped forward.

"Please accept my thanks. Nurse Nodley has saved a lot of people. She has always protected our lives... In the underworld, she is like our guardian angel."

The chief surgeon refused to start, and she was so moved that tears burst down her face.

"Get up." Li Ozi said: "Nurse Nodley is a good person, I don't deny it. You don't need to thank me."

The chief surgeon seemed to be a little emotional, and her head hung lower, and she said with great gratitude:

"No! Please accept our thanks. No matter what requests you have, please feel free to ask for them."

"look up."

Li Ozi said impatiently.

"I asked you to look up, are you deaf?"

"If you don't let me thank you, I won't raise my head——"

Before the chief surgeon finished speaking, a cold gun barrel that smelled of gunpowder was suddenly inserted into her open mouth. She could vaguely recognize that this was the same as the large-caliber gun barrel held by the leader when the White Fang Gang invaded Mingji. Pistols are very similar.


Li Ozi pulled the trigger.


The back of the attending physician's head swelled instantly, and blood spurted to the ceiling. She burst and hit the faces of the nurses who were smiling and grateful.

The attending physician's body fell to his knees. Li Aozi raised the muzzle of the gun that was full of saliva and blood and threw it to the ground in disgust.

He doesn't like this weapon, partly because he doesn't know how to use it, and partly because it kills people too quickly and without feeling.

The heaviness and splendid visual impact of crushing life with one's own hands cannot be matched by hot weapons.

"You raise your head when I tell you to. Why are you so stubborn?"

He turned his head, looked at the other nurses and doctors, shrugged, and said innocently:

"Family members, do you think she is a little bit stubborn?"

As he spoke, he lifted up the anti-bacterial cloth on the operating table, revealing the pale-faced Nodri. She was as thin as a mummy, and Li Aozi's crazy smile was reflected in her pupils.

The corners of her mouth twitched and her eyes panicked:



In her desperate eyes, the chain on Li Ozi's arm hung down. He held the chain and deliberately dragged it on the floor, slowly walking towards the four Mingji doctors in the operating room.


"That's very nice, Head Nurse."

Li Ozi turned his head and showed a sunny smile:

"When Snow was having her brain taken out, would you also plead for her like this?"

Nodley's pupils shrank, and the shadows of the past suddenly rushed into her mind.

The next moment, Li Ozi turned to the female medical staff of Mingji Humanity and instantly swung the chain.


Chains and whipping, breaking bones and cutting tendons.

"My legs - stop beating, stop beating! Wuwuwu——"

Gravity drops, oppression suffocates

"Help, help me, I, my neck is so heavy... Uh, mom, mom, I can't breathe..."

Life is extracted, vitality is cut off.

"Spare me, I didn't do anything, Mingji lied to me - don't, ah! What have you done to me, my skin, my face is aging, I...stop..."

Nodley watched helplessly as the violence took place. Li Ozi kept repeating the words 'ZX-102', 'Snow', and 'baby'. She was still seriously injured and felt like the world was spinning, as if the whole world was pressing down on her. come over.


She shouted this, but she never dared to say, "Come at me, they are innocent."

If you really say these words against your will, even the devil will laugh.


Li Ozi deflected the gravity, grabbed his head neatly, and then stepped on the ground. With the support of several times the gravity, the opponent exploded like a watermelon.

He waved his hand, and a woman whose legs were broken was crawling toward the door. Her body suddenly lightened and hit Li Ozi's hand.


She cried and took the initiative to take off the doctor's uniform. Her face was stained with tears. She forced a smile and begged: "Hey, let me have some fun with you. Let me go. It doesn't matter what you do to them. Just let me go." ——”

Come on!

Li Ozi grabbed her hand and wrapped it around her neck. He used the tapered blade of her spine to puncture her artery, and then kicked her away.

Her blood spurted out wantonly, splashing blood drops everywhere on the walls and operating table. Her expression was horrifying, and finally it was frozen in panic and panic.

The remaining two people were also unlucky. Li Ozi was thrown back and forth by gravity, up and down.

He shook his hand, stretched the chain into a spear, pierced the last person through the collarbone, shot out from the buttocks, and nailed him to the ground. The latter's body froze and became motionless.

Li Ozi stepped forward and slowly pulled out the chain. The link hook pulled the broken part and threw it lightly in front of the head nurse Nodley.

"You are a good person, Nurse Nodley. After all, there are not many people who are willing to admit that they have done something wrong and are willing to atone for their sins."

Li Ozi stepped on the head of her bed and said calmly:

"But I'm not. It's hard to say whether I'll ever be the same person - but I'm certainly not going to be a good person."


"I am greedy, ruthless, and arrogant. It is no exaggeration to say that I may have killed millions of times more people than Mingji. Therefore, I never believe in karma - otherwise I would have died long ago."

Dr. Chen Siqi said that entering the underground requires iris certification from Dr. Nodley and Anna.

Li Ozi looked around.

'Why don't you kill me...why? ’

"You are still useful to me, and since you want to atone for your sins, don't die so easily. This is too cheap for your crime - I will cut your veins, pierce your 'sea of ​​air', and let you slowly feel it The loss of life.”

Li Ozi picked up a scalpel from the operating table:

"Even though I am a stinky person, there is one great thing about me - I am loved by babies. Their innocent smiles and thoughts can have an infinite future, and they can also make me feel healed in my heart."

"Every time I see those babies, I realize that people should have a bottom line, and life has a noble dignity. My life should not be just for profit, I should also have my own bottom line and belief……"

He turned his head, opened Nodri's left eye with his hand, and put the bright scalpel against her eyelid:

"And I only have one bottom line, and that is don't touch the baby!"

He said, inserting the scalpel into Nodley's eyeball.

It is expected to be released next Friday. If you can make an initial order, please try your best to support it.

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