. Chapter 737 Laws

Although this powerful existence had time to express such emotions, he didn't have more time to react to Luo Fan's actions.

After all, Luo Fan's magic power bombarded the seal with infinite power.

Mana is a kind of extremely mysterious power. This kind of power contains the power of infinite rules and laws, and contains infinite and incredible mysteries. If you want to use it to refine methods, refine weapons, induce the power of heaven and earth, and induce the mystery of time and space , Naturally, it is necessary to make all kinds of incredible changes in the form of mana.

However, if you just want it to explode with the strongest power, especially when the power of the outside world rejects the master of mana, it is the best choice to attack completely by the body of mana.

Ka bang, a roar that shook every inch of the entire prehistoric world instantly burst out from the place where the mana collided with the seal, sweeping towards the entire prehistoric world.

This roar and tremor is not ordinary, but contains some subtle and mysterious power produced when the two collide.

This kind of subtle and mysterious power is loaded on the sound waves, but it makes those sound waves instantly turn into reality, like a long dragon, swimming from the place where the two collide to every position in the entire prehistoric world.

Even, these long dragons seem to have faint and weak spiritual consciousness, and they can make all kinds of incredible and mysterious movements in the process of flying away, showing all kinds of amazing flexibility.

If this kind of change occurs in other worlds, even in a great world, these sound waves are enough to shatter the void, collapse the void, and even shatter the entire world, the entire time and space into nothingness.

However, at this moment, in this prehistoric world, such changes are nothing at all.

Even the mountains and rocks between the prehistoric world and the earth cannot be damaged, they can only be impacted in vain, broken in vain, and dissipated in vain, without causing the slightest damage.

Such a strong impact was transmitted to Luo Fan's body through mana, so that Luo Fan only felt his body and mind were shaken violently, and there were countless small injuries appearing in his body faintly, despite the impact of his mana and entangled for a long time, refused to disappear.

Even Luo Fan's body, which was at the peak of Da Luo San Dao, could not remain intact in the impact, and the seal formed by the condensed purple divine light could not be indifferent to such an impact.

Therefore, after the impact, the seal formed by the condensed purple light shook slightly,

Then he broke away from the existence's control and floated behind the existence. Although it was only a few feet away, it was enough for Luo Fan-he sent out mana to hit the seal, in order to make the seal The seal can't directly affect the power that he had previously condensed from all kinds of power in the entire prehistoric world.

At this time, although the seal was not defeated by his magic power, it was no longer able to directly face that force. Even if it had any influence, it would be weakened many times compared to before. Naturally, he had achieved his goal.

At this moment, that invisible and colorless force finally covered the existence overwhelmingly.

At this time, the seal on that side shook slightly, and there was a strange, extremely majestic, and extremely noble fluctuation like an order coming from it.

This fluctuation is so unbelievable, within the range it sweeps, all forces become tame and calm in an instant, without any attack power.

And among them, it naturally includes the invisible and intangible power that Luo Fan condenses all kinds of power in the entire prehistoric world, which is so powerful that it is inconceivably powerful.

It's just that, after all, this force is completely different from the star energy in the starry sky.

Not only is its own power hundreds of millions of times stronger, but it also has Luo Fan's will attached to it, and its ability to resist that fluctuation is unmatched by the star energy in the surrounding starry sky.

Especially at this moment, this force is not hitting head-on with the fluctuations emanating from the seal. Although the fluctuations have affected it, after all, it is separated from the existence in the middle, and when it takes effect, it is already too late. The effect played has been weakened by an unknown number of times.

That existence obviously expected this too, but it never pinned all its hopes on that seal.

His eight arms spread out in all directions, like a big net, wrapping towards that force.

Although that force was greatly affected by the fluctuation due to Luo Fan's various actions, it was affected after all, and its power was more than a hundred times weaker than before.

It was originally an absolute crushing power, but at this time, it is nothing more than that. Although the existence of Da Luo Zhendao can still be seriously injured, it is absolutely impossible to let him lose his life and disappear. that's it.

The expressions on the four faces of that existence at this time are all dignified and inexplicable.

Each of his eight arms crossed a mysterious path, which seemed to trigger all the rules and trajectories of all laws in the entire prehistoric world, and seemed to condense all the power of the entire prehistoric world, colliding with that force.

On one side is an invisible and qualityless force that is so powerful that it is unimaginable, and on the other side are eight huge arms that are tangible and qualitative. These two completely different forms of existence were absolutely incapable of colliding with each other, but at this time the two are in contact , but produced the effect that can only be produced by the collision of two tangible and qualitative existences.

Earth-shattering shocks spread in all directions from the place where the two collided.

Numerous space cracks extended from the eight arms like spider webs, and in the blink of an eye, they spread to the void within a radius of millions of miles, directly enveloping this void completely.

These spider web-like cracks are getting bigger and more obvious, and finally they are completely connected together, directly shattering the void, revealing an incomparably deep nothingness behind—a nothingness that does not even exist in time.

And the invisible and colorless power that Luo Fan condensed from all kinds of power in the entire prehistoric world fully manifested in this nothingness, turning into a gray, chaotic color, captured by that The eight arms grasped directly from eight directions, firmly fixed there.

Around this gray force, infinite space fragments flutter around like snowflakes, and it even looks a bit beautiful.

The existence was suspended between the boundless nothingness, his face looked a bit labored, a little dignified, and there were wonderful fluctuations of various power surges in his body, as if the power in his body had already reached a certain extreme.

Suddenly, the four faces on his head let out a roar at the same time.

The loud shouting was extremely loud, causing the space fragments to violently fluctuate in the loud drinking, as if they were directly disturbed by the loud shouting.

Following this violent drinking, a huge phantom flashed past behind this existence.

This phantom also looks like a giant with four arms and eight arms. It is as tall as ten feet high, and it looks like a real giant. Looking at its appearance, it is astonishingly the same as that existence. Obviously, this is the existence that is similar to the prehistoric The existence of the primordial spirit or dharma form cultivated by the monks of heaven and earth.

Although this phantom only appeared for a moment and then disappeared, it produced an incredible effect.

At the moment when the phantom existed, the strength of that existence skyrocketed by more than ten thousand times. With a sudden force, the incredible force that Luo Fan condensed was crushed by it compared to that moment, and turned into a prehistoric world again. The various forces that existed between them gradually dissipated.

As it dissipated, the fragments of the starry sky gradually re-condensed, and in a short while it was re-formed into a complete void, almost no different from what it looked like before.

And the dissipated power has already passed through various mysterious channels at this time, and returned to the place where it was originally gathered by Luo Fan. Except for a little loss, it seems that it has never left.

During this period of time, Luo Fan tried his best to suppress the damage in his body.

In terms of his Dao Xing Dao at the peak of Da Luo San Dao at this time, any damage to his body, even if the whole body is crushed into dust, he can easily recondense it, even mana, soul, There will be no loss of thought.

But at this time, the damage he suffered was different.

This damage was caused by the collision between his mana and the seal condensed by the purple brilliance, and it was caused by the power of the seal.

Therefore, in those tiny injuries in his body, there is an extremely mysterious power attached.

Although this kind of power is not very powerful, it is unimaginably pure, even more than a hundred times purer than Luo Fan's mana. If this is the case, Luo Fan can expel it with a thousand times of mana, allowing the damage in his body to recover instantly. However, apart from being unimaginably pure, this power also carries an incomparably noble aura of law.

This aura of law makes this force seem to be the ruler of all forces, the emperor of all forces, capable of dominating all forces and ordering all forces.

Luo Fan's mana is condensed from himself. It can be said that it is the power formed by the heaven and earth in his own body, which is completely different from the external power. Under the breath of the law, this force was strangled and expelled. However, since the influence is not too great, it means that there is still influence. This kind of influence makes his speed of strangling and expelling this power extremely slow.

Therefore, it was not until the void returned to normal, until the existence slowed down, that he completely eliminated the influence of the power and allowed the damage in his body to recover.

As for why it is necessary to repair the damage and expel the power, it is naturally needless to say-in this level of battle, keeping the opponent's power in the body, no matter how little, is courting death... If you don't eliminate it, it will be impossible at all. There is no need to fight anymore, just admit defeat directly.

Luo Fan came to his senses and didn't bother to say anything.

With a thought, the power of the Void Promise Palace seeped out of his body, turned into a long robe, and covered his body.

After passing Luo Fan's re-refining, Void Promise Palace not only survived like Luo Fan, completely out of the prehistoric world, but also broke through Taiyi, achieved Da Luo, and turned into a Da Luo Tianbao.

To fulfill the requirements of Da Luo is to reach the state of Dzogchen. Therefore, the power of the Void Promise Palace, which can achieve the Daluo Tianbao, cannot be limited to the cave-heaven magic weapon. After its power has gone through various transformations and turned into a protective power, what is it?

The power of the Void Promise Palace enveloped Luo Fan, making Luo Fan exude another independent world, self-sufficiency, and detached aura.

After the robe was formed, Luo Fan raised his foot and stomped the void without any hesitation.

Under his feet, the void seemed to turn into substance, creating countless tiny cracks, spreading in all directions. It's just that this crack was just created by him randomly stomping, and it was far inferior to the crack that was created before, which was enough to turn the void into space fragments. Therefore, it was repaired by various rules and laws of the prehistoric world in a blink of an eye. Has returned to normal.

After Luo Fan stomped on the void, his body shook like light, and he crossed the void and came directly to the existence. With a rub of his hands, the mana in his body was emitted from his hands, turning into boundless thunder, and blasting towards the head of the giant in front of him. and go.

This thunder is different from all the thunder that existed in the prehistoric world. On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the Thunder of the God of Chaos in the sky, but it adds an extremely strong will, the will of Luo Fan!

Under this will, the Chaos Divine Thunder of Dutian can isolate all external wills and influences from external laws, and can concentrate all its power so that all its power can be poured into the target he wants to attack.

As soon as this thunderbolt appeared, all the star essence, innate vitality, and chaotic vitality within a radius of tens of thousands of miles were instantly cut off, and an energy vacuum area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared around them.

Even the rules, laws, and even the supreme avenue that determines all rules and laws seem to retreat or fall silent, avoiding this thunder.

Such a powerful, terrifying, and inconceivable thunderbolt directly blasted at the existence's head at an unimaginable speed. The farther away from Luo Fan's body, the more dazzling the thunderbolt was, and the stronger the aura it emitted.

By the time it reached the presence of that existence, the thunder was already overwhelming, as if it was enough to return the entire prehistoric world to the primordial, and then turn it into chaos, which is terrifying.

The realm of Taoism that exists is even higher than Luo Fan's. Although the problems that need to be solved before are a hundred times more serious than Luo Fan's, the reaction speed is not less than half a point slower than Luo Fan's.

When the thunder appeared, he had already reacted, and the eight arms spun at the speed of light, condensing into a strange shape in the void. A mysterious form that seems to condense all heaven and earth, all avenues, all rules, and all laws.

After this form appeared, the seal that had floated to the top of his head suddenly sank, and at the same time, a wave was born between his eight arms. Luo Fan had never imagined it, let alone seen it before. A strange force.

This power has a certain chaotic nature, a certain wind nature, and a certain wonderful fire nature. The wind and fire are more like the endless reactions between these forces, giving birth to infinite kinds of strange changes. The power that can open up the world in the chaos.

The moment this force appeared, it rushed straight up.

At the moment when the seal sank in front of him, it merged with the seal, making the seal's aura soar ten thousand times, and its color directly turned into a strange dark golden color. The slightest fluctuation caused the space and time around the seal to fluctuate, as if it was about to be disrupted and destroyed by this fluctuation.

Before any sound came out, the thunderbolt condensed by Luo Fan, which was similar to the Chaos Thunder of Dutian, had already collided with the seal.

The seal seems to be substantial, but in fact it is just a force. Therefore, it seemed that Thunder and Seal collided, but in fact it was just two forces colliding.

But the collision of these two forces produced an incomparably wonderful annihilation effect.

The two forces themselves, time, space, matter, and energy all completely disappeared under this annihilation effect, and a bigger and bigger black hole continued to expand from the place where the two collided, instantly enveloping that existence, and then Then Luo Fan who was not far away was also wrapped in it, and it was fully expanded to a diameter of tens of thousands of miles before it stopped.

If the black hole is just an ordinary space-time hole, then at this moment, it will be the moment when the black hole shrinks again under the influence of rules, laws and even the Supreme Way, and finally disappears completely.

But, obviously, this blackness is not an ordinary space-time hole.

The power of Da Luo level cannot be eliminated so easily. At this moment, in this void of time and space, the effect of annihilation still has not disappeared, and it still continues all the time, completely eradicating any trace of recovery in it, so that this black hole seems to be able to survive forever.

This change seems crude, but in fact it contains endless mysteries, and contains infinite mysteries.

This annihilation effect can annihilate even time and space, but it is not fatal to that existence and Luo Fan.

Needless to say, Luo Fan, the robe covering his body at this time is the evolution of the power of the Void Promise Palace. Wearing this robe is equivalent to being in the Void Promise Palace. The effect of annihilation is naturally impossible It acts on him, but can only act on the power of the Void Promise Palace. However, the power of the Void Promise Palace is endless, and a little bit is annihilated, and a little bit is born, which is enough to support Luo Fan to survive forever in this time-space hole. Even when this power disappears, Luo Fan can rely on his own mana to protect himself, and the effect will not be much worse than protecting himself with the help of the Void Promise Palace.

Therefore, the annihilation effect of this space-time hole does not pose any threat to Luo Fan at all.

And that existence, he was able to cross the chaotic state of infinite space in Jiuli Datiandi and come to the prehistoric world. How can the annihilation effect of the space-time hole be comparable to the chaotic state? Naturally, it is also impossible to have any influence on it—even if he does not rely on his own power to shuttle in the chaotic state, it will not change the fact that he can shuttle in the chaotic state.

"In this way, no matter what means you have to order the world, it is impossible to have any effect." Seeing this change, Luo Fan said lightly.



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