Chen Ergou cleaned the freshly harvested seafood and neatly placed them on the banana leaves.

Lobsters, small giant clam shells, and three foot-long barracudas.

Lobster and giant clams aside for now as they can be cooked with a little cleaning, the emphasis is on barracuda.

He picked up a golden pike and looked at it: "It looks like a lot of meat, with sharp teeth growing on the upper and lower jaws of the slender mouth. This fish also has a lot of bones. Some friends who like to eat fish but don't like to pick bones are probably out of luck." gone."

"However, such barracudas are found in all oceans of the world, and humans know little about them."

"...Actually, I don't know too much. I only know that their diet is probably low-grade algae and organic debris in the seabed sediment. They use their jaws to scrape food. In order to eat better, the teeth of the barracuda have degenerated into tiny brushes. The pyloric stomach is very muscular, like a gizzard, perfect for grinding and crushing food in the silt."

"So... this is a fish with very clean meat."

"Isn't it weird that someone compares a barracuda to a shark?"

He smiled.

While cleaning the barracuda round scales, cutting off the fins, and digging out the internal organs, he chattered and introduced to the camera:

"There is also a reason for the comparison with sharks. Adult barracudas have almost no natural enemies, and are particularly curious and alert. In contrast, sharks are much slower to respond. In fact, this is because sharks have weak eyesight and observe things around them. Variations depend largely on their keen sense of smell, while barracuda rely on good eyesight."

"When a barracuda school is attacked by foreign enemies, all the fish in the school will work together to reflect the light with their bodies. The gleaming scales will confuse the invaders, and the fish school will wait for an opportunity to escape. The barracuda school can also be arranged into Spectacular formations, to a dim-eyed shark, a colossal 'body' of hundreds of barracudas could be mistaken for a dangerous 'superfish'."

"This is where the sea wolf storm comes from, and we've seen it before."

"Okay, the cleaning is almost done."

He set up the tableware and food, but didn't do it immediately. He put his hands on his hips and thought for a while: "This dinner seems to have begun to take shape, but the color is a little dull. I want to find some spices and green plants to season and satisfy my hunger. "

"You can also balance the nutrition, and you can't just eat meat."

The audience almost sprayed——

"You still know that every meal of your life is full of meat."

"It's like a pure carnivore. Every time I say I'm a vegetarian, I eat all meat."

"This dinner is even better than the big living room. I am speechless."

"Big living room? Upstairs in Suzhou."


Chen Ergou watched the barrage passing by, but did not interrupt.

He kept the food in the turtle food tripod to prevent other animals from stealing food. Then he took a knife and a bamboo tube made of a piece of giant dragon bamboo, thought for a while, and took a piece of straw rope, and walked deep into the island.

"Taking advantage of the cooler weather, hurry up and start."

There are many kinds of plants in the tropical island forest, and if you are not careful, you will accidentally eat fungi and fruits that contain toxins. Any experience of eating poisonous fruit is terrible, and there is no need to repeat it.

Since entering this deserted island, he has tried his best to eat meat to minimize the risk of food poisoning.

Fresh and tender spices can be used for porridge, and can also help to supplement various vitamins needed by the body.

The smell in the woods has changed a bit, he sniffed hard, and said: "I smell the unique smell of spice plants, which come from the mud near the coast... It seems that I can vaguely hear the gurgling of the stream the sound of."

Traveling through the dense forest with flickering light and dark is particularly frightening. Fortunately, he is not an ordinary person, and moving bGm songs are played in the live broadcast room at the right time, so that he will not be so lonely.

When encountering overgrown plants blocking the way or forest roads that require touching the body to cross, he usually clears the way with a wild knife.

Walking out of the dense rainforest, I saw another small waterfall dripping continuously.

Chen Ergou washed his face, looked at the waterfall flowing down endlessly, and said with some concern: "One small waterfall like this is enough, sometimes too many does not mean a good thing."

"It can be seen from the surrounding environment that this is not a fresh water source that flows year after year."

"I can almost predict that the fresh water comes from the volcanic basin at the top of Whale Island. The source of fresh water is naturally rainwater. The faster the loss now, it means that the fresh water resources on the island are rapidly decreasing."

He shook his head, and could only watch the torrent of water finally flow to the sea, "Unfortunately, I am completely powerless to stop it.... I hope my guess is wrong."

Sniffing his nose again, the scent from the spice plants became stronger, "It should be nearby."

Recalling the scenes observed around him, he roughly deduced that his current location was right on the edge of the original rainforest on the island.

During the day, the amount of evaporation on the island is very large, and this wet swamp has gradually dried up.

He still didn't dare to be careless, and chose to walk on those light-colored mud surfaces to avoid falling into the swamp of eating people.

Knee-high tender plants are distributed in pinches. Chen Ergou told the audience, "I have never challenged to survive in the swamp. Now that I have met, let me teach you some useful knowledge. I'm bored."

"Don't bother, don't bother, Mr. Dog's small class is starting."

"Listen well and study hard, or you will fail the exam."

"Anyway, in terms of the amount of wilderness knowledge, I only obey you. No matter which professor in the country, you will be beaten down by you."

Chen Ergou chopped a wooden stick, "Try to avoid those bushes, there may be poisonous snakes or pests entrenched in them."

"In the past, wooden sticks were specially used to pick off small snakes that were winding on the swamp plants. No snakes have been found on the island so far, and they can still be used. It can poke the mud on the ground. If it is empty, Get out of the way immediately."

Stop and go on the grass, the sky is getting dark.

Chen Ergou also became vigilant.

He will surpass ordinary people's sense of smell, hearing, vision, and spiritual perception, making him feel that the breath around him may indicate that wild creatures are coming and going at any time.

Concentrate and listen carefully to everything around you.

To concentrate, he signaled Goudan to turn off the music, and the live broadcast room suddenly fell silent, and the surrounding atmosphere seemed to become tense.

Chen Ergou raised his foot and kept silent as much as possible, minimizing the noise. Suddenly, a huge flying bird with a scissors tail jumped out of the grass, which shocked everyone.

I looked up and saw that it was a frigate bird.

"Wori, you scared me to death."

"The atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder."

"Please, Lord Dog, don't intentionally create a tense atmosphere."

Chen Ergou suddenly stopped, "Look, everyone!"

What are you looking at?

Nothing, just a piece of rotten wood.

Monk Zhang Er in the audience couldn't figure it out, but Chen Ergou took a step back and said:

"It's a crocodile, a crocodile in disguise. If I accidentally step on it, at least half of my leg will be gone."

Because there is a lot of transpiration in the swamp, when the sun shines on the swamp, it will always produce some dizzy fog, which also blocks the line of sight. Thanks to the old driver leading the way, the audience saw the truth clearly.

Because of the cover of the surrounding plants, the whole picture of this camouflaged crocodile cannot be seen clearly, but the grown mouth is a little white from the sun, and the sharp teeth are shining white like desert bones, and they are exposed in disorder.

The eyes were like the eyes of a dry tree, and the wide jaw was wrapped like the bark of a poplar. The scales of the body are blue, gray, white and black, with mixed flowers distributed on the back and limbs, like ancient armor, extending from the wide and thick skull to the tail in pieces.

Chen Ergou measured it with his eyes and said, "It's about two meters long, so it can be seen that it is a male crocodile."

"I've seen the spices, you see? Behind it, there's mint, cattails, and thyme ... the thyme we used in the desert."

Gently sniffing the nose, a cool fragrance came to the nostrils, it was the smell of mint.

"I've even smelled the scent of mint. The green plant exudes fragrance, the leaves are in pairs, and there are small lavender flowers like lips, and there are small dark purple-brown fruits behind the flowers..."

"It is super lucky to find mint on the island. These plants generally grow in high-altitude areas. They also have high medicinal value. They are pungent, sweating, antipyretic, and can also treat influenza, headaches, and eyes. Redness, body heat, sore throat, gums, etc. My eyes have been soaked in seawater for too long, and they are still red and dry, and I just need it to soak."

"I can make tea with mint, which has the effect of clearing the heart and improving eyesight."

There was a commotion in the live broadcast room——

"As expected of a dog's nose, you can smell it from so far away."

"Red-eyed bunny."

"Your friend Desert Butcher is online."

"The desert butcher refuses to accept: I have guarded the spiritual grass for three thousand years, you can take it if you want, pass the old man's level first!"

"Here we come, we are going to fight the desert butcher."

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