Dreams of the Fragrant River

: Five hundred and seventy-eight [Music Giant Niu Master Hu]

"Fang Fang" was successfully filmed for only 8 days, and the crew was forced to stop running. The main reason was that Sophie Marceau had a contract dispute with the original company and could not come to Hong Kong for a while. [This book is first published]

The cause of the whole thing is that Gaumont Company forced Sophie Marceau to take a movie in the last two months of her contract period when there was no hope of renewing her contract with Sophie Marceau.

The current situation is that Sophie Marceau's brokerage contract with Gaumont's company has expired, but the contract for the film she is shooting must be completed.

The whole plot of "Fang Fang" was greatly modified by Kang Jianfei. For example, the background of the film was put in Hong Kong. Leung Ka Fai plays the hero Leung Le Fai, a poor intern in Hong Kong who has just graduated from school, while the heroine Fang Fang, played by Sophie Marceau, is a French perfume major student who came to Hong Kong to visit her grandmother during the summer vacation.

As for Liang Jiahui's fiancee in the film, it is his distant cousin. The cousin's family is relatively rich. Liang Jiahui has been living in the cousin's house for several years from the countryside to study on Hong Kong Island. The family members on both sides hope that they can get married.

As for the other plots, they are basically similar to the original film of "Fang Fang", except that the lines have become more oriental, and the rhythm will be brighter than the original film, and there will be comedy sections in many places.

To put it bluntly, Kang Jianfei turned "Fang Fang" into a Hong Kong-made romantic comedy, but kept the most flavorful things in the original film.

This will ensure the film's box office in Asia, and it remains to be seen whether these changes will be accepted by French audiences and festival judges.

Just when the filming of "Fang Fang" was stopped, two big news happened in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

First, a group of filmmakers headed by Li Xiaoping and Ma Fengguo initiated the establishment of the Hong Kong Film Industry Association, which also symbolically invited Kang Jianfei to join the association. It's a pity that only a little scumbag was sent over to deliver the invitation letter. Neither Li Xiaoping nor Ma Fengguo made a trip in person. Kang Jianfei didn't even bother to see it, so he told Li Xiaofeng to directly throw the invitation letter into the trash can.

Second. The Hong Kong branch of the International Phonographic Association sued the Eastern TV production company and Phoenix TV for infringement because the music used in TV dramas and variety shows rarely pays royalties. Of course, it was not only Kang Jianfei who was accused. TVB was also prosecuted, and the situation was even more serious than that of Oriental TV Production Company and Phoenix TV.

The Hong Kong branch of the International Phonographic Association stated in a lawyer's letter that it required several companies to immediately stop the infringement and pay the copyright fees owed in the past years, otherwise all the record companies in Hong Kong will jointly block the two TV stations and the Oriental TV production company.

Banning is naturally impossible. Wireless TVB and Phoenix TV have monopoly positions in Hong Kong, and they also have Huaxing Records and Popular Records under their respective banners. Other record companies also need to promote on the two TV stations.

Moreover, it takes time to collect evidence of infringement for consecutive years. The lawsuit is protracted, and both sides will pay a large amount of legal fees. The best result is that everyone sits down and negotiates in private, and the TV station stops the infringement, and then pays the record association how much copyright fee as compensation.


Tseung Kwan O Film Studio. No. 1 Administration Building, Kang Jianfei's office.

Li Yufeng, who was wearing an OL uniform and skirt, walked in with the documents and reported, "Brother Fei, there is a message from France saying that Sophie Marceau will take half a month to come to Hong Kong."

"I see. When you have the exact time, you can arrange for someone from the crew to pick you up." Kang Jianfei nodded.

Li Yufeng added: "In addition, do you want to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Hong Kong Film Industry Association next week?"

"What am I going to do? I'm not a member." Kang Jianfei said disdainfully.

It's not that Kang Jianfei doesn't support the professional film association in Hong Kong, but the so-called Hong Kong film industry association is too utilitarian, and the initiators are a bunch of **** sub-filmmakers.

Li Xiaoping, the founder and first chairman of the Xiang Film Association, is just a film company specializing in importing Western films for distribution in Hong Kong. And sometimes it takes two or three years to buy a Western film, and her two theaters often show various old films. When the schedule is good, it is often leased to the Jiang family's Anle Theater to show the latest Hollywood blockbusters.

Speaking of which, the cinema under Li Xiaoping was previously a member of the new era cinema chain temporarily formed by Kang Jianfei.

Do you believe that a film business that makes money by importing Western films and renting theaters, she initiated the establishment of the Film Industry Association to promote the development of Hong Kong films and safeguard the interests of film practitioners?

Bullshit. They initiated the establishment of a film industry association, just to expand their influence in the Hong Kong film industry and to make money in the future.

From Li Xiaoping and Ma Fengguo's refusal to invite Kang Jianfei to join the association, it can be seen that they do not want Kang Jianfei, a movie star, to join the association, because as long as Kang Jianfei joins, Zou Wenhuai, Mecca, Pan Disheng and others may also join the association. Joining in, Li Xiaoping and Ma Fengguo will no longer be able to sit firmly as the chairman and vice-chairman of the association.

In order not to make people's wedding clothes, Li Xiaoping and Ma Fengguo formed the Hong Kong Film Industry Association, which actually blocked all the major film giants in Hong Kong.

Without the Hong Kong Film Industry Association of DreamWorks, Golden Harvest, Art City, and Debao, what else would it be called the Hong Kong Film Industry Association? It's completely a thing that sells dog meat with a sheep's head.

However, Kang Jianfei is not a **** who knows everything. He forgot about Hong Kong's film rating system, which was created by Li Xiaoping. Two years later, the Hong Kong Film Industry Association, which had no sense of existence, used an article from abroad as an introduction to hype the importance of Hong Kong film classification. In the end, it was really a **** success. well known in Hong Kong.

With this contribution, Li Xiaoping won the Film Lifetime Achievement Award many years later, and won the admission ticket to invest in the construction of cinemas in the mainland; while Ma Fengguo became a representative of the National People's Congress after the return of Hong Kong, and became the chairman of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Kang Jianfei is not at all interested in the association between these two and that Luo Shizi now. He focuses all his attention on the lawsuit between the Recording Association and the TV station and TV production company.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Huang Xizhao and Zhong Jinghui walked into Kang Jianfei's office one after another. Huang Xizhao is still the general manager of Phoenix TV, while Zhong Jinghui is the general manager of the Oriental TV production company, and Xu Xiaoming is the vice president of the TV production company. and program director.

"What do you think of the requirements of the Recording Association?" Kang Jianfei asked.

Huang Xizhao said: "It will take two or three years to file a lawsuit. The record companies of the Recording Association are also divided. As long as the TV station cooperates with the anti-ban of those companies, within half a year, some record companies will be soft. This matter finally It will definitely be resolved through negotiation. It is very important that Phoenix Channel must reach an agreement with TVB in private, and jointly deal with the criticism from the Recording Association.”

Zhong Jinghui's point of view is different: "I think it's better to give courtesy first and then soldiers. Let's sit down and talk, and see how much money can be paid, so that it can be done once and for all, so as to avoid endless troubles in the future."

Kang Jianfei didn't ask any further questions about the discussion, and directly said: "That's it, let's negotiate and resolve it first. If the differences are too big, we can do as Manager Huang said."

Huang Xizhao and Zhong Jinghui were both greatly surprised. They didn't expect that the topic of today's discussion would be decided by Kang Jianfei and Shi Mu in just a few words.

Then I heard Kang Jianfei say: "I invited you two here today to discuss what to do in the future. There is a shortage of music in the production of TV programs. Although there are many music composers on the popular record, they are mostly composed for TV dramas and variety shows. The demand for theme songs, interludes, etc. is too great and too much work, and other popular records also have their own things to do.”

There is one more thing Kang Jianfei didn't say, that is, the Eastern TV production company hires people from Popular Records to write songs, and they also need to pay for it. There are various episodes and background music in a TV series, and about ten TV series in the whole year will be spent. If you pay someone to write a song, then the production cost will be greatly increased. This is also why tvb has a good relationship with Huang Zhan and Gu Jiahui, but refuses to invite them to write, and always uses the music of major record companies directly without paying.

Generally speaking, when a TV station uses the newly created works, it has to pay a certain amount of royalties. For example, tvb once paid Kang Jianfei the copyright fee for "The Original Landscape of Hometown". But I don't care so much about the old works. The copyright of the song "Shanghai Beach" "created" by Kang Jianfei is still in Kang Jianfei's hands, but TVB has used it countless times in the past few years without giving a cent.

The Recording Association sued the two TV stations this time. It is for this reason that almost all the works of the record companies in Hong Kong have been infringed and used by the TV stations for free.

Huang Xizhao and Zhong Jinghui discussed in Kang Jianfei's office for a long time, but they couldn't discuss any good countermeasures. This kind of thing is obvious, either continue to use the infringement for free, or increase the production cost in the future and find someone to write the music by themselves, but I really can't find it. What kind of compromise~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The three of them chatted for a while and couldn't think of anything. Just as Huang Xizhao and Zhong Jinghui were about to leave, Li Yufeng, who filled them with coffee, suddenly interjected: "Mr. Kang, Manager Huang, Zhong Jinghui Manager, I remember I received a letter three months ago, someone recommended a mainland composer. The mainlanders ask for very low remuneration, why don't you find that person to try?"

Huang Xizhao also recalled: "Oh, you are talking about the recommendation letter written by the staff of the Legislative Council. I also received it. A mainland composer who has just come to Hong Kong, what good things can he write? Writing Oriental The red sun rises?"

Kang Jianfei ignored Huang Xizhao's contempt for mainland musicians, but suddenly remembered a great man. He asked, "Meifeng, what's the name of the recommended composer?"

"I forgot the name, I'll go and see if the letter is still there." Li Yuanfeng turned around and ran outside.

Kang Jianfei, Huang and Zhong waited for half an hour, and Li Yufeng finally came in with a letter and said happily, "Fortunately, I put it in the drawer and was not disposed of as a waste document, that mainland composer. His name is Hu Weili!"

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