Dimensional Invasion of the Real Earth

Two thousand one hundred and sixty-seven, a seemingly game

2167. A seemingly game

This is a good play, seemingly formed by coincidence, but it is also inevitable.

In other words, any chance actually has its inevitability.

Regardless of the entanglement of cause and effect, or the consequences of the entanglement of various laws, they are all inevitable.

To put it bluntly, the way of heaven in the tomb world is not the real way of heaven after all. It is impossible to take every possible detail into consideration, so there is an opportunity to be combined with the will of humanity.

From another perspective, from the moment the heavenly will of the tomb world appears as its own wisdom, the humane and authentic side of the world will has been completely cut off.

Even if it has never been truly autonomous, it will no longer lend any of its own laws to the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World.

This game was destined from the moment Tiandao in the grave world gave birth to his own wisdom.

Even if the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World suppresses it countless times, what should appear will still appear, and what should be resisted will never stop.

Even if the Heavenly Way in the Tomb World wins countless times, the Humanity and Authentic side can easily make a comeback as long as they win once.

When this idea appeared in Qinglong Liu Hao's mind, an unprecedented enlightenment also arose in his heart.

Reaching the realm of Qinglong Liu Hao, it cannot be said that there is no way to rise, but it is also extremely difficult. With a clear understanding, it can be said that Qinglong Liu Hao has saved a lot of time. It is an improvement in his state of mind. He understands that even if he If you major in the Way of Heaven, you still need to learn other laws that should be learned.

Of course, this learning does not require complete mastery. More, it still requires understanding and knowing how to use it, even if the use is not that smooth.

There is a huge gap between what you understand and what you don't understand.

Only then did he realize how terrifying he was.

Even though his own realm seemed a little lower than his own, when it came to actual fighting, he felt that he might not be able to defeat him at all, even if he didn't use the link pressure that he gave to his avatar.

He even felt that if he was in the same realm, there would be no enemies at all.

In other words, the deity who majors in the Three Thousand Laws is basically invincible in the same realm.

He didn't know if his idea was correct, but it didn't stop him from feeling that way.

Of course, he didn't want to practice the Three Thousand Principles together like this deity. It was unnecessary.

You are yourself, even if you are just an incarnation of your true self, you are still an individual.

Isn’t the path forward clear from the beginning?

Besides, Qinglong Liu Hao also knew that even if he was willing, the possibility would be slim.

Not to mention other things, as far as talent is concerned, the understanding of human nature and the laws of earth requires even oneself to do twice as much to get half the result. When there is a bottleneck in these understandings, it is very likely that one will be stuck for a lifetime.

That being the case, why bother?

In addition, the understanding of these laws can be obtained from the deity, the white tiger incarnation, and the obsession incarnation, so why waste this time?

It’s not that there aren’t any crises, and it’s not that there are still countless aristocratic families to waste;

The abyss is right in front of you. No one knows that one day a saint-level monk will emerge from the abyss. How to improve yourself as soon as possible and how to realize Hunyuan more quickly is what you need to do. .

Isn't it because he has gained more or less understanding of the laws of earth and humanity from the deity and other incarnations that he can glimpse these things from here today?

Compared with the way of heaven in the tomb world, there is already a fundamental difference. So my concept of human nature is basically zero, right?

Isn't it because that guy has conquered so many lackeys that he has a hard time understanding the ways of human nature?

Do you really think that the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World needs the fighting power of these lackeys?

Then you are too underestimated.

Even the few personal lackeys of the Tomb World above Jiutian have never been taken seriously by the Heavenly Law of the Tomb World, and their death will not cause any heartache to the Heavenly Law of the Tomb World.

Because to the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world, they are just lackeys. As long as they win, isn’t it easy to conquer them?

At that time, when brand new creatures are born in the tomb world, all they have to do is to select them. Don’t they have time to select?

Isn't there a creature that gives him a choice?

On the contrary, once the cultivation level of these personal lackeys exceeds the expectations of Heaven in the tomb world, no matter how loyal these lackeys are to them, there will only be one end, and that is to be devoured.

No one will let his lackeys have any chance to threaten him. How can he allow others to sleep peacefully beside his bed? Not to mention others?

Even the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World, who doesn't have much understanding of human nature, knows how to weigh the pros and cons. It's just that other people's methods are very rough and not humane enough for humans.

Similarly, the few personal lackeys in the grave world also sense this truth.

No one can be sure whether they have seen such a case in the past, but even if they haven't seen it, don't they know how to analyze it?

Don't they understand that when they threaten their master, their master may become suspicious?

Have they never thought that if their cultivation level catches up with or exceeds the Heavenly Dao in the tomb world, they can replace it?

Just because there is no opportunity, it doesn't mean that you don't want to.

As long as there is a slight chance, they will take action. Have they not thought about finding Shuyuan www.zhaaoshuyuan.com after this decisive battle to bring an end to the Tiandao in the tomb world that may have been severely damaged and replace it?

There is a high probability.

They may even be ready to fight against all sentient beings without any effort, helping the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World to block some enemies of sentient beings, but they will not stop the masters who can really threaten the Heavenly Way of the Tomb World.

Those real masters, like the Demon Lord, Dugu and others, wouldn't it be better to let them go directly to fight to the death with the Heavenly Way in the tomb world?

Who doesn't want to be a fisherman? When an opportunity comes, he is a real fool if he doesn't know how to fight for it.

Don’t think that the Heavenly Dao of the Tomb World knows nothing about this. They may not know much about human nature, but in the countless years of harvest in the past, haven’t they experienced being sentenced and stabbed by their own lackeys?

It's just that he doesn't care, because hasn't the real threat to him been swallowed up by him long ago?

He keeps these personal lackeys more like keeping a few dogs for use in the realm outside the house. As for the fighting power of these dogs, people don't care at all;

From the beginning to the end, they never calculated these combat capabilities to their own side.

People have always believed that the only fighting power of their side is themselves.

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