Data Cultivation System

Text Chapter 775: Activation of the Emblem of the Night

Stand-in straw man!

At the last moment, Zhuge Xiang also knew that his physical body could not resist the Demon Dragon Emperor's move, so he used the skill of a stand-in straw man, and at the very moment, he successfully avoided the Demon Dragon Emperor's fierce move.

With the power of the Dragon Ball, he forcibly raised his cultivation to the level of Emperor Shura, coupled with the strength of the Dragon Clan, the strength of the Demon Dragon Emperor was faintly even stronger than that of the Bone Emperor.

"Hmph, let me see how many moves you can block." Although the skills of the stand-in grass man surprised the Dragon Emperor, but at this moment, his own strength is much stronger than Zhuge Xiang. The Dragon Emperor is naturally confident.

What about the special ability to avoid his own attack? This kind of ability can't be displayed endlessly, right?

Zhuge Xiang's face was solemn, and he did not expect that he could use the power of the Dragon Ball to reach the level of Emperor Shura. The Emperor Shura with the identity of the Dragon Race is obviously much stronger than the other Emperor Shura. With 4.5 million health points, even Zhuge Xiang felt unprecedented pressure. It can be said that the Demon Dragon Emperor is the strongest opponent Zhuge Xiang has faced since he practiced.

"Ding, the badge effect of the night is on."

However, at this moment, suddenly a system prompt sounded in Zhuge Xiang's mind. Hearing this prompt, Zhuge Xiang looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, the sky in Shura Dao had completely darkened, and the sun had completely set. With the effect of the badge of night activated, Zhuge Xiang's overall attributes increased by 50% again.

The Yin-Yang Lord of the Rings doubled all attributes, and in this state, all attributes of the Emblem of the Night increased by 50%. On the whole, Zhuge Xiang's overall attributes have increased by a full three times, whether it is attack or defense. Or health, movement speed, attack speed...


The effect of the Emblem of the Night is activated, all attributes are improved, Zhuge Xiang's aura naturally also rises with the tide, and all attributes are increased by 50%. It's not just the improvement of attack or defense, but the overall improvement, so that Zhuge Xiang's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Demon Dragon Emperor slammed another punch at Zhuge Xiang with incomparably powerful force. It still caused waves of turmoil in the space, and the cracks in the space as thin as a hair diffused out. The strength of the extremely powerful punch is naturally self-evident.

"Take a stick from me!" However, Zhuge Xiang was blessed by both the Yin-Yang Lord of the Rings and the Black Night Badge. Feeling the incomparably powerful power flowing in his body, he also wanted to try what level of attack power he had reached now.

Therefore, the Dinghaishen Needle, weighing 13,500 jin, also swept across a shadow of a stick, and smashed towards the fist of the Demon Dragon Emperor. Where the Dinghaishen needle swept, even the space also stirred up layer after layer of ripples, and space cracks as thin as hair also appeared.

"Why did his strength suddenly increase so much?", Zhuge Xiang, the change of breath. As well as the power and influence created by this stick, the complexions of the strong men on Duzun Mountain changed suddenly, and it was almost hard to believe their eyes.

Regardless of the strength of the attack. It can be seen from the movement speed and attack speed, etc., that Zhuge Xiang has improved a lot.

During the battle, the improvement of strength is not a rare thing. However, there is always a reason for the improvement of strength. For example, Mo Linna's cultivation base was improved because of the epiphany of the fish demon body, and the Dragon Emperor was improved because of the dragon ball. However, Zhuge Xiang didn't show the slightest sign, just increased a lot for no reason, and even, judging from his appearance, it didn't look like he had cast some kind of secret method.


Zhuge Xiang's Dinghaishenzhen collided with Demon Dragon Emperor's fist, and the violent shock wave spread from the point where the two attacks collided, visible to the naked eye, and countless dense space cracks appeared, as if there was a big black spider web, densely covered Like the peak of Duzun Mountain.

A strong force surged in, and Zhuge Xiang's body couldn't bear the strong force, so he couldn't help being knocked back several feet.

Although Zhuge Xiang's strength has been greatly improved because of the badge of the night, the Demon Dragon Emperor has reached the level of Emperor Shura. Under one blow, even Zhuge Xiang's face turned pale, and the huge amount of life , also swiped, and dropped by about 200,000.

However, Zhuge Xiang couldn't bear the counter-shock force, and his inner organs were shaken, but the attack from Zhuge Xiang's current strength was not so easy to bear, and the body of the Demon Dragon Emperor couldn't bear it either. The powerful force was receded by a lot, and his face was a little pale. It can be seen with the naked eye that the full 4.5 million health points have also dropped by about 100,000.

Demon Dragon Emperor, the strength of his physical body is self-evident, just look at his 4.5 million health points, but Zhuge Xiang's physical strength is not weak. Let Zhuge Xiang double all attributes, more than 1 million life points, it has reached more than 2 million, and now, with the effect of the night badge, the 2 million health points have also reached more than 3 million.

The life value is the embodiment of the power of life contained in the physical body. To a certain extent, it can also be used as a standard to measure the strength of the physical body. Although there is still a gap between 3 million life points and 4.5 million life points, However, such a gap is not too big. Therefore, although Zhuge Xiang was injured under the head-on attack, the Demon Dragon Emperor also felt uncomfortable, and his health values ​​decreased.

"Impossible! For no reason, how could his strength increase so much?", a head-on attack, he received a slight injury, which made the Dragon Emperor look at Zhuge Xiang in amazement, unbelievable, Without any warning, Zhuge Xiang's strength has increased by such a large amount, and he is almost catching up with him.

Please, I can have the current strength, but I borrowed the power of Dragon Ball to temporarily raise my strength to the level of Emperor Shura, but what about Zhuge Xiang? What kind of means did he use? Judging from his current strength, he has almost reached the threshold of Emperor Shura.

"Okay! I have a chance to win!" Zhuge Xiang's eyes lit up slightly as he saw that the Dragon Emperor was also injured by the shock, and his health dropped by about 100,000.

Although his life value is 1.5 million less than that of the Demon Dragon Emperor, and the extent of the injury of the Demon Dragon Emperor is only about half of his own, but don't forget that Zhuge Xiang also has the Ten Thousand Dragon Body attached to the Profound Dragon Body. Spirit state, in this state, Zhuge Xiang can be said to be blessed with 10 million health points out of thin air.

Besides, Zhuge Xiang's current strength is close to that of the Demon Dragon Emperor, so there is no need to fight with him. Although the Demon Dragon Emperor is stronger than himself, his strength is just borrowing the power contained in the Dragon Ball. It can't last long, and my night badge is valid throughout the night. If it doesn't work, I can delay the time until the state of the Dragon Emperor's dragon ball power is released. At that time, the Dragon Emperor will fall into the realm of the Dragon Emperor. How could he be his opponent?

"Zhuge Xiang, give me another punch!" Although it is said that the improvement of Zhuge Xiang's strength at this moment made the Dragon Emperor secretly surprised, but in the final analysis, he still has the upper hand. Surprised, a pair of huge dragon wings vibrated fiercely behind him, and rushed to Zhuge Xiang's face again. Dragon Fist, one move after another, was so fast that there was no gap, and it rushed towards Zhuge Xiang.

"Is it head-to-head? I'm not afraid of you..." Zhuge Xiang's eyes froze as he watched the Demon Dragon Emperor's attacks rushing towards him intensively. How could he not know the Demon Dragon Emperor's plan.

He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity that his strength was stronger than himself, and forcefully defeat himself during the blessing time of the Dragon Ball effect. Although his strength was slightly inferior to that of Demon Dragon Emperor, there was no need to be timid at all.

"Come on..." Although the attack power was a bit weaker, and the vitality was also 1.5 million less, but facing the stormy attack of the Demon Dragon Emperor, Zhuge Xiang did not flinch at all, but faced the difficulties , the speed was fully unfolded, and the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle in his hand, on the peak of Duzun Mountain, bloomed dense stick shadows.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Emperor Shura, and a pair of dragon wings have grown on his body. Both the strength and the speed of the Demon Dragon Emperor have been greatly improved. However, the effect of the Dark Night Badge and the speed of Zhuge Xiang, Also greatly improved.

Therefore, after a fierce battle, even though the speed of the Demon Dragon Emperor was as fast as a ghost, Zhuge Xiang was not inferior to the Demon Dragon Emperor in terms of speed.

"It's so fast, this speed is no less than that of the Shadow Emperor." Watching the battle between Zhuge Xiang and the Demon Dragon Emperor, the Poison Emperor and the others murmured. Of course, compared with the Shadow Emperor, they are just simple It's just the speed, as for the strength? The Shadow Emperor is far inferior to Zhuge Xiang and Demon Dragon Emperor.

Boom boom boom...

The sky of Duzun Mountain is densely packed with the shadows of Zhuge Xiang and Molongdi. They are fighting crazily. Zhugexiang and Molongdi will fight dozens of times in an instant. The entire space of Duzun Mountain seemed to be shaking. The majestic force and the crazy collision made the two of them more or less injured.

Although Zhuge Xiang's life value reached more than 3 million, but after the two of them fought each other for about a stick of incense, the life value of more than 3 million also dropped by more than 2 million, leaving only the last 100 It's about 10,000, and his health has dropped by two-thirds. It can be seen that Zhuge Xiang's injury can already be regarded as a serious injury.

However, the 4.5 million HP of the Demon Dragon Emperor has only dropped by more than a million. At a glance, there are still more than 3 million HP. Compared with Zhuge Xiang, the Demon Dragon Emperor can only be regarded as not serious It's just an injury.

"Hey hey..." As for the fight, seeing Zhuge Xiang's injury was much more serious than his own, the Demon Dragon Emperor laughed in his heart, only thinking that he would definitely win this battle.

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