Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Xuan Feng, as the head of the ten generals of Dongxuan Continent, is really extraordinary. In the face of this head and tail, it is still in a state of chaos and commanded if he is struck by the front and back. There is only one sentence for + I. The update speed is two times higher than other stations. The advertisements are less rare. The group of lieutenants brought down by it are also calm and calm, without any chaos, and execute every decision of Xuanfeng It's perfect, it's perfect.

Marriott Xiongman thought that the two sides would attack, and he would instantly collapse Xuanfeng's 800,000 troops, but the fact surprised him. After only a short period of confusion, Xuanfeng's army immediately restored order, and at the same time set up two battle fronts, it just resisted the pressure from both directions.

Seeing that Xuanfeng ’s army not only failed, but gradually stabilized his position, Marriott Xiong frowned slightly, and sighed, “This Xuanfeng is indeed a personal thing. Today ’s battle, even if it can win, it ’s only a terrible victory. Now. "

"A terrible victory is also better than a failure! Yue Zhong, Tan Jian, let's rush!" Wan Youqi is not a martial arts hero. At this time, she didn't want that many at all. Jian Feng waved and led Yue Zhong and Tan Jian's 100-person team. Speared into the enemy group like a spear.

More than a hundred Zijin Divine Soldiers are at the same time expressing their power. Tens of thousands of magnificent purple lights, like dragon snakes dancing wildly, bring a slice of blood to the crowd, dazzling and a little shocking.

"Stop me!" Xuan Feng immediately stared at the 100-person team, raised his eyebrows, and the sword-blade swept through the air. A large group of nearly 10,000 soldiers immediately emerged from the crowd, wow. They rushed towards Wan Youqi.

Yue Zhong and Tan Jian, a team of 100 people, were selected by Marriott Xiong personally. Not only are they loyal, but they are also very good at cultivation. At least in the army, they are all masters with one enemy, plus Zijin. The power of the Divine Soldier, although facing the enemy who is a hundred times as great as himself, was not afraid. Wan Youqi raised the purple and gold swords in her hands and brought up the sky with magnificent swords, and greeted them first.

Wan Youqi was accustomed to using knives. During this period of time, she was often given instructions by breaking a thousand knives. Although it was a female general, but the two swords were unfolded at this time, but it was majestic and majestic.

Yue Zhong and Tan Jian can now be regarded as a battle-hardened teenager, and they can all stand alone, just like the left arm and the right arm, guarding Wan Youqi, killing in and out of the enemy formation, like entering the unmanned state.

All of this, Xuan Feng looked in his eyes, hated in his heart, but had no alternative. There is no other way but to trap this 100-person team first, so that they can't get rid of them, and wait until the army of Marriott Marquis and Huo Tong is wiped out, and then try to figure it out.

"What's the matter, haven't you met with Wan Yuanshuai yet?" At the other side, Huo Tong sat on horseback and looked dignified. Xuanfeng's army is like a dam made of steel. It is extremely strong and cannot be broken through.

"General, Xuanfeng ’s army has been through the battlefield, and the fighting strength was originally the strongest among our iron war dynasty troops. At this time, they were put into desperation again by bi. It was a battle against the waters, and it was even more difficult to fight. Plan. "A deputy said solemnly.

"The worst plan? Could it be that we have formed a joint attack with Marshal Wan, will we still lose?" Huo Tong froze for a moment, asking in disbelief.

The general was silent, but his silence was an answer to Huo Tong.

Huo Tong pondered for a moment, then pointed his sword forward to the sky suddenly, and shouted angrily, "I don't believe that he Xuanfeng is a god! The army followed the orders, followed me, cleared the rebels, and reported to the country to protect the monarch!"

Huo Tong screamed, urged the army, and launched an offensive against the Xuanfeng army again.

"Unexpectedly, even Huo Tong dared to prestige in front of this general. He probably forgot that his bit of tactics was still passed on to him at that time! Passing my orders, the lion tiger swallowed the elephant array!"

As soon as Xuanfeng's voice fell, various colored flags waved in his army. After a while, a giant formation was formed, just like a beast with a huge mouth open, and it rushed to the Huotong army.

The sound of shouting shattered the sky instantly, the dust was flying, the yellow sand was all over the sky, and the two armies, just like two turbid currents, slammed together fiercely, stirring up the waves of the sky.

Huo Tong is brave and unmatched, but on the march, he is obviously inferior to Xuan Feng. The lions and tigers swarmed together, and the 500,000 troops of Huotong seemed to hit a steel wall with one head, and the offensive stopped immediately.

"Damn it!" Seeing that Xuan Feng was in the middle of thousands of troops, if the command was fixed, he would hate so much that his eyes would be glared out, and with a loud roar, he rose up, and the knife gang flashed like lightning. In a blink of an eye, he set off a **** wave in the enemy formation, and then set foot on this sky-blooded blood wave, breaking a thousand knives and crossing thousands of horses and horses in one fell swoop, heading straight to Xuanfeng.

"General, be careful!" Just as Thousand Thousand Swords arrived, a cry of exclamation began. Countless Taoist figures pulled up one after another, and they dared to stand up to the broken Thousand Swords.

Although the broken knife of the Thousand Swords is overbearing, it can't do whatever it wants in front of this group of people with mortal hearts. At the same time that the blood rain was falling, the sword of breaking a thousand knives was also contained.

Xuan Feng swept his eyes and said coldly, "Broken Thousand Swords, there is a kind of you and me on this battlefield, and we will make a life and death on the march! We will determine victory or defeat by force, but it's just an ordinary move!"

As soon as Xuan Feng said this, he broke his sword and turned his face blue, but he was helpless for a while.

When Xuan Feng saw this, he burst into a giggling laughter. He didn't even care about breaking a thousand knives, turned his head to the side, and continued to command the army.

"Dog mongrel, if I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a man!" Po Qiandao was stunned and stunned. He roared and rose again.

It was only then that he shot suddenly, but he did not succeed, let alone at this time. His body had just moved, and the people around Xuanfeng immediately responded to the enemy, and responded quickly. Although these are in the eyes of Xuanfeng, they are all cannon fodder, but if there are too many cannon fodder, they can live life. Buried. Breaking the Thousand Swords means, the people who died under his sword are countless, but they have never been able to get closer to Xuanfeng for even one step.

What does it mean to be close to the horizon, and the experience of breaking a thousand swords today is the deepest!

"Marriott, Huo Tong, even if the two of you join together, they are not opponents of this general. I think you still surrender surrendered. I promise to keep a whole body for you!" Under the steady dispatch of Xuan Feng, the original The extremely passive and unfavorable situation has reversed a little bit, which made Xuan Feng very proud and smiled.

Although Marriott Marquis and Huo Tong are annoyed in their hearts, they can face the endless stream of Xuanfeng, but they are really a little bit poor.

"Xuan Feng, let us surrender, what dream do you have? Even if you can escape from here today, what will happen? Where can you go with some soldiers and soldiers? Since then, the world will no longer have you Where to stay! "

Marriott's words were like steel knives, straight on Xuanfeng's heart nest, letting Xuanfeng's expression look daunting.

"At least I can kill you and Huo Tong first, and let you and your army come to bury me!" Xuan Feng roared again and again, the whole person looked like a crazy tiger.

Marriott Marquis frowned and was about to speak. His eyes suddenly caught sight. In the east of the battlefield, the sky of yellow sand suddenly rose. After days and days, the ground immediately under his feet also seemed to be energized and trembling. .

"What's going on? Where is the army? Go check it out!"

"Marshal, it seems to be the horse of the Qingyun Empire!" Broken Thousand Swords has been repaired to a deep level, and his eyesight is also amazing.

"Army of the Qingyun Empire !?" The Marriott Marriott heard it, and he was very excited.

As expected, as the army kept getting closer, a banner with the word 'Xu' became clearer and clearer.

Marriott Martial suddenly slapped his head and laughed ha ha, "How I forgot, Xiao Dong's letter clearly stated that the army of King Ningbei of the Qingyun Empire will also come to support! Ha ha ha ... Xuan Feng, now you are still rampant Does it get up? "

"Why ... how could this be?" Xuan Feng also noticed the army of the Qingyun Empire. The expression that hadn't been frightened by the sky was a shocking expression.

As soon as Fei Yang returned to the barracks station, he immediately ordered the army according to Xu Tianlong's orders, and stared at the same time, and drove away. Finally arrived in time.

Without any slight hesitation, the flying flag waved in his hand, and the 500,000 Qingyun Empire Army immediately rushed towards the Xuanfeng Army.

Xuan Feng has one enemy and two. Although he has a slight upper hand, he can't talk about a steady victory. At this time, Feiyang led the army, and the situation immediately reversed. Taking advantage of Xuanfeng's lack of defense, Feiyang led the army and instantly broke through Xuanfeng's several lines of defense. Xuanfeng's army was chaotic in the blink of an eye, and no longer was as orderly as before.

When Xuanfeng reacted and prepared to transfer troops to stop, he found that he was no longer able to adjust.

Marriott Marquis, Huo Tong, and Feiyang, together, the three parties have a combined population of 1.5 million, which is double that of Xuanfeng. On this plain without cover, Xuanfeng has nothing to do even if he uses soldiers like a god.

Looking at the three armies, it seemed like a steel bucket that was tightening, and was coming towards him. Xuan Feng's face finally showed the color of despair.

"Xuanfeng, you surrender!" Marriott Xiong looked at Xuanfeng and shouted suddenly.

"Surrender?" Xuan Feng was stunned for a moment, his expression changed a lot, maybe he had been fighting for a lifetime, or he was seriously considering these two words for the first time.

"Xuan Feng, come back with me to lead the crime!" Huo Tong led the army and rushed over, shouting loudly.

Xuan Feng glanced at him, and suddenly turned his eyes to Marriott Martial, and said in a deep voice, "Marriott Marriott, if I surrender, would you let me go under these sergeants?"

Marriott Xiong nodded and said, "They just acted on orders and were innocent!"

"Okay! You Marriott Martial is a hero, your words, I believe it!" As soon as the words fell, Xuan Feng suddenly swung his sword to his neck. The speed of his actions and his determination were beyond everyone's expectations. It wasn't until Xuanfeng fell that his generals responded to it, and the sorrowful cries of time stood one after another, enduring. Hundreds and thousands of people swept their swords and squandered their blood on the sky. The emotions were so tragic and imposing! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402288->

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