Count of Wizards

Chapter 21 Emperor Raul (Part 1)

Seeking help from the Church of the Storm and the Loen Police Department, this was Connor's first pass, and he would never do that if he had to! Not to mention that he came from time travel, if it is found that he is easy to be caught as a guinea pig, even if the two lives of Rebecca and Vidal are seriously entangled, it will be a troublesome matter.

As for seeking the help of Professor Reyes and trying to get rid of the green light spot as a junior apprentice a week later, Connor has seriously considered it. Although Professor Reyes has always expressed goodwill to himself, He even gave himself magical items such as the sun badge, but the green light point is of great importance, and the less people know about it, the better. Connor planned this in his heart. Whether a week is long or short, When he became a junior apprentice a week later, he still couldn't solve the problem of the green light spot, and it was not too late to ask Reyes for help!



"Connor, have you heard?" Green University, in the classroom, taking advantage of the recess time, George walked up to Connor who was sitting in the first row of the classroom, with a mysterious look.

"What did you hear?" Connor shrugged.

"Fabinho had a heart attack at home three days ago, and he died before he could be sent to the hospital! Tsk tsk, Fabinho is at least the top ten richest man in Ruen City, he didn't expect to hang up like this It’s gone, I saw him last month in Mr. Jones’s private club, and he found two girls..." George said in Connor's ear with great interest:

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Hearing the news of Fabinho's sudden death from George's mouth, Connor's heart tightened and his eyes narrowed subconsciously.

What kind of bullshit had a heart attack? It was obvious that Vidal and Rebecca murdered Fabinho together. Now Connor can only hope that Vidal and Rebecca will do something clean and beautiful, so that no one will catch any clues Otherwise, it would be bad if the police and the church followed suit.

"George, let me give you a piece of advice. Instead of being interested in the death of Mr. Fabinho, you might as well go and read the modern history. There are five minutes to go to the modern history of the Kaman Empire. You know the card Professor Ferdinand of the Modern History of the Man Empire favors you the most!" Connor smiled at George, and jokingly said:

"SHIT!" Hearing Connor's reminder, George's face darkened in an instant, and he muttered in a low voice: "Damn modern history, damn Ferdinand, that old man clearly knows that I am not interested in these at all, why bother?" keep asking me?"

Connor shook his head with a smile at his good friend's cursing. George's full name is George Sanchez. He is different from Connor Ferguson in his love of history. The reason why George came to Greene University, a century-old school known as the Kaman Empire The reason why he studied history at the university was entirely because George's father, Mr. Harvey Sanchez, a banker, wanted his heirs to broaden and accumulate contacts so that they could better inherit and develop the family's banking industry in the future.

For his father's requirements and expectations, George has done very well. In Green University, George is very popular, but as a student, George's academic performance has become very bad.

"Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!·············"

Hearing this voice, George's face changed, and he whispered to Connor to wait for me after class, then hurriedly turned and left, and sat in a remote corner of the last row of the classroom.

When the bronze bell of Green University struck nine, a thin old man in a black robe and glasses walked into the classroom.

This old man is the teacher who lectured on the "Modern History of the Kaman Empire"——Professor Ferdinand.

Standing on the podium, Professor Ferdinand pushed the gold-rimmed eyes on his face, glanced at the more than 30 students sitting there, coughed lightly and said slowly:

"In this class, we started to learn about the famous reform Raul Reform of our Kaman Empire three hundred years ago, and the greatest emperor Raul the Great in the history of the Kaman Empire!"

"Three hundred years ago, that is, the beginning of the fourth era we are now in, the Kaman Empire was still in the period of the Florentino dynasty. This was the darkest period of the great Kaman Empire. The Odin barbarians above have not yet formed a country and are still in the state of a tribe. As long as a natural disaster breaks out in the Saxon Plain, the barbarians will loot the north of the empire, women, livestock, minerals, food, in short, they will take them away See all the wealth resources."

"And on the Ocean of Storms to the south, the pirates are not only satisfied with plundering merchant ships at sea, they will also attack the wealthy cities on the southern coast in groups on sailboats!"

"These are the serious external contradictions of the Florentino dynasty, and the internal contradictions of the dynasty are equally acute!"

"The annexation of land in the countryside is becoming more and more serious. In order to reduce exorbitant taxes, the freedmen have to voluntarily sell themselves to the nobles as slaves. In the cities, the powerful nobles with power, the big merchants with huge wealth, and the big slaves My lords, I am more and more dissatisfied with the loss of power and humiliation of the Florentino dynasty in foreign wars!"

"If you want to use one word to describe the Kaman Empire at that time, I think the word that Emperor Raul once said is the most appropriate word!"

Connor Ferguson was still very interested in Professor Ferdinand's narration, and he even wrote down some important points in his notes, but when he finally heard this oriental-flavored word "The rain is about to come" The wind is all over the building" When he solemnly said it from the mouth of the little white man in front of him, Zhang Tongming couldn't help thinking a little bit confused!

"At such a time when the empire was suffering from internal and external troubles, the great Emperor Raul was born, like the sun in the sky, sweeping away the haze that shrouded the sky of this great empire, allowing the great Kaman Empire to reappear as it should. Brilliant!" At this point, Professor Ferdinand's voice suddenly became passionate, and the old man closed his eyes tightly, with an excited look on his face, as if he was bathing in the glory of Emperor Raul, whom he called the sun in the sky.

Connor Ferguson, who was sitting in the first row, had an even weirder expression on his face.

Damn, why does the more I listen to this, the more Emperor Raul looks like the template of the protagonists in those novels? Connor muttered to himself, these descriptions of Professor Ferdinand not only made him gradually have a bold guess...

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