Congratulations You Are Under Arrest!

Chapter 42 But you shouldn't mess up this rain

no doubt.

This is the racial innate skill of the gods.

If Higashinohara could see this scene, he would probably know—he was able to catch Charlie at the station that night, but on the one hand, she wanted to hide in public, and it was inconvenient for her to spread her fists. Scarlet Eyes]; On the other hand, Charlie felt like she was being watched every day, and when she was caught and caught, she felt relieved, so she was willing to be caught.

If it weren't for that, with Charlie's crime star rating, it wasn't certain who caught who at that time.

The man in the rabbit mask who was chasing him also seemed to be stunned for a while. He thought that the other party would panic, but he didn't expect this guy in front of him to dare to fight back, and he was about to use his ability with a grin.

But without warning,

All I could hear was the sound of a gunshot.

Charlie, who was flying up like a meteor chasing the moon, kicked in the air, her mind was dizzy, she landed on the ground and wandered around for two times before standing up, and then she realized that the rabbit man in front of her had already flew out, clutching her chest.

The other party struggled twice on the ground, and finally collapsed to the ground weakly, and there was no sound again.

ah this?

Charlie turned her head in astonishment, only to find that Satoru Aragaki had a large-caliber revolver in his hand behind him, and blew the non-existent gunpowder at the muzzle.

Seemingly aware of Charlie's surprise,

Aragaki Satoru shrugged:

"Don't worry, this is just a Seteni anesthesia gun for the Wano National Police Agency. There is a high-efficiency anesthetic built into the warhead, and the dose can overturn a wild tiger in two seconds."

Is it a wild tiger?

Xia Li shrank her head subconsciously when she heard the words.

At this point, she completely ignored a question.

Even if it is a high-efficiency anesthesia gun, it can be used to deal with some Yakuza who are picking quarrels and provoking trouble on the street, or the second-hand driver who gets out of the car and runs without forgetting the last two after being stopped for drinking and driving.

But in the case of the "friendly girl" who is still blocking the volley in the middle, who can hit the power user with such a fast and accurate shot?

"Boss, why do you have this?"

Xia Li's attention was all attracted by the gun at this time, and she stared at the Aragaki Satoru anesthesia gun with curiosity, looking left and right.

"As a detective, it's reasonable to carry a gun with you, isn't it?" Aragaki Satoru calmly retracted the anesthesia gun under his windbreaker and said.

"Well, that's it"

Xia Li nodded solemnly to show her understanding. She has a long way to go to join the detective agency!

At this moment, there was a terrifying scream in the direction of the intersection, the police officers with bloody arms and the people of the third division, including Xilin Qiantie, who was covered in thousands of holes.

The blood from everyone's wounds gushed out towards the blood-red torii on the cherry tree as if they didn't want money. In an instant, the color of the torii became more and more vivid and real, and there was something unspeakable in the empty darkness.

At a certain moment, everyone present seemed to have hallucinations for a moment.

In my ears, I could vaguely hear the sound of the heart beating, sometimes weak, then strong, sometimes chaotic and then regular, as if something in the blood-red torii on the top of the head was about to give birth.

"Oops! Boss, what about those guys? I don't think the people from the Metropolitan Police Department are opponents." Charlie, who heard the miserable scream, suddenly became anxious.

Those guys were probably the mother-killers of their clients.

"Don't worry, someone should help."

Aragaki Satoru suddenly said.

At this moment, he remembered the moment he had just turned around and ran away. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a figure walking out of a dark fragrance across the crossroads. His face seemed to be wearing a dark golden dragonfly mask.

A justice enforcer who is interested in New Tokyo.

Will it be him?

"Huh? Someone?"

Charlie was also stunned when she heard the words.

She hurriedly turned around and walked through the alley, lying on the back of the wall, the pair of ears on her head moved, and she quietly probed towards the crossroads to take a peek at the intersection, and her yellow orange eyes suddenly shrank abruptly!

In the picture that jumped into my eyes, I saw a shadow like a ghost that did not exist in the world, a cold wind that was wrapped in the night rain and blown into the sky with cherry blossoms, and suddenly drifted towards the crossroads wrapped by the huge "blood eggs".

At this moment, the two small swords in his hand seemed to have lost their original shape due to the extreme speed, and a faint golden halo flashed on and off under the refraction of the muddy yellow street lamps.


In a blink of an eye, the shadow in the night rain split quickly, covering the entire "blood egg" like the mottled shade of a tree under the scorching sun.

At the moment when the majestic and violent heartbeat in the blood egg reached a certain extreme, the small swords in the countless shadows crossed the barrier that was condensed by the thin blood mist at high speed.

With a super speed, it was cut down!

The small sword and two swords!

Flying Knife Technique!

The yin and yang stop!

crunch crunch-!

Amidst a terrifying explosion that caused toothache, tinnitus, and heart tremors, the blood-colored barrier at the crossroads of cherry blossoms shattered and shattered.

There seemed to be something indescribable, and at the moment when the torii was dim, it melted a little like butter on fire, and the air suddenly became quiet.

The ceremony was interrupted.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes could not help but look at the figure who appeared abruptly at the bloody intersection holding two small swords, the dark golden dragonfly mask shone brightly.

It's him!

Snake Guigo suddenly remembered something.

The mysterious man who destroyed the Sigmund Trading Company exhibition.

His face was stunned, but there was no anger on his face. Instead, he showed a slight smile, and he stretched out a hand towards Dong Yeyuan under the dark golden mask.

"To be able to break through the Torii blood world with speed, the strong are always worthy of respect."

"But I think. We and Your Excellency do not necessarily have to be enemies. The Metropolitan Police Department and the World Government are in unison. Are these corpses really worth fighting for? If I remember correctly, Your Excellency's justice should be to fight against those who are high above. This is completely consistent with the purpose of our funeral society, and now we just need to use some small external forces."

"If there is any offense, I sincerely apologize to you on behalf of all the association members of the funeral society, and sincerely extend an invitation to the funeral society to you."

"So. Why not join us in the fight for a better tomorrow?"

Snake Guiwu said in an unhurried tone.

First rites and then soldiers, uniting every force that can be united - this has always been the key to the secret development and continuous growth of the funeral society in the underground of New Tokyo over the years.

However, at this moment, the third division of the Metropolitan Police Department and the people who were trapped in the first search section looked at the mysterious man in the dark golden dragonfly mask with extremely nervous expressions.

Although the other party has helped the Metropolitan Police once, judging from the "justice driven by interest" and the unscrupulous fighting style he said in the video recording, it seems that it is not enough to be suddenly persuaded to join this organization called the Funeral Society. Surprising.

However, at this time, Higashinohara, who was in the center of the line of sight, was watching the pool of blood and amputated limbs all over the floor.

He likes rainy days, but the rich blood mixed with the rain around him inexplicably makes him a little disgusted.

It seems to see those who have been faked into suicide at this crossroads, and the families whose lives have been changed behind them.

Higashinohara raised his head slightly, looked at Snake Guigo blankly, and interrupted his next words.

"Well said,

But you shouldn't mess up this rain.


Join your mom. "

Speaking of the last four words, Higashinohara said lightly in Chinese.

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