"Bai Yingjun really doesn't mind girls eating a lot?"

"I don't mind much, it's better to eat too much is a cute point. Bai Ying patiently explained to Mi

Li, "Moe, what is that?" Mi Li was a little puzzled by this unfamiliar word.

"It's just lovely place. White Shadow said.

Miri's face turned red all of a sudden, and she lowered her head, trying to hide her strangeness.

[It turns out that Bai Yingjun thinks I'm cute? Is this a confession? It must be!

] [But Bai Yingjun seems to already have a girlfriend, it shouldn't matter, after all, my father...]

"Mi Li, don't think nonsense, let's prepare for the third stage of cultivation!" As

soon as Bai Ying turned around, he saw Mi Li with her head down, her face red, and some strange laughter from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking.


But because I tried too hard, the grandeur in my chest shook up...

Fusion breathing, each person uses different breathing techniques.

Similarly, the ratio of breathing and ripple breathing is not exactly the same for each person.

Only what suits you is the best!

Bai Ying talked about the points that should be paid attention to when mixing breathing methods, for example, when mixing, it is necessary to ensure that the two breathing methods run at the same time, so it takes more energy than usual to guide the amount of oxygen in the body.

"Isn't there a specific distribution ratio?" asked Miri, confused.

"Each person's physique, fighting style, degree of cultivation of the breathing method, etc., are all different from person to person. So there is no such thing as a specific distribution ratio. White Shadow shook his head.

Fusion breathing is actually not very difficult to say, it is nothing more than two aspects.

First, learn to use both breathing methods at the same time.

Second, find the best distribution ratio.

That's right, it's these two problems that plague the pillars.

First of all, the first point can be practiced Xi by drawing a circle with the left hand and drawing a square with the right hand at the same time, so as to achieve the degree of dual-purpose work.

However, I didn't expect that Mili, who had been cultivating very smoothly, had a heel in this.

Seeing that he had been practicing Xi for a long time, but the left and right hands drew something that was not like a circle and a square was not like a square, the corners of Bai Ying's mouth twitched.

"Honey glass, it's not difficult to do two things. Humans are multitasking creatures, but you need to consciously block out some useless things and strengthen your control over what you want to do.

"For example, when you run the breathing method, the first thing that comes to mind is breathing, but breathing can be used as an instinct for the body to achieve on its own

, so it can be forgotten!" "After breathing, oxygen is transported, and your breath of love has a full concentration and constant existence, so you can appropriately reduce the control of this aspect and focus on the ripple breathing method." White Shadow reminded.

"Do you want to reduce your control over useless things?" Miri nodded, indicating that she already understood something.

Under the guidance of Bai Ying, Mi Li soon completed the training on the left and right sides of the garden, and she jumped up and down in ecstasy, and the wrapped ball was also beating up and down, which was very eye-catching.

"Then the last stage needs to be completed by yourself, I can't teach you anymore, your talent in ripple is very good, so you can assign more to ripple, maybe it will work wonders!" Bai

Ying gave his own suggestion at the right time, and Mi Li also nodded seriously.

In less than a day, Bai Ying had already taught everything she could teach, and the rest could only be comprehended by herself.

"Then, your cultivation has been completed, and Tomioka of the next group doesn't know when it will come, how about it, do you want to take this opportunity to play in the butterfly house for two days? White Shadow asked for her opinion.

Don't look at Bai Ying's usual idleness, in fact, the pillar is quite busy a lot of the time, if it weren't for the fact that Bai Ying recently killed four lower strings, which greatly reduced the pressure on the ghost killing team, it is estimated that everyone would have no time to cultivate Ripple.

"Is that okay?" Miri asked, expectantly.

"Absolutely. Butterfly Shinobi's voice came from the side.

A purple figure swept through the sky and landed steadily on the ground, like a light butterfly.

"Eh, Shinobu are you there too?" Miri asked with some surprise.

"Well, I'm a little worried about you. Butterfly Shinobu said with a smile, and as she spoke, her eyes casually glanced at the white shadow on the side.


Bai Ying naturally felt the gaze of Butterfly Shinobi, and also heard her voice, isn't it just that she is afraid that Mi Li will be taken advantage of like when she was training before?

Butterfly Shinobu invited with a smile.

"Then, Bai Yingjun, I'll take the honey glass with me. After speaking, he took Mi Li's hand and walked into the distance

, Bai Ying was idle all of a sudden, and there were some discomforts, go find Xiao Kui... Xiao Kui doesn't want to pay attention to him when she is doing housework, because he always likes to be careless when Xiao Kui is doing housework, which makes her work efficiency greatly reduced.

So he was forbidden to go near her while doing housework!,

and White Shadow wanted to go to Chanel, but Chanel seemed to have just received a mission to go out, and it would probably take a day or two to return.

Bai Ying suddenly became a lonely person, and there was still a little sadness when he thought about it.

Cultivate! Cultivate and forget your troubles!

The white shadow returned to the room, turned on the non-astringent .jpg, and then seriously pondered the feasibility of the platinum star fusing into the breathing method.

"It seems that the Platinum Star can also breathe, and the Platinum Star also seems to have blood on its body, so it is possible that he has meridians on his body, so can the Platinum Star also have ripples?"

This made him a little worried, and then he tried to make the Platinum Star run the Breath of Fire, and the Breath of Fire Change, but it still had no effect.

What about Star Breathing? A new breathing method that combines Flame Breath and Ripples.

In an instant, a large amount of air was sucked into the body of the platinum star, but unfortunately, the miracle did not appear, and the platinum star still did not react at all.

Just as Bai Ying was about to give up, suddenly, he felt a resonance in his body...

This resonance is faint, but it does make the ripples in his body more active!

"Could it be..."Bai

Ying suddenly came up with a bold guess.

He manipulates the Platinum Star to perform Star Breath while performing Star Breath himself.

As the white shadow continued to intensify the intensity of the breathing method, the feeling of resonance became deeper and deeper, and it was obviously from the platinum star!

This feeling reminded the white shadow of the phenomenon of co-frequency resonance in physics.

White Shadow manipulated Platinum Star to reach out for it, and then White Shadow tried to put it up.

A wonderful feeling lingered on Bai Ying's body, and in an instant, he seemed to be one with the platinum star

! That feeling of power made people fascinated, Bai Ying gently shook it, and a wave of ripple power flowed through his arm!

He looked around, a fly happened to fly by, but its speed was ridiculously slow in Bai Ying's eyes, as if it was in slow motion, and Bai Ying just wanted to try to catch it.

But suddenly, a sharp pain came, it was the lungs!

The white shadow collapsed directly to the ground, gasping for air.

Just now, Bai Ying unconsciously continued to strengthen the intensity of the breathing method, causing the strength of the breathing method to far exceed the limit of what he could bear!

Due to the self-protection of his body, he forcibly stopped the operation of the breathing method, and the white shadow was able to find out.

But just that feeling... The White Shadow had memorized!

It was a new form!


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