Erina's decision to stay with Gozuku for dinner at Totsuki was certainly not just a courtesy.

She had seen the weakness of Totsuki, who had always lived in her comfort zone, in certain things during the conflict between Totsuki and Guhai Pharmaceutical.

After meeting an alien like Wu Su, she became even more determined to get out of her comfort zone.

After all, aliens are beginning to appear outside the comfort zone, so if you can't keep up with the times, Yueyue will become a piece of fat sooner or later.

And it’s still a fat piece of meat with no one to protect it!

Fist and money bag, these two things have always been the essence of development.

In the past, there was the protection of rules, and in the catering industry, there was a shokuji, which was used as a substitute for fists, so Totsuki was able to continue to enrich his wallet under the rules.

But the current situation is that Yueyue's money bag has grown too big, and even the rules are beginning to fail to protect Yuanyue well.

So Totsuki must need fists now!

So even if she encountered such a thing this time, she didn't have the sigh of Nakiri Senzaemon, but instead had a sense of urgency.

This was also the reason why she stayed with Wu Su to eat.

Because she knew very well that Wu Su came to help this time largely because someone came to provoke him as soon as he became the president of the Boxing Club.

So if a similar problem occurs next time, Wu Su won't come over so easily.

And if Yuanyue wants to develop his own fighting skills, or spend a lot of money to hire some fighting skills - this part of the matter can only be said to be done, but he may not see any results in a short time.

It is not always possible to recruit powerful warriors. Those who can be hired have to compete with other members of the Boxing Club. It is also easy to hire some less powerful guys at high prices.

And now, although it is not aimed at Yuanyue, the Shinomiya family has begun to use off-board moves, and Yuanyue may not have so much time for trial and error!

This makes Erina more inclined to the conclusion she reached before when she was at the United Investment Company.

That is, as long as Wu Su is one of his own, Yuanyue's weaknesses can be compensated to the greatest extent!

However, Erina still had some thoughts of slowly poaching the corner of United Investment Company.

But now... everyone is the president of the Boxing Club, so poaching him is impossible.

Then let’s join!

They were already members of the Quan Yuan Club, so instead of joining the Quan Yuan Club, they joined Wu Su's faction!

After all, Wu Su is still our shareholder in Yuanyue!

No shame! certainly.

In addition to this idea, what Erina said to Wu Su before is also true.

Yuanyue really has a batch of special ingredients now

"What kind of fish is this?"

Wu Su was also a little puzzled when he watched Erina cut the fish.

Because the fish that Erina fried over low heat turned out to be golden!

And it looked like any fish Wu Su knew. They are all different.

When Erina heard Wu Su's inquiry, she smiled and explained to Wu Su.

"This kind of fish was only discovered in recent years. There is such a fish living in a sea area in Australia that cannot be clearly detected using satellites because of its special magnetic field."

"This fish was named last year and is called - Golden Black Wolf"

"Gold refers to the golden color of the fish itself, and Wulang is a name for puffer fish. Although this fish does not look like a puffer fish, it is actually a type of puffer fish, but it just doesn’t look like it. Like, finally called Wulang."

Hearing what Erina said, Wu Su thought for a moment.

"Pufferfish...meaning this fish is poisonous?"

Faced with Wu Su's question, this time it was not Erina who answered, but a girl with white hair and also wearing chef's clothing standing behind Erina.

"It is indeed poisonous, and unlike the puffer fish, the poison of this fish is present throughout the body, and it is more toxic than the normal puffer fish. However, because of the special nature of the toxin itself, as long as the fish meat is cooked thoroughly, Then there's no problem."

First he explained it to Wu Su, and then the girl smiled and winked at Wu Su

"By the way, my name is Nakiri Alice, first time meeting~"


Hearing her self-introduction, Wu Su nodded to her.

Alice continued to explain to Wu Su when Erina was frying fish and was not easily distracted.

"The golden black wolf itself is relatively rich in fat, and it will taste very fragrant when fried slowly over low heat. The fish itself also tastes very good, and it is the best in terms of meat quality."

Speaking of this, Alice pointed at the fish that was not cooked, but had only slightly changed color. Erina took it out of the pot temporarily and prepared it for the next step of the production process.

"And this kind of golden black wolf is said to taste best when it is half-cooked, because that special neurotoxin will stimulate the taste buds, and it is said that the taste of this toxin is a wonderful taste that cannot be combined with any seasoning."

"Even if you eat it, you will die. It tastes very good. This was a guess made during the autopsy. No one is sure this is true."

"But it seems that even if this is the case, some people will risk their lives to eat it. Don’t..."

Alice was still telling this little story.

Then she was surprised to see Wu Su directly pick up a piece of the so-called best tasting piece. The half-cooked Golden Crow Wolf.

He didn’t even hesitate and just put it in his mouth.

"…Spit it out!"

Alice came directly to Wu Su's side, and Erina's eyes widened.

But Wu Su had already swallowed it.

He did feel the toxin of the golden black wolf, but this poison had a negative impact on the body after the return of life. Under the control of Wu Su, it is difficult to spread in his body.

After that, as Wu Su's Qi circulates for a week, the toxin is directly harmless, and finally digested by the body like ordinary nutrients.

"Asu, are you okay?"

Erina was also panicking at this moment.

Wu Su, on the other hand, looked at Erina and Alice and waved his hands. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


"But just like Alice said, this stuff tastes good."

Wu Su ate another piece while Erina and Alice were dumbfounded.

0Qiu Hua

, a poison that would kill ordinary people without even being able to leave a last word after eating it, Wu Su ate it like a snack.!

"This poison is indeed interesting"

"you you……"

Even Erina, who had long thought Wu Su was an alien, was extremely surprised now, let alone Alice, who had seen such a thing for the first time.

Faced with their surprise, Wu Su just spread his hands.

"Don't worry about me, you should fry the rest. After all, except for me, you will probably die if you eat it. If you want to eat together, you should fry it before eating."

Erina nodded numbly, and then continued her frying work mechanically.

But Alice was still surprised.

"Since most people will die if they eat it, why are you okay?"

"Erina told me before that you were an alien. Is it because of this that you are fine? What planet are you from? Do you have a spaceship?"

Listening to Alice's weird thinking, Wu Su glanced at Erina, making Erina feel a little embarrassed, and then shook his head at Alice.

"Of course I'm from Earth. As for why it's okay to eat it - well, you have to eat poisons and nutrients. Just think of it as for fighters like us, only in this way can we be called healthy."

"I see."

Alice hammered her hand, as if she suddenly realized it.

Erina, who was beside her, complained helplessly.

"Ah Su, don't say this to Alice. Although she has some common sense, she really believes in this kind of thing. She accidentally said you were an alien when joking with me. She saw It feels like I really believe it."

Hearing what Erina said, Wu Su just smiled, while Alice was stunned for a while, and then suddenly realized, her eyes widened and she raised her voice towards Erina and Wu Su.

"Ah, are you lying to me? ?"

Seeing Alice like this, Wu Su laughed out loud, and Erina shook her head slightly, but she still smiled. While she was frying the fish, she looked at Alice's swollen face and lost her temper. She felt that the current atmosphere was quite good.

So... if Alice could get together with Asuku, then all the problems would be solved!

Erina thought so.

But what she didn't know was that Alice Although Izuku is a little slow in some places, she is more mature than Erina in other places.

For example…[]

She discovered today that Erina, who acted like a queen to everyone else, was not so arrogant when facing Wu Su, she could even speak in a straightforward manner.

Nothing like the usual... kind of tsundere!

Yes, it’s that arrogant feeling!

So Alice's eyes wandered back and forth between Wu Su and Erina from time to time.

Although there is no evidence, Alice feels that Erina may have a crush on Kusu!


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