Clow Cards Cardcaptor

Night 2, everything like that makes me sick

The first night passed quietly.

When not knowing what all the participants are doing.

The second night of the night battle scene begins silently.

Above the TV Tower in the city center.

A blue light flashed by.

Lime's figure appeared on the tower.

Looking at the night view of the whole city center.

After a while, the uncle climbed up from the ladder under Lime's feet out of breath, glanced at the height of 100 meters above the ground, tightened his jacket, and sighed with a bitter face:

"I said Xiao Ning, don't you want to climb such a high place all the time, and think about how hard it is for a married man in his forties?"

"Shut up! Don't call me Xiaoning!"

Lime suddenly said with a black face.

"As your math teacher...."

"Unscrupulous middle-aged people who don't know how to get a teacher's qualification certificate after graduating from junior high school, don't call themselves a people's teacher, okay?"

"It's not a claim, I'm the real one..."

"You taught me the derivative question I asked you this morning?"


The uncle suddenly sweated profusely, and began to change the subject with a haha.

"By the way, why hasn't that C-13 come out yet? The official side is about to fight against the backwater."

"Don't be careless, this time the target is the top 20 of the C-rank, and it is such a special ability. Eight teams compete together, and it must be difficult to fight in chaos."

Lime's hands and soles were covered with electric patterns, which stuck to the steel tower. She walked to the outer wall step by step, grabbed the guardrail with one hand, and looked at the whole city center.

"Anla, Anla, the official will definitely join forces with us, and, I remember that there seemed to be a team of E-rank newcomers in the tea room just now? It's nothing to worry about."

The uncle said carelessly.

Lime frowned, E-Class? It seems that two people have been sitting on the edge, not participating in the conversation.

"The night battle scene will not screen participants for no reason. This time the level is about C-level B-level. If they can come in, there must be something in them that shows that their combat power has reached the night battle standard."

"Ha!? That's what you said, but what can give an E-rank scumbag rookie a B-rank combat power?"

The uncle yawned and said indifferently. He visited the surroundings for the first night and didn't sleep much.

Alas, who made him a weak player and a strong captain?


"What's wrong!?"

Watching Lime make a suspicious voice, the uncle instantly became nervous.

"Always feel that there are too few people?"

"What's too little?"

The uncle asked in confusion.

"The atmosphere is not right, it looks like there are a lot of people missing in the city center!?"

Lime said solemnly.

"A lot of people are missing!? Impossible, right? At this time, shouldn't they all stay in one place, waiting for C-13 to appear and announce their existence?"

The uncle asked incredulously.

"I don't know, but..."

Lime's face became serious.

"But what?"

The uncle looked at her and asked tentatively.

"This time, it seems... not as simple as I thought..."

Lime lowered her eyes, looked at the air under her feet, and the words prompted by the system crossed her mind.

[Target description: C-13 is composed of various -[DATA EXPUNGED]-. It has the ability to imitate the appearance of any creature under any known circumstances, and has the ability to imitate most of the behavior and activities of the creature. If the appearance deceives any other creature to recognize the creature, C-13 can use all the abilities of the creature with the appearance, but due to the existence of -[DATA EXPUNGED]- in its composition,

After C-13 is seen through the camouflage, it will immediately enter a state of roaring panic, and quickly escape the sight of the seer]

That's right, since the system has arranged for the C-13 to have such a strange ability, this competition is definitely not as simple as whoever fought to the end won the victory.


Lime looked at the city shrouded in darkness.

This time the participants seem to have their own secrets.

Something must have happened somewhere I didn't know about.

"It's pointless to wait, let's go and see Sister Hualing."

After she finished speaking, she jumped, and threw an electric light from her hand to stick to the steel, and quickly fell into the night.

The uncle, who was only in his 40s and married, looked at the more than 100-meter-high maintenance ladder, and felt the desolation of the night.

Please, I climbed up and took a look at the night scene, and then I went down again after a few chats...

Sure enough, Xiao Ning, are you revenge on me for leaving too much homework last week, do you want your math teacher to retire early?



The Audi drove slowly, turning several corners, and drove all the way to a remote neighborhood where Gou Yu and Meng Lang could no longer be seen.

After closing the car door, Fang Ran walked slowly to the side of the road and sat on a reclining chair on the side of the street.

Looking at the night sky a little trance.

After a long time, he rubbed his face.

He smashed the laughter mask that he always hung on his face, and he was almost used to it.

He lowered his eyes and exhaled, as if speaking to someone, and as if talking to himself softly:

The voice is the same as before, but the tone is completely different, like a different person.

He became the one he was from the last night of the night battle.

"Idiot, obviously pretended that nothing happened, but still told me uneasy for half an hour."

Do you really think I can't guess that there is a C-level participant outside guarding his own?

Without Ling's reminder, Fang Ran knew that he saved the girl by himself.

Naturally offended that C-level guy.

Presumably, at this time, he should wait outside for his appearance, and then kill himself.

Even relying on the special ability of the Clow card to escape.

I guess it will be found again, right?

Also, what if you could keep hiding?

Can you give up your real life?

My relatives, friends, school, classmates, and the small but accustomed hut.

These are all things that Fang Ran cannot give up.

He has very little.

Now it is also in danger of being taken away.

That's right, I know that even if she didn't say it carefully, I could probably guess how dangerous the participants in the night battle were in reality.

That C-class guy is now...

in the real world.

This time, it wasn't the last time. Since he was not injured by flames, he did not experience the consumption after the war.

Waiting for him outside is a well-prepared C-level participant.


Fang Ran put his hand on his forehead, leaned back on the chair, and looked at the night sky.

Since she didn't tell herself, she must be planning to solve it herself.


What can she do when she is trapped in her power bank?

However, Fang Ran can guess.

The guy who always despised and ridiculed himself must have planned what price to pay.

to help yourself solve the problem.

It was obviously because of the trouble he caused by wanting to save people.

Therefore, Fang Ran will only speak at this moment.


"That's me, the trouble I caused myself, so I have to bear the consequences myself!"

A firm, hoarse voice sounded in Fang Ran's mouth.

how is this possible...

How is it possible to let others pay a heavy price and pay for their kindness! ?

Fang Ran clenched his fists slowly, pressing his fingernails into the flesh.

His arms pressed his eyes, and he gritted his teeth tightly and said in a low voice:

"If letting other people's injuries become the result of my pursuit of peace of mind, then I will start!!"

"It won't help!"

The result of my own choice, no matter how hurt I am, that is my freedom.

But I will never allow it.

This 'injury' is borne by others.

If that's the case, peace of mind, my kindness, everything I do.

Makes me feel sick.

"So, can you give me strength?"

The magic book blocked by golden chains appeared in front of Fang Ran, and Fang Ran spoke softly.

The pages of the book are turned, and stand upright on a certain page.

A golden card with the highest and most special attributes even among all the cards flew into Fang Ran's hand.

The pattern on the golden card was reflected in his pupils.

I know that the power that night battle gives is complete from the beginning.

The only thing that limits my own abilities is that I have not experienced the ordinary.

"Thank you."

Under the golden light, the dark-haired youth in the jet-black cloak sounded softly in the dark night.

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