Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1602: Do you have a role model?

Xiao Ru did not answer the question of the old monk.

She just raised her hand to touch the mottled city wall. The red lips opened slightly and said: "How many ups and downs has this red wall gone through since the founding of the People's Republic of China. No one can destroy it, and no one can defeat it. It is not because of how indestructible this city wall is. It is in this city wall. Behind him, there are countless soldiers guarding him."

"He Chu Shang is stronger." Xiao Ru questioned. "Why can I change all this?"

The old monk suddenly said in a strange way: "I will analyze it from your words. Chu Shang seems to have truly become a national thief."

"If you do something, it will hurt this red wall. He is a national thief." Xiao Ru said unceremoniously.

The old monk nodded slightly: "If there is that day. I will have the opportunity to challenge him. I have always wondered if he is really as powerful as you said."

"I hope this day will never come." Xiao Ru said calmly. "Although it's just hope."

"If you really challenge him, you must die." Xiao Ru said.

"Life and death are fate." The old monk smiled. "But if you end up peacefully dying of old age, it's better to do something you want to do a few years in advance."

Xiao Ru frowned slightly without saying much.


No words for a night.

When Chu Yun got up early in the morning, he heard a noise coming from the living room.

Sure enough, Xiao Ru was eating breakfast with the hero.

Su Mingyue also ate very quietly and low-key.

Although everyone does not sleep under the same roof.

But eating and relaxing together will inevitably have a greater impact on the atmosphere of the home.

After Chu Yun washed, he hung his head and ate breakfast.

Then he was sneaked into the children's room by the hero.

At this time, Xiao Ru is always with her.

Chu Yun was a little surprised by the weird behavior of the hero today.

Of course, it is not particularly unexpected.

After all, after a few days of hard work, the hero couldn't stand it anymore, and that was right.

If you want to play in the same room with Chu Yun and Xiao Ru every day, what's the fun?

The mental pressure is still great.

Chu Yun was distressed.

Squatting on the ground, touching the hero's head and asking, "Is it too stressful to bear? How about dad take you to the playground to relax? It is inevitable that you will be tired when you study at home every day. Believe grandma I won't refuse."

"No need." The hero shook his head and gave Chu Yun a naive look. "I just wanted to tell you. Don't come to the room and disturb me and grandma in the future."


Chu Yun was full of black lines, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"My grandma taught me many things that my mother didn't know." Chu Yun said with a serious face. "I am very happy to learn."

"Don't you feel stressed?" Chu Yun wondered.

"The first day was indeed a little stressed." The hero nodded slightly and said. "But I got used to it later. And I think grandma's way of teaching is very interesting."

After a pause, the hero asked curiously: "Did grandma be a teacher before?"

Chu Yun rolled his eyes.

I'm so worried about myself. So you are still addicted to it?

"Grandma used to be your mother's teacher. She specializes in teaching high-achieving students." Chu Yun said frankly. I don't want to black my mother behind my back.

"No wonder," the hero said thoughtfully. "Dad, I just want to tell you. Don't disturb us in the future, I study very seriously."

Chu Yun waved his hand and said impatiently: "I see. It's so long-winded at a young age. Do you still have it when you grow up?"

Chu Yun walked out of the children's room grumblingly.

It happened to hit Xiao Ruye head-on.

"Please come in," Chu Yun said, raising his hand.

"Anything is proved by practical actions. Relying on the mouth is useful, so what do you need to do with your hands and feet?" Xiao Ru said lightly.

Chu Yun fled and left the Su family.

As usual, he sent the top beam to work first.

On the way, the two also discussed about the education of heroes.

Originally, they hoped to send their children to school as soon as possible to learn more systematic and advanced knowledge. By the way, let the children learn how to integrate into society and the collective.

But now, they dismissed this idea.

For one thing, the hero is still young, so it's not necessary yet.

Secondly, it was Xiao Rushi's arrival that made this plan lose its original value.

Xiao Ru is willing to take the initiative to take the burden of teaching heroes.

It can share the time pressure of the top beam.

It also allows Chu Yun to handle his personal affairs more steadily.

Of course, the most important thing is.

Is there a better teacher in this world than Xiao Ru?

The most outrageous thing is that the hero actually likes Xiao Ruye's way of teaching. It feels lively and very interesting.

This is really hell!

Is it possible that a hero has the same attribute as Xiao Ru?

"That's good." Dingliang's red lips opened slightly and said with a smile. "The hero can get along with her mother-in-law. On the contrary, it saves us a lot of trouble."

Chu Yun nodded and said, "I'm afraid she is not long enough. After a while, she will get tired and crooked."

"A hero is not an impatient child. Especially when facing knowledge." Ding Liang said slowly. "She will get along well with her mother-in-law."

"That would be the best." Chu Yun nodded slightly.

After sending the top beam to work.

Chu Yun handed the car to Chen Sheng.

In fact, Chu Yun didn't call Chen Sheng much recently.

After all, A Li is pregnant, and he hopes that Chen Sheng will accompany the little girl more.

But Chen Sheng's dedication is still too heavy.

Especially in the near future, as long as he has nothing to do, he will follow Chu Yun.

One is concerned about the current situation, and the other is a strong interest in gossip.

Chu Yun didn't know, A Li didn't want Chen Sheng to stay by his side every day.

Follow Chu Yun to dig out gossip, eat supper at night and listen to gossip, isn't it fragrant?

"Where are you going today?" Chen Sheng asked as soon as he got in the car.

"Go wherever you want." Chu Yun said casually.

"I don't want to go anywhere." Chen Sheng said. "And I am a driver. Where do I want to go? What does it have to do with you?"

"Me too." Chu Yun said, shaking his head. "I don't want to go anywhere. Especially I don't want to go home."

Chen Sheng grinned. Shrugged and said: "Then go around. Anyway, idle is idle."

Chen Sheng drove around.

Had been together in Yanjing City for several years.

He already knows the entire structure of Yanjing City.

Even if you close your eyes, you won't get lost.

In addition, Ali is a bit of a foodie. If you have nothing to do, take Chen Sheng through the streets to find some delicious food to taste.

Chen Sheng is now half an old Yanjing.

At least his familiarity with the road surface is considered an old Yanjing.

The two drove for a lap.

A ghostly messenger, Chen Sheng seemed to have developed a muscle memory and drove the car to the door of the red wall.

"It's all here. Go in and go around?" Chen Sheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's up to you." Chu Yun nodded slightly. Did not refute anything.

Not to mention whether Chen Sheng was deliberate or whether he was really a mess.

Chen Sheng drove the car into the red wall.

Suddenly, Chu Yun got upset, pointing to the side of the road and saying, "Go over there."

Upon seeing this, Chen Sheng asked playfully, "Go to Chuhe?"

"Yeah." Chu Yun nodded and said. "After all, it's my brother who is blood related. Go and see how he's doing at the Red Wall."

Chen Sheng didn't ask any more.

After parking the car nearby. Chen Sheng dangled his cigarette and walked around the artificial lake to admire the scenery.

He left Chu Yun alone.

He is going to find his younger brother to talk about the past. Of course Chen Sheng would not follow. It’s not necessary.

When Chu Yun came near the house.

He saw the figure of Chu He.

He just hangs clothes in the front yard.

Wearing a short casual outfit, it's obviously colder. But he didn't seem to feel the coldness at all.

Just hang clothes in short sleeves like this.

The sun is just right.

Although the temperature is not high, it is very bright.

The light swayed on his fairly handsome face, and the whole person looked extra vivid. Full of vigor.

At this moment, Chu Yun suddenly gave birth to the old man's sigh: It's nice to be young.

Compared to Chu He, Chu Yun is indeed not young anymore.

He got married.

I also had my own children.

In a few years, even if he claims to be middle-aged, no one will be surprised.

But Chu He was a serious young man.

Sunny, positive.

Full of vigor.

The whole person seems to be full of youthful breath.

Chu Yun stepped forward and asked jokingly, "Didn't I arrange a washing machine for you? Why are you still drying clothes outside."

"I like the smell of drying in the sun," Chu He said calmly.

Chu Yun smiled, and did not force an explanation.

Not to give Chuhe popular science.

Instead, they took out two chairs and a pot of tea.

Just sit in the yard where the clothes are hanging.

Obviously they are two powerful young men with unusual identities.

What they did was just like two elderly people. Full of twilight.

"Do you smoke?" Chu Yun asked casually.

"Don't smoke." Chu He shook his head and said. "I heard that you also quit smoking."

"Yes." Chu Yun smiled. "for the kids."

After a pause, Chu Yun asked again: "Have you ever fallen in love?"

"No." Chu He shook his head. "I heard that you have many confidantes."

"This question is rather nasty." Chu Yun shook his head. "It's not convenient for me to tell you."

"I just asked casually, and you don't need to answer it," Chu He said.

"Before my father gave you, you planned to live here aimlessly?" Chu Yun took the initiative to find the subject.

"Yes." Chu He nodded.

"What if he doesn't give you instructions for the rest of his life?" Chu Yun asked.

"Then it proves that my father wants me to spend my life peacefully." Chu He said.

"Can you accept it?" Chu Yun asked rhetorically.

"Why didn't you accept it?" Chu He said naturally.

"He trained you so well," Chu Yun said. "Surely it won't let you live an ordinary life. I know this, and you should know it too."

"Not important." Chu He said, shaking his head.

There was a pause.

Chu He took the initiative to ask: "Have you ever admired anyone in your life? Do you regard him as an idol, the ultimate example in life?"

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