Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 1460: The black hand behind the conspiracy!

Chu Yun heard the little news reported by Chen Sheng.

There was a sudden shock. Frowning and asked: "Is the source of this information reliable?"

"It should be reliable." Chen Sheng grinned. "If it's not reliable, then the Red Wall resources you provided to me are not reliable."

Nearly half a year.

Chu Yun successively provided Chen Sheng with some red wall resources.

As far as Chu Yun was concerned, he could throw out the resources in his hand.

He doesn't want to spend too much time on these "trivial".

He wanted to accompany the hero more when he had that time.

Although the hero is not rare for his company.

But Chu Yun discussed this matter with the top beams.

As the creator of the business empire, the top beam also recognized Chu Yun's decision.

To be a leader, you don't need to do everything yourself.

Take control of the rudder of a ship and steer the ship in the right direction. This is what the leaders should do.

Instead of falling into your own hands.

That's too tiring.

There is not so much time to deal with it.

So Chu Yun handed over the resources to Aunt Duan and to Tang Qing. At the same time, some secret resources were given to Chen Sheng.

He acts as a hand-scraping shopkeeper.

When a leader doesn't have to worry about anything, he only needs to summarize news and decision-making.

And this is also a way of life that Chu Yun can accept.

He worries about everything every day, he is worried that he will die suddenly.

There will be no life experience.

"Then this matter is a bit of a nuisance." Chu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Analyze the situation of the matter. "Song Shiying is the Red Wall super crocodile. It is also one of the actual powers. If the elders really decide to remove him before he retires. This will cause a great sensation within the Red Wall. Even more--"

"Even what?" Chen Sheng asked curiously.

"Causes the butterfly effect." Chu Yun said confidently.

"What kind of butterfly effect?" Chen Sheng asked.

"If you are like Song Shiying, you are also a Red Wall crocodile. When you learned that the Presbyterian Church was about to remove the Song family. What was your first reaction?" Chu Yun asked.

"Glorious," Chen Sheng said with a shrug. "At least one competitor is missing."

"After the first reaction. Even after seeing the tragic ending after Song Shiying was removed? What would your second reaction be?" Chu Yun asked playfully.

"Second reaction?" Chen Sheng condensed for a moment, then said with bright eyes. "I feel that Song Shiying today may be me tomorrow. Moreover, I will have a huge question."

"Why? A group of retired old people dare to remove Song Shiying!" Chen Sheng said categorically. "They have too much power? Is it a little out of control?"

"This is the butterfly effect." Chu Yun frowned and said. "There must be a great conspiracy hidden in this matter. I'm not even sure if the elders will make such a decision, whether they are intentional or just let it go."

Paused. Chu Yun raised his eyes and glanced at Chen Sheng: "Pay close attention to this matter. I want to know more inside stories and news."

"Understood." Chen Sheng nodded, and then asked in confusion. "From your judgment. What kind of pattern will this matter come to when it comes to the end?"

"The old and new forces are fighting against each other." Chu Yun said in a halt. "It's even very possible-the red wall will reshuffle the cards."

Chen Sheng took a deep breath.

This is the heart of China's highest power.

Once the cards are re-shuffled, its influence and involvement will be unpredictable.

This may not have much impact on the country's development plan.

After all, many national policies are firm and unshakable.

But for those who are truly upper-class in power, they will face unimaginable disasters.

The fall of one power will surely be the rise of a new power.

Who will be the ultimate winner?

And who will be the ultimate loser?

Chu Yun wasn't even sure what their respective goals were for.

The only thing he knew was that Song Shiying really seemed to have become a victim.

The biggest victim of this war of the century.

In short, it is very likely to be cannon fodder.

Chen Sheng understood Chu Yun's analysis.

This matter has also attracted a high degree of attention.


in the afternoon.

The sun is just right.

Chu Yun had coffee with Aunt Duan in a cafe with a perfect atmosphere.

The proprietress of the coffee shop is as gentle and beautiful as ever.

Her name is Lin Youmiao.

Today's Lin Family Patriarch.

The coffee shop is still open.

But Lin Youmiao has less and less time to cook coffee herself.

Today, a special guest came to the coffee shop. She put down everything in her hands and came over to cook coffee herself. And provides exquisite dim sum.

She watched Chu Yun drinking coffee with a gentle but very calm middle-aged woman in the sun. Talk about it.

She is not jealous.

On the contrary, enjoy the afternoon time at this moment very much.

Can see him. Can witness him with his own eyes.

I can watch him taste the coffee he has cooked by himself.

This is more important than anything else.

It is also Lin Youmiao's greatest happiness.

She was sitting in front of the stage. Say nothing and do nothing.

It seems that at this moment, time is quiet.

Everything is frozen.

It is rare in life to have so many pleasant afternoons.

Lin Youmiao can feel it. She is content and very happy.

But at this moment, Chu Yun is not comfortable.

His heart is full of gossip.

I want to get some gossip that Chen Sheng couldn't tell him from Aunt Duan.

"This matter is too serious. It is so serious that people outside my circle are very concerned." Chu Yun smiled. "Auntie Duan, are you all very nervous now and feel the excitement?"

"It's not irritating. It's just pure tension." Aunt Duan shook her head and took a sip of coffee. "As you said, this matter is too serious. It's too outrageous."

"I can analyze the consequences. The old and new forces are very likely to have a major confrontation." Chu Yun frowned and said. "But I don't understand why the elders will be so intense."

"I didn't want to understand. Even some members of the Presbyterian Church seem to be very surprised by the news." Aunt Duan said slowly. "But one thing, I can tell you responsibly."

"This news is true. And it is beneficial to you." Aunt Duan said.

Chu Yun nodded slightly.

Make sure this is true news. And it's still good for oneself.

He became more and more curious.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not," Chu Yun said with her lips pressed. "I just want to know why the elders want to do this. Are they not afraid of uncontrollable civil strife inside the Red Wall? This is not just a matter of the Song family. People are all those in power and are easily involved in it."

"We are still investigating this matter carefully. So far, what is certain is that there must be a huge conspiracy in it. As for who initiated the conspiracy, and who has such a huge amount of energy, can be in the red Such a big conspiracy is created within the wall. It cannot be implemented to individuals for the time being."

"Is it possible. Is it Li Beimu?" Chu Yun asked without warning.

But I asked Aunt Duan.

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