Chronicles of Ryan the Wizard

Vol 4 Chapter 145: New journey

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magician Lane biography!

"Oz, you have to be careful along the way." Faras said to Oz with a concern.

"Yeah," Elena rushed and said, "Oz, you go home this time, but remember us, maybe we will visit you in a few months."

"Okay, okay." Victor said with a smile: "You don't need to look like this? Oz, he's all in his 30s, and he's not an ignorant child. Besides, before I met you, people didn't live well of?"

Elina pursed her lips and said, "Why are you reluctant to leave Oz? Why do you say Victor? But really, Master Victor, you seem to be quite laid back recently and often see you."

Victor heard this sentence, his face slightly changed color, and then suddenly returned to normal, he smiled and said: "As you know, His Majesty the Emperor promoted Catherine to Royal Magician. As his magic advisor, Catherine will naturally accompany him. Next to His Majesty, my old man has nothing to do. "

Obviously this topic is not very good, so Ryan quickly said: "Okay, that's it. Oz, it's best to send a message when we get home, we will remember you. It's not too early, they also waited It's been a while. "After that, Ryan pouted at the large group of people waiting in the distance.

Oz nodded. This time he only chose to return to his hometown of Haifeng City in the cold winter. It was precisely because there was a large mercenary group to help the Simon Chamber of Commerce **** a batch of goods over there, so they happened to go together. Along the way, there is also a look after. Oz, who was born as a mercenary, did not want to let others wait too long on the first day of his company. For those precious mercenaries, this is very bad, maybe in the future. Someone looking for ballast is not fun.

Allen patted Oz on the shoulder, but said nothing. After getting along like this, Oz knew Elendo's character. He smiled at Elendo, then waved at the others, and walked away without looking back.

Seeing Oz, they finally said goodbye, and the members of the mercenary group waiting in the distance took a long breath. They had stood in the cold wind for an hour. If they were replaced by other people, they might have The merciless mercenaries have long been scolded.

But today this guy who is waiting is a member of the Lace squad. Needless to say, the performance of the Lace squad in this year's competitive competition. The identity of the person who came to see off is enough to close the most irritable personality. mouth.

Apart from Faras, who is known as the "Roses of the Imperial City", and the only great magician in the empire, this is usually unstoppable. It is rare to have this opportunity, even if you stand in the cold wind for three days and three nights. No one would dare to complain.

The carriage moved slowly, and the mercenary regiment was also on the road. Of course, Ryan and they did not find that in this large mercenary regiment of seven or eighty people, there were also some people who were unexpected by others.

"Head, these nasty guys finally shut up."

"You shut up for me too, Dittb."

"Damn, Edward, how dare you **** at me?"

"Shut up." The man called "head" whispered: "Don't reveal your identity. We should have returned as a gentleman in a carriage. If **** Hawke was too careless, why should we hide." "

They turned out to be the sea breeze city pirates Keenster and his party who participated in the Royal Athletic Competition. Originally, under Hawk's subtle disguise, they became makeup gentlemen and participated in the competition in the name of the Gulf Gentlemen, but they lost to Catherine's goddess squad. Of course, this was nothing. Afterwards, Catherine was frightened. She also let Keynster and his party secretly luckily. If you were to face the terrible magic, you would rather drive a sea boat with a leaky cabin in the storm. Hundreds of ships and thousands of lives are harvested every year.

The latter has at least a chance to fight, while the former has no chance.

"I cursed the idiot Hawke." Although under the scolding of his head Keenst, Dittb couldn't help but clenched his teeth and burst out of the teeth: "Sooner or later you will die on the woman's belly, Even if you seduce the widow, you dare to openly enter the senior banquet with the little widow, and you met a woman who had been deceived by him. I knew that I should castrate him. "

"Okay, just shut up and wait until you get back to Sea Breeze City." Keenster comforted everyone and said: "Be patient on this journey. I have to inquire about it. What mercenary corps is for the Chamber of Commerce women of the Minister of Administration Goods, the soldier is also the companion of the finance minister ’s daughter, and it is safe along the way, as long as you do n’t show your feet. "

Watching Oz go away with the mercenary regiment, Ryan turned his head and said to Victor: "Master Victor, anyway, you are also more relaxed now, why not teach me the magic circle?"

Victor nodded and said, "Okay."

Then Victor remembered something and said to Alina and Faras: "Farath, you still have classes today, hurry back to class. And Alina, if you have time, go together."

Elena smiled and said, "Me? I don't understand, I'm a thief."

Victor shook his head and said to Alina: "Alina, I know your previous situation. You have no choice but to be a thief. But now that you have decided to keep the emperor with Faras, you are absolutely You can no longer think of yourself as a thief. You do n’t want others to talk behind your back? "

Alina said bitterly, "I knew it was troublesome, so I might as well ..."

Faras grabbed Elena's arm and said with a smile: "Okay, sister, you are very talented, and you must be better than me in the future. Ryan, do you say that?"

"Really?" Elena heard what Faras said to herself, and her eyes lit up. She looked at Ryan with the look of expectation, hoping to get Ryan's affirmation.

Of course, Ryan couldn't see whether Alina had any magic talents, but how did she tell the truth in this situation? In other words, the right hand of brushing has been placed under his own ribs, and Ryan knows that if he does not follow Flushing, it is himself.

So Ryan nodded again and again: "Yes, yes. Alina, I also learned martial arts first, and then learned magic later. Maybe you can too. You see you have the care of Sister Faras, and use Vic Master Duo personally instructed, as long as you are serious, would n’t it be difficult to learn? "

Of course, after that, Ryan only dare to make up in his stomach: "But if you are too stupid, you can't really learn and it doesn't matter to me."

"Okay!" Elena screamed and patted her head. "Go away, go away. Let's go back and learn magic."

Faras said: "That's not okay, don't we say yes, send Oz to see Reed at San Nebiro Cathedral? Today is the seventh day of his hard work, we are going to cheer him up. This time Reid didn't know what was the stimulus, and actually proposed to Master Ibeir to do another three years of hard work. Three years, I hope that Reed will not be hungry and wrap his bones. "

"It's okay." Elina said: "We send him barbecue every day. Dead Red is the favorite."

"That won't work." Faras said: "During hard work, you can only eat one meal a day, and you can only eat a small piece of bread and a glass of water."

"I'm so happy." Elina said with a look of expectation: "This is the best way to keep fit, but Reid is a man. Why keep fit?"

Alina's words made other people sweat, and Alina, who was called a "Little Witch", was really thinking differently from others.

"Okay, do n’t worry about others, think about yourself first. From today, I will supervise you. You will make up the magic apprenticeship, meditate for four hours a day, and read within 3 months. Finish all the books that the magic apprentice should read. Of course, I will help you if you do n’t understand. "

"Okay, okay." Alina, with a bitter face on her face, was dragged into the carriage by Faras.

Ryan nodded at Allendo. He knew that Allendo lived in the wild all this time. This is where a Druid should live. He also followed Victor into another carriage.

The two carriages quickly drove towards the Royal Academy of Magic, while Ellendo slowly walked towards his campsite on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

There was a voice from Faras talking to Alina: "Sister, I heard that the guy named Bailey dropped out of school. It seems that since that game, no one has ever seen him in the emperor."

"Yeah, look at his original fame. What kind of emperor is a magical genius, now? It has long been forgotten by people. It can be seen that these are all fake names, or is Ryan saying reasonable, low-key, low-key"

"Haha, when you mention Ryan, you are excited, sister."

"To die, even your sister dare to tease?"

The slapstick sounds of the two women drifted together on the road with laughter.

The long fourth volume END -_-

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