Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 168: to die

There is no doubt that several people are ready to die. ". 》

Indeed, if they continued to escape, they could escape for a while. Maybe three days, maybe five days, it varies. If you are lucky, maybe you can escape to Banza or Suze and live.

But they are really tired.

It was not easy for them to remember each other's names, what they like to eat, their habits when speaking, what their personal hobbies are... But just in a blink of an eye, they fell down forever and never got up again. .

Again and again, again and again.

Fewer people are dying because fewer people are alive. From three digits to two digits and then to one digit, now, the army of monsters is already pressing behind them. If nothing happens, the seven of them will not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Monsters don't rely on sight and hearing to hunt down enemies. They've known this in previous battles. Any means of hiding is ineffective, as long as you are close enough to them, as long as you see them, it is impossible to escape before killing them all.

Then, don't run away.

Head on. If you set up an ambush and then jump on it, you should be able to take a few people away before being killed and eaten, and the seven people add up to dozens or even dozens of people.

More importantly... in this case, at least they can die together.

"Always run away, run away, run away, run away, run away, it's annoying!"

Carrying a long sword burning with a faint transparent holy flame, Gallo walked at the front of the team, babbling and muttering: "Either let me kill or kill me to save me from suffering!"

While babbling about something, he stared at his bloodshot eyes, and suddenly turned his head in one direction, revealing the **** smile of a predator: "Oh, I found it."

The next moment, he suddenly lowered his body and rushed in that direction. Gallo swiftly slashed his long sword parallel to the ground, an ugly and twisted head flew out of thin air, and a black and thin body slowly emerged in the air. A large amount of purple sweet blood suddenly burst out from the broken place.

"Another scum. The third one on the way?"

A middle-aged man with gloomy eyes sneered disdainfully: "Did their command system collapse? Why do they keep sending people over to be killed? If their minds are normal, they should know that we have a way to deal with the scouts' sneaking."

"No, wait..."

However, after hearing his words, Gallo's heart moved.

A vague possibility slowly emerged.

He jumped up quickly. Looking into the distance.

Gallo squinted his eyes and used the faint moonlight to confirm the location of the monsters.

But at this time, Gallo's pupils shrank suddenly.

He saw the monsters in complete madness.

They groaned and struggled in pain. in severe pain. Some powerful monsters killed the weak ones at will, but they could not alleviate their suffering.

Judging from the extent of damage to the surrounding facilities, I am afraid that their suffering has been happening for more than half an hour.

no doubt. Those scattered monsters were probably not sent to investigate the situation, but escaped to avoid being implicated.

...but what happened to them?

Is it a disease? Or a curse? Or some magical or sorcery effect? Is this permanent or temporary? Will it be contagious?

In an instant, countless questions flooded into Gallo's mind.

First of all, those powerful monsters did not lose their combat effectiveness. You can tell a thing or two just by seeing them beating other monsters frantically when they hurt. In this case, it is the wisest decision to stand quietly and watch from a distance, waiting for them to lose their combat effectiveness before entering the field to harvest.

But Gallo didn't know that the effect would torture them to death. Or does it just last for a while and then it's over.

If it is the former, now they are waiting here, and doing nothing is the wisest choice; and if it is the latter, now when the monsters from the ground are in chaos, it is their last chance.

What exactly is waiting? Or fight?

Gallo hesitated for a moment before making an immediate decision.

"Do you still need to think about it..."

Since they chose to fight, they never thought that they could get out alive from here.

At a time like this, if Gallo was thinking about how to protect himself, he would undoubtedly cringe, and he cowardly betrayed the common will of everyone.

So. Think about it from a different angle

If this curse is permanent, then even if Gallo and the others die here, these monsters will be buried with them; if this curse will heal after a period of time, then now is the only time that Gallo and the others can massacre these monsters on a large scale. opportunity.

Putting life and death aside from the start. No one can stop them.

"Fight if you want, or leave if you don't? What do you think of us?"

A pale frenzy flashed in Gallo's eyes, and the corners of his mouth cracked into a wide arc. The blood-stained teeth are reminiscent of beasts that devour people.

He made up his mind and suddenly let go of his hand and fell from the heights. The metal armor blessed by the gods collided with the ground, making a loud noise, and even the earth shook.

"Guys. Listen to me. Those monsters aren't doing well right now." Gallo's bloodshot eyes were bloodthirsty. go in."

Immediately, the eyes of the others lit up.

None of them are fools.

As Gallo said that, they realized what might be happening ahead. But after a brief hesitation, no one chose that relatively safe path.

It was only at this time that they truly realized that they had no idea of ​​surviving for a long time.

They simply don't believe they can win.

I haven't seen anyone else for half a This country is probably dead...

If they were alone, they might have survived in a daze and strong without a reference. But now that their companions are dying one by one, and now that the gods have chosen to remain silent, their hearts that have no one to rely on begin to gradually crumble. Madness began to slowly invade their minds.

Rather... being able to choose one's own way of death can be considered a kind of happiness?

"Then let's die together."

Sharna slowly rubbed the bloodstain that appeared on her forearm, no matter how she was treated, her bloodshot eyes were full of awareness of death.

"Well said, Sharna! Let our spirits go to a higher place, with the blood of our mortal enemy as a gift"

Gallo laughed and charged down the hillside with his long sword high, pounced like a bloodthirsty hyena.

Immediately behind Gallo, the seven survivors made a final charge down the mountain. (To be continued.)

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