Blood of Mercury

Vol 2 Chapter 144: no plague

It was the first time for Geno to come here. No matter how soft the leather seats were, he always felt uneasy.

A prayer room is a small room with a small space. There is a silent enchantment at the door, and two layers of heavy red flannel three centimeters apart are enough to block the eyes of peepers.

And the only tall window is covered in red thin cloth. The blood-red sunlight seeped in, giving a slightly fishy illusion.

In front of Jeno was a wall formed by an iron fence that was also covered with red flannel. He was sitting on this side of the wall, and the Bishop was across from him.

Because he couldn't see the bishop's face, he felt a little relieved. Even thinking that behind the cloth is the great bishop, he will not be too nervous.

"Master Bishop, I want to repent..."

After hesitating for a while, Jeno said in a low voice.

"Don't be afraid, my brother."

A gentle and rigorous voice with obvious Bansa dialect sounded from behind the curtain, which made Jayno feel a little more relaxed: "You and I are both believers of the **** Ra, brothers in the Lord, I swear to the golden scale that I will never do anything. You will not reveal your ** to anyone. And this is a place blessed by Ra, and will not be spied on by anyone. Please rest assured, my brother... There is only you and me here."

The gentle voice reassured Jeno.

...It seems that the bishop is much more lenient than expected? As amiable as Lord Roland - no, he is even more amiable than Lord Roland.

If you think about it this way, the blood-red sunlight that seems to be infiltrating seems to have become a lot warmer.

"Sir Bishop, what I want to repent of is my murder."

Jayno closed his eyes, and his trembling voice stabilized a lot: "I killed Director Hood. Because he committed the crime of smuggling."

"He took the medicine for the Northern Legion and tried to sell it to the Kalars as a medicine for the plague... I think it was a shameful betrayal for the soldiers. They were on the front line against the mad frost ghosts, Beware of the Su Ze people who are on the verge of making a move, precious and life-saving supplies have been stolen by shameless thieves...I really can't forgive...that's forgiveness...absolutely no forgiveness."

"Do you have parents and brothers who are soldiers, Jeno?"

The bishop's slightly solemn voice sounded behind the scenes.

Geno nodded slowly, although the bishop couldn't see this scene: "My brother is a hero. He participated in the March War and killed several druids... In the Blackwing Rebellion. He is more He is a staunch royal party, who has killed many chaotic officials and thieves... He is a hero and has several medals."

Speaking of which, Jayno's breathing was a little short.

But the bishop remained calm. Nothing happens.

So Jaeno continued: "However, three months after he was drafted to resist the Frost Ghosts...he died of infection and lack of medical supplies. I didn't feel right at the time - being the only area in Bansa where there was armed friction. , How could the North not have enough medicines? So, I became a mercenary, hoping to find out the whole story through Rashen."

"Then. Did you finally find out?"

"I've found it," Jeno twitched his mouth slightly, without laughing, "it's Director Hood. It's not the first time he's done this kind of thing."

"So, what you want to prove is that you killed him as 'justice' revenge, Jeno?"

The bishop's slightly mocking voice sounded behind the scenes, and emphasized the word "justice".

Geno was shocked and quickly explained: "No, no... He violated the laws of the country..."

"—but you have no right to judge him."

The bishop regretfully handed down the sentence to Jayno.

When he heard this sentence, Geno suddenly felt cold all over his body. It was like falling into an ice cave.

Subconsciously, he forgot Roland's existence, and just wailed weakly in defense: "But if you don't do this, more people will die..."

"Then. Those people will regret your death, Jaeno...they'll miss you. They'll say to posterity, 'Look, this is the man who saved us''ll be honored for that. , Jeno."

" shouldn't be like this..."

The bishop's voice was calm and soothing, and he couldn't tell whether it was serious or sarcastic. Jeno didn't have the energy to tell the difference at all, so he panicked.

But at this moment, the bishop pondered slightly. The conversation changed: "But..."

"But, but?!"

Geno's eyes suddenly lit up.

The bishop's slightly smiling voice sounded from behind the scenes: "I think you did a good job. Jeno. You are good."

"...Thank you for your compliment, Lord Bishop...but I'm still going to die."

Geno thought he would usher in forgiveness, but after hearing the bishop's praise, he completely gave up the idea. replied with a wry smile.

However, the bishop replied softly: "No, you may not die. Our brave Jayno, you may not die... I will find a way for you."

"...Sir Bishop? You mean—"

Jay Nuo was stunned for a moment, and his voice subconsciously increased.

The bishop sighed slightly: "Hood is related to many high-level officials in the temple, and the Najin he worships every year is one-sixteenth of the temple's income. So many of his transactions are acquiesced. But you Killing him now means that the temple has lost this part of the income. Those big men must be dissatisfied..."

"You mean..."

"You also need silver coins to manage relationships, Jeno," the bishop sighed, his voice full of pity and compassion, "I also have my wife and daughter to support. I can't take out my own money to make relationships for you... , my family is facing a dilemma. Please forgive the selfishness of an old man, brave Jayno."

When the bishop said this, Jeno finally realized something.

He sadly found that he might finally become the kind of person he once hated the most.

Anyway, I definitely don't want to die...

Zeno's courage was exhausted when he declared to his friends earlier. He was only shaken for a moment, then tried his best to lower his voice and said in a low voice: "Sir Bishop... my brother left me a captured Arch Druid's inner armor, which is an enchanted item. And my family has There are still some savings... just need to trouble you to give these things to those adults..."

"Alright then, Jeno."

The bishop pondered for a while, then said cheerfully: "You will bring something with you tomorrow. I will find someone to estimate the price for you... If the money is not used up by then, I will return the rest to you. ."

"No, no need..."

"not necessarily."

The bishop interrupted him solemnly: "Otherwise, my reputation will not sound good. As a bishop, I won't be greedy for something like you."

...then tell me exactly how much it will cost. Besides, can't I go directly to those "big men"...

Jeno couldn't help but muttered.

But he only dared to speak in his heart. Those big men are far away from the emperor, and the biggest big man he has ever seen in his life is Roland and the bishop who is only a cloth away from him. He just wanted to find those big people, and those big people weren't something he could see if he wanted to.

But at this moment, the bishop suddenly said, "By the way, tell me the beginning of the matter again."


"Just repeat it. Just as you said."

"I, I killed Chief Hood...because he took the medicine for the Northern Legion and tried to sell it to the Caral as a medicine for the plague..."


The bishop spoke suddenly and hastily, interrupting Jeno's words: "There is no plague. Remember, there is no plague."


"I repeat, there is no plague."

The bishop's voice was surprisingly serious: "I'm serious, you better remember this, if you still want your business to be resolved - I'm not threatening you. Because you can only get any godly priest in Bansa. Same answer - we don't know what the plague is."

"But, but the village near the Iris Swamp has..."

"They were actually killed by the ruthless druids who came from Kalar - you remember this answer~ Never make any trouble, or even if you give me a biography I can't keep you Gu Changjian either."

The bishop warned Jaeno loudly: "The plague only exists in Caral. That is the punishment of His Majesty Kelanwo to the unbelievers of Caral. Bantha is absolutely impossible to have the plague."

"But, the bloodstains on those withered trees..."

"That's all done by the blighters, otherwise the plague wouldn't have spread to the plants," the bishop replied in a surprisingly grim voice, "you and your team may be busy with the Hood guy, so you didn't know about it... ... However, all the mercenaries have been notified, and you should tell your friends when you go back, so that they must keep it secret."

"—If there are people who seem to have long tongues, you cut off their tongues. Or even cut off their heads. I'll take care of it for you."

The bishop's voice softened, but Jeno's mouth was wide open, only the base of his tongue felt numb, his whole body was cold, and he couldn't speak at all.

no plague—

Heck no plague! (To be continued.)

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