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: Thank you all for breaking my curse with love!

I can't figure out how to start. I have only slept for more than ten hours in the past three or four days. At this moment, my brain is a bit frozen and my body is a bit disintegrating.

But no matter how painful and tiring, compared to the time when I just found out that my mother was suffering from cancer, it was as if she had fallen into hell, and she could no longer see any hope. At this time, I saw the dawn again. you bring me.

There are so many people I want to thank, I know I can’t thank them at all, and I also know that after many people silently helped me, they didn’t even plan to let me know, and they didn’t even plan to show me their backs.

This also makes me even more at a loss as to how to thank you. To be honest, I really want to kneel down and give everyone a slap. Unfortunately, my knees can’t be bent. Of course, it’s not that I don’t want to bend. It is not bent over ten years.

Let me say thank you first. I know that so many people know me and help me these days. In fact, they are all the great netizens I have never dealt with, as well as those various The web novel-related celebrities on the site have quietly used their influence to help me get these aids.

Without the spread of you guys behind the scenes, my mom would now be stretched out of her hospital deposit, and she probably wouldn't be able to get treatment.

There are also those really kind and enthusiastic friends who are also completely unknown to me, without your impatient and enthusiastic help, I have not been out of the house a few times in more than ten years, and I have not even gotten the health code. I'm afraid I don't even know where to go after stepping on the door frame, let alone the most trivial and troublesome things I'm doing now.

These few days, you have taught me too many common sense things, and also helped me solve too many urgent needs, otherwise I would not be able to do it with water drops alone.

Originally, I shouldn't bother you anymore, but after a few days of tossing and turning, I found that my body is so fragile that a trivial thing that is common to ordinary people, but to me it is a game that will make me suffer. The disaster that the body falls apart at any time, even after three days of injections, it is still somewhat unbearable.

In the past few days, my mental journey has changed a lot because of this.

Four days ago, when I just found out that my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer, I was full of thoughts about how to raise medical expenses for her, so I sent that single chapter for help.

Soon, I got enthusiastic help from everyone. At that time, many people recommended me to go to Shuidichou.

I also went immediately like a drowning person, and the effect was very good. Not long after I registered, I hadn't figured out how to initiate fundraising, so Shuidichou called me first to ask if I needed help.

I thought I had made a mistake at the time, because I listened to the customer service of Waterdrop Fundraiser and got a Waterdrop Fundraiser for me and my mother each.

As a result, some of the fundraising went to me, and my mother's fundraising was diluted by me.

I was very depressed at first, but then I saw that the sum of the two fundraisers was not too small. I thought that the money would go to my account after the withdrawal anyway, so I will give some of the money from these two aids to my mother. Treatment is that, as for the special funds requested by Shuidichou, how can I take care of so much.

Now I have calculated the money, there are hundreds of thousands, and with the help of everyone's direct red envelopes, I have almost raised 200,000.

The money should be enough for my mother for treatment, and I've put aside my worries about money for the time being.

But then the connection to the starting point aid program immediately made me greedy, because I actually started to think about some of my own problems, and I was thinking - if I continue to walk like this for thousands of steps, I can't even stand on my feet. , then I can really take care of my parents?

If there is no aid plan from the starting point, I would not think so much, because middle and advanced cancers require long-term treatment to keep the tumor from deteriorating and control the spread of cancer cells, and Chinese medicine treatment may be required later. This is also a disease that requires money to prolong life. Therefore, I will definitely save this money for my mother's long-term treatment. I have tens of thousands of yuan to buy medicine and try to maintain it as much as possible. Anyway, this is how I have been coming here.

But now I'm starting to think a lot, and I'm thinking: If the starting point's aid plan can be approved... If the amount of this batch of aid can reach 100,000, or even 200,000... Then can I use the funds raised by the Waterdrop Fundraising? , I will this one battle damage arthroplasty one or two?

I know that my joints should be treated by surgery long ago. The earliest periosteum of my left ankle has been worn for nearly 20 years. It is estimated that the bones have worn away. Therefore, when I walk, the pain is extremely painful. If I take hundreds of steps in a row, It would be like a few needles stuck in my bones. The main reason I dropped out of school was this joint injury, and every step I take these days feels like a torture.

But my real killer was my right knee, and since I couldn't bend it more than a decade ago, I couldn't even exercise on my bike, and that's when my bleeding got more frequent.

Later, my right shoulder bleeds repeatedly, which made me unable to lift it up, but it didn't affect me as much as my knee injury, except that I couldn't turn over in sleep, I couldn't lift my hand to hold things, and I could only use one position.

Now the second worst joint injury is my left arm. In the past two years, my left elbow has been bleeding repeatedly. In the end, because I was reluctant to inject factors every time, the sequelae affected the bending and stress, and it seemed that a new bleeding point was formed. Gesanchaiwu go out of one blood.

In addition to being busy with my parents these days, I'm also thinking about really taking on this family. Can I do it in this state?

Even, in this state, can I really take care of myself for a long time?

I know the answer, simply can not do.

I can't even sit on the ground now because after I can't use my left hand, and my right knee can't bend, I can only partially use my left foot and right hand, and I can't even stand up alone.

Originally, I was able to force myself up with my left hand, but now if I sit down on the ground, I may have to call the police and ask the police to help me up. If I don’t call for an ambulance, I’m afraid they will take me away.

So I have to take care of myself and have to replace and operate on the right knee and the new left arm that will affect me the most, especially the hematoma in the left elbow that has not been formed for a long time, and the surgery may not require joint operation now Replacement, as long as the hematoma is removed, it may be possible to restore the bend and force.

If these two joints can be cured, it is best to replace the left ankle, then even if I am not as agile and flexible as ordinary people, at least I can walk for a long time. I can also ride an exercise bike at home. Cooking for my parents and taking my semi-autonomous father out of the nursing home.

I want to have such a future so much, UU reading Many times I would dream that I was riding a bicycle, and then I woke up feeling extremely stiff, a knee completely surrounded by blood clots.

So I thought about it for a long time, but I still have the cheek to ask everyone to help me forward my mother's water drop chips.

In the past few days, my mother and I raised funds through two water droplets, and with the help of everyone's direct red envelopes, the money raised should now be enough for my mother's treatment.

But if I wanted to go see a doctor, it is absolutely not enough.

Now I attach great importance to whether the aid from the starting point can be passed, but I don't know how much aid can be passed in the end.

So I hope that through everyone's forwarding, my mother's water drop fund can get more assistance.

I write to you, I feel more and more blush.

It's like getting help for myself, and it makes me even more embarrassed to think about the people who have already helped me.

So I won't accept donations from friends who have helped me before, especially those who have given me red envelopes, then I will really be ashamed.

Now I just hope that if it is convenient for everyone, you can help my mother's water drop chips to repost.

If I can raise some more treatment fees, if the starting aid can really be approved, then I really have a chance to walk a thousand steps again in one breath, and even have a chance to ride a bicycle again.

Thinking of this, I was blushing and cheeky in the end, and sent out my WeChat and q group, where there is a link to my mother's water drop chips.

I really hope that we can help forward look, on what is best demonstrated on the fundraising page "confirmed cases" authenticity fundraising, content not write too complicated, and dozens of words can simply confirm what fundraising Just be real.

WeChat: JW736205271

q group 1: 208080578

Q group 2: 96039458

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