Big Country Sports

Chapter 409: Is this really an accident?

"Big Country Sports (

On August 5th, Wu Jie officially returned to the UK.

When he got off the plane, the BBC was broadcasting a news that many football fans were concerned about. The first Women’s Football World Cup in 1989 will be held in China. At that time, women’s football teams from 24 countries and regions may compete for a new trophy. The design proposal for this trophy will soon be solicited from all over the world.

Wu Jie knew that this news was released, which means that FIFA has compromised.

The Chinese Football Association should send people to Zurich to receive their first Hercules Cup in the near future.

In the next two years, there will be at least one more Chinese Vice President in FIFA and will get 4 seats out of 36 council members.

The 90 World Cup has long been determined to be held in Italy, but the 94 World Cup is still pending. The candidate countries at the current stage are the United States, France, the Soviet Union, and China. The rest of the countries have already been eliminated. Wu Jie now feels that China is now undoubtedly the 94 World Cup. The most likely candidate.

Of course, the new FIFA will not appear.

At present, domestic fans are still brooding about the finals that exploded into blood vessels. China's failure to receive the medals seems to many people to be a very relieved protest.

But now a month has passed, and everyone’s anger is almost fading. Naturally, they have thoughts about the trophy that symbolizes the king’s teacher. They are also full of expectations for the stars on the new jersey, and even start to look forward to the second star. Up.

However, Wu Jie knew that the negotiation in the middle was by no means smooth sailing. The asking price on China's side was too high, and even so high that FIFA had the mood to set the table.

In addition, time can really dilute everything. It only takes half a month to divert the media from the darkest finals. One month can completely make fans forget these things.

This is also the plan of FIFA. From the beginning, they wanted to drag the hot spot of public opinion to dissipate, and then use the right to host the Women's World Cup to get rid of China.

But a news that broke out at the end of last month suddenly became the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

This really made FIFA very passive, because the Swedish referee who enforced the World Cup finals unexpectedly died after being investigated by FIFA and returned to his home in Stockholm.

On July 26, when Ron Dahl's wife returned home after finishing her hair, she found her husband had a fatal blow in the back.

After three days of full investigation, the local police determined that Ron Dahl committed suicide!

The results of this investigation made the local police themselves a little skeptical, but they did not find any signs of intrusion in the room. Ron Dahl did not show any signs of fighting with others. The knife was his wife except for his own fingerprints. Fingerprints.

Wu Jie said that it was reasonable. This was not a shot in the back. How could it be a homicide if it was shot in the back?

But suspicion belongs to suspicion. What the police deal with is evidence, and all evidence points to suicide!

If this suicide incident with a knife in the back ends in this way, at most it will add some doubts to the dark World Cup final that has been recorded in history.

But the problem is that one of the assistant referees was also found to be strangely dead in his home on August 1.

The place and the way the man threw on the street was even stranger. He died in his own toilet, but he was still hooked around his neck by the wire he used to dry his clothes, and he was strangled to death in his bathtub.

But what is even more bizarre is that after three days of investigation by the local police, they found that the person had committed suicide again!

This result really hurt the police themselves, but they also did not find any signs of intrusion or fighting with others. Even his wife was making cakes in the kitchen downstairs at the time. Just a blink of an eye. Gone.

These two bizarre deaths have made many media smell fishy, ​​because this is too bizarre, right?

If it's just a bizarre death, it can also be explained as an accident, or the person involved is too unlucky. After all, there have been three incidents of being struck by thunder. There is always some outrageous coincidence in this world.

For example, the referee might have accidentally stabbed himself from behind when he was holding a knife to ask God.

And the assistant referee, who accidentally slipped and fell into the bathtub, happened to be caught by the wire he used to dry his clothes, and accidentally knocked down the shower gel when he broke free, and was strangled alive because the bathtub was too slippery. .

But the problem is that there were two bizarre deaths within a week. Both of them happened to be the referees of the finals. In the end they both died during the investigation. Is it really just a coincidence?

The negotiation between the Chinese Football Association and FIFA was at that time a drastic change.

FIFA is also puzzled, because the two bizarre deaths in a row can no longer be explained by coincidence or accident.

I'm afraid that even fools can't fool around, but the problem is that they didn't do such a thing?

Of course, there are also many divisions of power among FIFA's high-level officials. For example, officials in Europe and South America belong to two camps, and they are very at odds with each other.

At this time, the high level of Europe naturally thought that people from South America were stabbing the knife in secret. Although these South American hillbillies took the chairmanship from them, the eight vice-chairmen and 36 council seats are still The European side has an advantage, and this group of South Americans definitely wants to further seize power.

The senior leaders in South America feel that the Europeans are doing the tricks. Now the FIFA chairman is a Brazilian, and the South American football community is eroding the vice chairman and the upper seat of the board. So this must be a conspiracy by the Europeans. Come to entrap them.

However, people on both sides never thought that the Chinese were doing the ghost, because China did not have the ability to go to Europe, especially in Scandinavian countries like Sweden to plan and execute such a perfect murder!

Now many people have turned their eyes to the other three referees. Will they also have similar accidents?

Could this be someone who wants to silence his mouth?

This guess will soon have an answer-

On August 5, the third referee who enforced the World Cup finals, really happened! And still in an exceptionally bizarre way!

This person was hit by a glass falling from a high altitude, but his life was obviously hardened a lot.

But when this accident happened, the attention of the media all over the world was attracted, because no one would naively think that these were just coincidences.

People in Europe and the United States have long felt that these are accidents. The most popular in Western society is all kinds of conspiracy theories.

To say that there is no hidden conspiracy in these accidents, even FIFA people find it impossible, but they all regard the conspirator as their opponent.

After Wu Jie got off the plane, the British media deliberately told him about the three bizarre casualties and asked him what he thought of it.

"Damn, is it here to play Death?"

Of course Wu Jie knew that these were really accidents, and of course they were accidents caused by the system. Strictly speaking, he was the initiator.

But he didn't expect that after raising the card level, these people's doom would come so violently, it really was a little dust that fell on a little man, that was a mountain!

Now two of the five referees have been killed, one is seriously injured in the ICU, and the other two are closely guarded by the police.

But Wu Jie felt that this system really needed to have the same capabilities as "Reaper Is Coming". I am afraid that with 25,000 National Guards and extra-thick bullet-proof glass for protection, it will probably not end well.

After all, it's unlucky, drinking water can choke to death!

"This kind of thing is explained by the Buddhist theory, that is the cycle of cause and effect, and retribution is unhappy! But I think even if they are guilty, they will not be so unexpected because of the unfair enforcement of a game. And the hidden secret of knowledge!"

Wu Jie's answer not only deliberately led theologically, but also muddled the water and made matters worse.

Of course, the talk of ghost power and chaos can only fool the bottom people, or those who especially believe in gods.

The Western media have already been investigating the hidden secrets in this. They believe that the bizarre deaths and injuries of these three people must be some shady behind them, and they must be related to the darkest finals. To put it bluntly, someone will kill people. !

But these media also don't feel that there is anything to do with the Chinese, because it would be beyond the ability of ordinary forces to make such a subtle accident.

These are things that only real mafia and even state organizations like KGB can do.

It is very difficult for the Chinese to do this kind of thing even in Asia, and even less for the Western countries to have this ability.

Besides, there is no need for the Chinese to do this kind of thing!

Even if they were wronged in the World Cup, after all, they have already won the championship. The fact that FIFA is making compensation in disguise is not hidden from the Western media, so no one associates this with China at all.

Wu Jie did not reply more on this matter, but has been following the news of the other two for the next few days.

Sure enough, the fourth person also had an accident on the 8th, the most outrageous is that the accident happened in the police station.

This person's rushing process is really strange. When he was taking the elevator, he was surrounded by four close-protected police officers and a logistics department colleague who was sending police uniforms.

This accidental coincidence happened when the elevator closed, his hair happened to be caught by a hook on the clothes rack.

At this time, the elevator's sensing device was broken again. When this person was eager to escape from the elevator in fright, he was caught by the head of the elevator doorkeeper, so the next scene was very tragic.

This is already the third referee to hang up, and now everyone knows that the perpetrators came for those five referees.

But it can also be seen from the fact that the third person actually died in the police station. The things these people were involved in were probably bigger than expected, and that game was mostly just an introduction.

And the dominant forces behind it are probably equally astonishing. Even the Italian Mafia is unlikely to do such a coincidence in the police station.

"Four police protection, or in the police station, can this also happen?"

"How could this be an accident? It was really caught by the clothes rack so accidentally? It happened that the elevator sensor broke?"

"One person is a coincidence, and are three people a coincidence?"

"There are more than three, and although one is not dead, it is also seriously injured. I guess he will have an accident in the hospital soon!"

"Yes! Since accidents can happen in the police station, let alone in the hospital!"


Wu Jie happened to have a party at home on the 8th and invited his teammates who were about to start training to gather for a while.

But at this party, everyone discussed a series of bizarre deaths in Sweden in the last half month.

However, as we talked, everyone thought of Wu Jie and the Chinese team unconsciously.

"Boss, we all watched the final. Obviously someone didn't want you to win, but I can't believe that you won the game in that extreme situation!"

Lineker is really admiring Wu Jie now. He thinks that any team is so targeted by the referee, it is almost impossible to win, but the Chinese team actually did it.

"Yeah, I thought it was just the referee who was in distress, but from the experience of these referees, it can be seen that the trouble you encountered in that game was definitely far more than just the referee."

Laudrup felt that he saw the second level, but he admired Wu Jie even more because of this. The gold content of the Chinese team's champion may be called the first in history.

"Of course it's not just the referee's target. In fact, we found toxic substances in our food and drinking water before the game, and we have been using the food and drinking water we brought for a few days."

After Wu Jie heard the compliment from his teammates, he immediately threw out another false message that made the water more mixed. The purpose was naturally to let his teammates disclose this information, and then the media could think of more things.

"What? There is such a thing?"

"That's right, I did read similar reports, saying that you banned hotel food and water for a few days. It turned out to be true!?"

"It's too dark. The World Cup we played is actually so dark?!"

"That also means that the world is so dark, and there are many more outrageous things than this, but I can only say that I understand all that I understand, and I can't say more if I don't understand, these things involve too much..."

"I think the Munich air crash is a conspiracy?"

"I think Adolf is still alive!"

"Those Jews want to eliminate more than 50% of the excess population on the planet!"


Seeing this group of teammates talk more and more outrageous, Wu Jie was delighted, what he wanted was this kind of effect!

After this understanding and understanding party ended, Wu Jie swaggered past the gaze of dozens of paparazzi and drove a red sports car whizzing past, heading to the pre-booked hotel to drink milk.

The next day, more media outside Wu Jie's house naturally went all out.

But they not only came to interview Wu Jie, but also wanted to inquire about the alien's opinion, because the only two referees left last night actually took the lunch together.

These two people are not equally bizarre. One of them was originally a catastrophe. After being sent to the ICU, he has escaped the dangerous period and has recovered his sobriety.

After learning from the police that he and the other person were the only remaining survivors, he immediately asked to meet with another person because he had many questions to ask.

This was a coincidence. Another survivor wanted to get some news from him, so accompanied by the police and lawyers, he went to the hospital that had been protected by the police inside and outside for a long time.

But coincidentally, oxygen suddenly leaked from the sealed ward. When another referee walked in the door, he just took out the plug of an instrument, which caused a spark and an explosion. Both were killed!

However, the lawyers and police behind them were all seriously injured and not life-threatening.

This is too coincidental. At this time, the media and police who learned the news couldn't help thinking in the direction of strange power.

If all this is really not artificial, maybe only God has the ability to create such a coincidence, and these five people must have done some heinous things before they are met. Such punishment!

Wu Jie didn't know that his cards were all valid at this time. Now he was holding Isabella, who was inevitably blessed after giving birth. It's no wonder that many ladies choose surrogacy in this era.

Women do have to suffer a lot before and after childbirth. Let alone the long-term suffering before childbirth, the figure will definitely be out of shape after childbirth, and then it will take a period of hard recovery to adjust back.

The most hateful thing is that many industries deliberately create information that women who have given birth to children are more likely to age, in order to profit for their products and services, and indirectly make many women more resistant to having children.

Even if Isabella recovers quickly after giving birth, after all, she is a plump body type. She is a little fatter and her face value does not drop sharply, but she is a little sagging, but she feels different in her hand.

Helena is different. She is a brave and heroic type. If she is white, her face is a little wider, so only by maintaining a very good figure can she ensure her appearance. A little fatter will develop in the direction of the aunt.

Wu Jie now thinks she is a swallow, right?

Isn't this attribute unique to Russian beauties?

Of course Wu Jie didn't want the two of them to become aunts, so they could only choose self-discipline cards for them.

This also sounds painful, but he knows that the killer that has the greatest impact on appearance is "fat". Men and women are no exception. "One fat destroys everything" is not a joke, it can really change the goddess. Mother!

So he must make these two women who are starting to become lazy to move, not only usually exercise more, but also must act as his own role when he is with him in the future.

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